Commit 88b338f3 by Calen Pennington

Python leaks variables from list comprehensions (Why, Python, why?) which breaks…

Python leaks variables from list comprehensions (Why, Python, why?) which breaks any later attempts to use the path module
parent 2af0dd34
......@@ -287,11 +287,11 @@ PIPELINE_CSS = {
'application': {
'source_filenames': [path.replace('static/', '') for path in glob2.glob('static/coffee/src/**/*.coffee')],
'source_filenames': [pth.replace('static/', '') for pth in glob2.glob('static/coffee/src/**/*.coffee')],
'output_filename': 'js/application.js'
'spec': {
'source_filenames': [path.replace('static/', '') for path in glob2.glob('static/coffee/spec/**/*.coffee')],
'source_filenames': [pth.replace('static/', '') for pth in glob2.glob('static/coffee/spec/**/*.coffee')],
'output_filename': 'js/spec.js'
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