Commit 8944cecd by Kyle Fiedler

Merged with kf-sequence-nav

parents df15b6bd 0600de35
......@@ -38,12 +38,25 @@
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......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ nav.sequence-nav {
ol {
display: table-row;
float: left;
width: flex-grid(7.5,9) + flex-gutter();
width: flex-grid(8,9) + flex-gutter();
position: relative;
a {
......@@ -157,49 +157,131 @@ nav.sequence-nav {
ul {
float: right;
margin-right: 1px;
width: flex-grid(1.5, 9);
width: flex-grid(1, 9);
display: table-row;
li {
display: table-cell;
&.prev, &.next {
// color: darken(#F6EFD4, 80%);
// letter-spacing: 1px;
// text-transform: uppercase;
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background-color: darken(#F6EFD4, 5%);
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
border-left: 1px solid darken(#f6efd4, 20%);
cursor: pointer;
display: table-cell;
padding: 0 4px;
text-indent: -9999px;
width: 82px;
&:hover {
text-decoration: none;
color: darken(#F6EFD4, 60%);
text-decoration: none;
background-color: none;
a {
// color: darken(#F6EFD4, 80%);
// letter-spacing: 1px;
// text-transform: uppercase;
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cursor: pointer;
padding: 0 4px;
text-indent: -9999px;
width: 38px;
display: block;
&:hover {
text-decoration: none;
color: darken(#F6EFD4, 60%);
text-decoration: none;
background-color: none;
&.disabled {
cursor: normal;
opacity: .4;
&.prev {
&.prev {
a {
background-image: url('/static/images/sequence-nav/previous-icon.png');
&:hover {
background-color: none;
&.next {
&.next {
a {
background-image: url('/static/images/sequence-nav/next-icon.png');
&:hover {
background-color: none;
section.course-content {
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margin-bottom: -(lh());
ul {
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width: 106px;
background-color: darken(#F6EFD4, 5%);
@include box-shadow(inset 0 0 0 1px lighten(#f6efd4, 5%));
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a {
background-position: center center;
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padding: lh(.75) 4px;
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width: 45px;
display: block;
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color: darken(#F6EFD4, 60%);
text-decoration: none;
opacity: .5;
background-color: darken(#F6EFD4, 10%);
&.disabled {
opacity: .4;
background-color: lighten(#F6EFD4, 10%);
&.prev {
a {
background-image: url('/static/images/sequence-nav/previous-icon.png');
&:hover {
background-color: none;
&.next {
a {
background-image: url('/static/images/sequence-nav/next-icon.png');
&:hover {
background-color: none;
......@@ -26,22 +26,69 @@ footer {
ul {
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li {
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margin-right: 20px;
ul {
float: left;
a {
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li {
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color: #000;
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top: -5px;
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content: none;
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&.linkedin a {
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......@@ -6,10 +6,17 @@
<li id="${ id }prev" class="prev">Previous</li>
<li id="${ id }next" class="next">Next</li>
<li class="${ id }prev prev"><a href="#">Previous</a></li>
<li class="${ id }next next"><a href="#">Next</a></li>
<div id="seq_content"></div>
<nav class="sequence-bottom">
<li class="${ id }prev prev"><a href="#">Previous</a></li>
<li class="${ id }next next"><a href="#">Next</a></li>
......@@ -29,26 +29,49 @@ var ${ id }destroy_functions=["",
var ${ id }loc = -1;
function disablePrev() {
var i=${ id }loc-1;
log_event("seq_prev", {'old':${id}loc, 'new':i,'id':'${id}'});
if (i < 1 ) {
$('.${ id }prev a').addClass('disabled');
} else {
$('.${ id }prev a').removeClass('disabled');
function disableNext() {
var i=${ id }loc+1;
log_event("seq_next", {'old':${id}loc, 'new':i,'id':'${id}'});
if(i > ${ len(items) } ) {
$('.${ id }next a').addClass('disabled');
} else {
$('.${ id }next a').removeClass('disabled');
function ${ id }goto(i) {
log_event("seq_goto", {'old':${id}loc, 'new':i,'id':'${id}'});
postJSON('/modx/sequential/${ id }/goto_position',
{'position' : i });
if (${ id }loc!=-1)
${ id }destroy_functions[ ${ id }loc ]();
$('#seq_content').html(${ id }contents[i]);
${ id }init_functions[i]()
//$('#tt_'+${ id }loc).attr("style", "background-color:gray");
$('#tt_'+${ id }loc).removeClass();
$('#tt_'+${ id }loc).addClass("seq_"+${ id }types[${ id }loc]+"_visited");
${ id }loc=i;
//$('#tt_'+i).attr("style", "background-color:red");
$('#tt_'+i).addClass("seq_"+${ id }types[${ id }loc]+"_active");
log_event("seq_goto", {'old':${id}loc, 'new':i,'id':'${id}'});
postJSON('/modx/sequential/${ id }/goto_position',
{'position' : i });
if (${ id }loc!=-1)
${ id }destroy_functions[ ${ id }loc ]();
$('#seq_content').html(${ id }contents[i]);
${ id }init_functions[i]()
//$('#tt_'+${ id }loc).attr("style", "background-color:gray");
$('#tt_'+${ id }loc).removeClass();
$('#tt_'+${ id }loc).addClass("seq_"+${ id }types[${ id }loc]+"_visited");
${ id }loc=i;
//$('#tt_'+i).attr("style", "background-color:red");
$('#tt_'+i).addClass("seq_"+${ id }types[${ id }loc]+"_active");
function ${ id }setup_click(i) {
......@@ -61,23 +84,35 @@ function ${ id }setup_click(i) {
function ${ id }next() {
var i=${ id }loc+1;
log_event("seq_next", {'old':${id}loc, 'new':i,'id':'${id}'});
if(i > ${ len(items) } ) i = ${ len(items) };
if(i > ${ len(items) } ) {
i = ${ len(items) };
} else {
${ id }goto(i);
function ${ id }prev() {
var i=${ id }loc-1;
log_event("seq_prev", {'old':${id}loc, 'new':i,'id':'${id}'});
if (i < 1 ) i = 1;
if (i < 1 ) {
i = 1;
} else {
${ id }goto(i);
$(function() {
var i;
for(i=1; i<${ len(items)+1 }; i++) {
${ id }setup_click(i);
$('#${ id }next').click(function(eo) { ${ id }next();});
$('#${ id }prev').click(function(eo) { ${ id }prev();});
${ id }goto( ${ position } );
var i;
for(i=1; i<${ len(items)+1 }; i++) {
${ id }setup_click(i);
$('.${ id }next a').click(function(eo) { ${ id }next(); return false;});
$('.${ id }prev a').click(function(eo) { ${ id }prev(); return false;});
${ id }goto( ${ position } );
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