Commit 8ab62b5b by Toby Lawrence

[PERF-351] Account for settings.STATIC_URL in XBlock resource URLs when

rewriting them.

In PERF-341, we adjusted the static_replace middleware to try and
exclude static XBlock resource URLs from being interpreted as the marker
URLs used to signify course assets in course content.  Since they both
started with /static, this could, and did, cause issues where linking
directly to the assets of an XBlock within, say, one of its templates,
would lead to that link being rewritten and ultimately being incorrect.
The fix attempted to see if the link started with the prefix that all
static XBlock resource URLs start, and if so, it returned them

We incorrectly assumed that our testing captured all cases, and since
we're here, we know that this was wrong.  We weren't accounting for cases
when the URLs being generated had the STATIC_URL configuration value
prefixed -- -- and so our direct
check of seeing if such a URL started with "/static/xblock" would always
fail, leading to the erroneous rewriting and nonsensical output.

This fix checks if the link either starts with the prefix OR if it
starts with the STATIC_URL value and contains the prefix overall.  There
is a small overlap between the STATIC_URL and the prefix we check for,
so an inconsistency could arise down the line if we changed our
STATIC_URL to use a difference base directory, but our tests will at
least catch the issue now.
parent 7147a694
......@@ -114,7 +114,11 @@ def process_static_urls(text, replacement_function, data_dir=None):
# Don't rewrite XBlock resource links. Probably wasn't a good idea that /static
# works for actual static assets and for magical course asset URLs....
full_url = prefix + rest
if full_url.startswith(XBLOCK_STATIC_RESOURCE_PREFIX):
starts_with_static_url = full_url.startswith(unicode(settings.STATIC_URL))
starts_with_prefix = full_url.startswith(XBLOCK_STATIC_RESOURCE_PREFIX)
contains_prefix = XBLOCK_STATIC_RESOURCE_PREFIX in full_url
if starts_with_prefix or (starts_with_static_url and contains_prefix):
return original
return replacement_function(original, prefix, quote, rest)
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import ddt
import re
from django.test import override_settings
from django.utils.http import urlquote, urlencode
from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse, parse_qsl
from PIL import Image
......@@ -211,6 +212,22 @@ def test_static_url_with_xblock_resource(mock_modulestore, mock_storage):
assert_equals(post_text, replace_static_urls(pre_text, DATA_DIRECTORY, COURSE_KEY))
@patch('static_replace.staticfiles_storage', autospec=True)
@patch('static_replace.modulestore', autospec=True)
def test_static_url_with_xblock_resource_on_cdn(mock_modulestore, mock_storage):
Make sure that for URLs with XBlock resource URL, which start with /static/,
we don't rewrite them, even if these are served from an absolute URL like a CDN.
mock_storage.exists.return_value = False
mock_modulestore.return_value = Mock(MongoModuleStore)
pre_text = 'EMBED src =""'
post_text = pre_text
assert_equals(post_text, replace_static_urls(pre_text, DATA_DIRECTORY, COURSE_KEY))
class CanonicalContentTest(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
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