Commit 89da47a1 by Valera Rozuvan

Merge pull request #138 from edx/valera/bugfix_firefox_videoalpha_speed_1

force-refresh youtube iframe when changing speeds back to 1.0 in firefox
parents 2568a9b8 754be2ca
......@@ -66,7 +66,16 @@ class @VideoPlayerAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
if @video.end
# work in AS3, not HMLT5. but iframe use AS3
@playerVars.end = @video.end
# There is a bug which prevents YouTube API to correctly set the speed to 1.0 from another speed
# in Firefox when in HTML5 mode. There is a fix which basically reloads the video at speed 1.0
# when this change is requested (instead of simply requesting a speed change to 1.0). This has to
# be done only when the video is being watched in Firefox. We need to figure out what browser is
# currently executing this code.
@video.isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1
if @video.videoType is 'html5'
@video.playerType = 'browser'
@player = new HTML5Video.Player @video.el,
playerVars: @playerVars,
videoSources: @video.html5Sources,
......@@ -79,6 +88,7 @@ class @VideoPlayerAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
youTubeId = @video.videos['1.0']
youTubeId = @video.youtubeId()
@video.playerType = 'youtube'
@player = new YT.Player,
playerVars: @playerVars
videoId: youTubeId
......@@ -235,13 +245,18 @@ class @VideoPlayerAlpha extends SubviewAlpha
if @video.videoType is 'youtube'
if @video.show_captions is true
@caption.currentSpeed = newSpeed
if @video.videoType is 'html5'
@player.setPlaybackRate newSpeed
else if @video.videoType is 'youtube'
# We request the reloading of the video in the case when YouTube is in Flash player mode,
# or when we are in Firefox, and the new speed is 1.0. The second case is necessary to
# avoid the bug where in Firefox speed switching to 1.0 in HTML5 player mode is handled
# incorrectly by YouTube API.
if (@video.videoType is 'youtube') or ((@video.isFirefox) and (@video.playerType is 'youtube') and (newSpeed is '1.0'))
if @isPlaying()
@player.loadVideoById(@video.youtubeId(), @currentTime)
@player.cueVideoById(@video.youtubeId(), @currentTime)
else if @video.videoType is 'html5'
@player.setPlaybackRate newSpeed
if @video.videoType is 'youtube'
@updatePlayTime @currentTime
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