Commit 8ab61567 by Alison Hodges

Merge pull request #3970 from edx/ahodges/documentation/DOC502

parents 6ab6b72c feaff4bf
......@@ -3,6 +3,19 @@ Change Log
June, 2014
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 70
:header-rows: 1
* - Date
- Change
* - 06/03/14
- Added :ref:`gradebook` to the :ref:`Grades` section.
May, 2014
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ changes you can make, see the following topics:
* :ref:`Access_grades`
* :ref:`gradebook`
* :ref:`check_student_progress`
* :ref:`Adjust_grades`
......@@ -55,22 +57,36 @@ You establish a grading policy for your course when you create it in Studio. Whi
.. _Access_grades:
Generate Grades for Enrolled Students
Generate Grades for Enrolled Students (All Courses)
When you initiate calculations to grade student work, a process starts on the edX servers. The complexity of your grading configuration and the number of students enrolled in your course affect how long this process takes. You can download the calculated grades in a CSV (comma-separated values) file when the grading process is complete. You cannot view student grades on the Instructor Dashboard.
For any course, you can generate grades and then download a file with the
results for each enrolled student.
When you initiate calculations to grade student work, a process starts on the
edX servers. The complexity of your grading configuration and the number of
students enrolled in your course affect how long this process takes. You can
download a report of the calculated grades in a CSV (comma-separated values)
file when the grading process is complete.
For courses with fewer than 200 students enrolled, you also have the option to
review student grades on the Instructor Dashboard. See :ref:`gradebook`.
To generate grades for the students who are currently enrolled in your course:
To generate the grade report for the students who are currently enrolled in your
#. View the live version of your course.
#. Click **Instructor**, then click **Data Download**.
#. Click **Instructor**, then click **Data Download**.
#. To start the grading process, click **Generate Grade Report**.
A status message indicates that the grading process is in progress. This process can take some time to complete, but you can navigate away from this page and do other work while it runs.
A status message indicates that the grading process is in progress. This
process can take some time to complete, but you can navigate away from this
page and do other work while it runs.
4. To track the progress of the grading process, reload the page in your browser and scroll down to the **Pending Instructor Tasks** section.
4. To track the progress of the grading process, reload the page in your browser
and scroll down to the **Pending Instructor Tasks** section.
Download Grades for Enrolled Students
......@@ -107,7 +123,7 @@ The CSV file contains one row of data for each student, and columns that provide
* Student identifiers, including an internal **id**, **email** address, and **username**.
* **grade**, with the total score a student has currently attained in the course. This value is expressed as a decimal: a student with a grade of 0.65 has earned 65% of the credit in the course, and a student with a grade of 1 has earned 100%.
* The overall **grade**, with the total score a student has currently attained in the course. This value is expressed as a decimal: a student with a grade of 0.65 has earned 65% of the credit in the course, and a student with a grade of 1 has earned 100%.
* Each **{assignment type} {number}** defined in your grading configuration, with the score a student attained for that specific assignment. For example, column HW 03 shows the scores for the third homework assignment.
......@@ -115,6 +131,53 @@ The CSV file contains one row of data for each student, and columns that provide
.. note:: The grade reports do not include information about individual questions within the assignments, or include student answer distributions.
.. _gradebook:
Review Grades for Enrolled Students (Small Courses)
For courses with enrollments of up to 200 students, you can review a gradebook
on the Instructor Dashboard.
#. View the live version of your course.
#. Click **Instructor**, then click **Student Admin**. For courses with fewer
than 200 students enrolled, this tab includes a **Student Gradebook**
#. Click **View Gradebook**. Grades are calculated and the gradebook displays.
.. image:: ../Images/Student_Gradebook.png
:alt: Course gradebook with rows for students and columns for assignment
The gradebook includes the following features.
* You can click the student username in each row to review that student's
**Course Progress** page. See :ref:`check_student_progress`.
* There is a column for each **{assignment type} {number}** defined in your
grading configuration, with the scores your student attained for that specific
The gradebook does not have a scroll bar, but it is draggable: to see columns
that are hidden at one side of the grade book, click the gradebook and then
drag left or right to reveal those columns.
* For assignment types that include more than one assignment, an **{assignment
type} Avg** column displays each student's current average score for that
assignment type.
* The **Total** column presents the total score a student has currently attained
in the course. This value is expressed as a whole number: a student with a
grade of 65 has earned 65% of the credit in the course, and a student with a
grade of 100 has earned 100%.
* To filter the data that displays you can use the **Search students** option.
This option is case-sensitive and limits the rows shown in the gradebook to
usernames that match your entry.
.. _check_student_progress:
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