Commit 88690dab by zubiar-arbi

resolve conflict on rebase

parent d7b63da6
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import string # pylint: disable=W0402
import re
import bson
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django_future.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie
......@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ from xmodule.html_module import AboutDescriptor
from xmodule.modulestore.locator import BlockUsageLocator
from course_creators.views import get_course_creator_status, add_user_with_status_unrequested
from contentstore import utils
from student.roles import CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole, CourseCreatorRole
from student.roles import CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole, CourseCreatorRole, GlobalStaff
from student import auth
from microsite_configuration.middleware import MicrositeConfiguration
......@@ -156,11 +157,9 @@ def _xmodule_json(xmodule, course_id):
return result
def course_listing(request):
def _accessible_courses_list(request):
List all courses available to the logged in user
List all courses available to the logged in user by iterating through all the courses
courses = modulestore('direct').get_courses()
......@@ -177,6 +176,89 @@ def course_listing(request):
and course.location.course != ''
and != '')
courses = filter(course_filter, courses)
return courses
def _accessible_courses_list_from_groups(request):
List all courses available to the logged in user by reversing access group names
courses_list = []
course_id_list = []
user_staff_group_names = request.user.groups.filter(Q(name__startswith='instructor_') | Q(name__startswith='staff_')).values_list('name', flat=True)
# first try to get new and unique group names (course_id's) before querying database
for user_staff_group_name in user_staff_group_names:
# to avoid duplication try to convert all course_id's to new format e.g. ""
course_id = re.sub(r'^(instructor_|staff_)', '', user_staff_group_name).replace('/', '.')
if len(course_id.split('.')) == 3:
if course_id not in course_id_list:
# old group format: course number only e.g. "course"
# not preferable (so return)
# Note: We can try to get course with only course number if there is exactly
# one course with this course number
return (False, courses_list)
for course_id in course_id_list:
# new group format: id of course e.g. ""
org, course, name = course_id.split('.')
course_location = Location('i4x', org, course, 'course', name)
course = modulestore('direct').get_item(course_location)
except ItemNotFoundError:
course = None
if not course:
# since access groups are being stored in lowercase, also do a case-insensitive search
# for the potential course id.
course_search_location = bson.son.SON({
'_id.tag': 'i4x',
# pylint: disable=no-member
'': re.compile(u'^{}$'.format(, re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE),
# pylint: disable=no-member
'_id.course': re.compile(u'^{}$'.format(course_location.course), re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE),
'_id.category': 'course',
# pylint: disable=no-member
'': re.compile(u'^{}$'.format(, re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE)
courses = modulestore().collection.find(course_search_location, fields=('_id'))
if courses.count() == 1:
course_id = courses[0].get('_id')
course_location = Location('i4x', course_id.get('org'), course_id.get('course'), 'course', course_id.get('name'))
course = modulestore('direct').get_item(course_location)
except ItemNotFoundError:
return (False, courses_list)
return (False, courses_list)
return (True, courses_list)
def course_listing(request):
List all courses available to the logged in user
Try to get all courses by first reversing django groups and fallback to old method if it fails
Note: overhead of pymongo reads will increase if getting courses from django groups fails
if GlobalStaff().has_user(request.user):
# user has global access so no need to get courses from django groups
courses = _accessible_courses_list(request)
success, courses_from_groups = _accessible_courses_list_from_groups(request)
if success:
courses = courses_from_groups
# user have some old groups or there was some error getting courses from django groups
# so fallback to iterating through all courses
courses = _accessible_courses_list(request)
def format_course_for_view(course):
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