Commit 8a85d7e3 by Kevin Falcone

Udpate to secure by default

Most things were already escaped, including the json.dumps, and we've
decided not to use dump_html_escaped_json
parent 1b1f3952
<%page expression_filter="h"/>
<% import json %>
<h3>${username | h} > ${course_id | h} > ${location | h}</h3>
<h3>${username} > ${course_id} > ${location}</h3>
% for i, (entry, score) in enumerate(zip(history_entries, scores)):
......@@ -7,7 +8,7 @@
<b>#${len(history_entries) - i}</b>: ${entry.updated} (${TIME_ZONE} time)</br>
Score: ${score.grade} / ${score.max_grade}
${json.dumps(entry.state, indent=2, sort_keys=True) | h}
${json.dumps(entry.state, indent=2, sort_keys=True)}
% endfor
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