Commit 877c9faf by Troy Sankey

teams management commands cleanup for django 1.11

parent b07402e7
""" Management command to update course_teams' search index. """
from optparse import make_option
Management command to update course_teams' search index.
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from textwrap import dedent
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from lms.djangoapps.teams.models import CourseTeam
class Command(BaseCommand):
Command to reindex course_teams (single, multiple or all available).
./ reindex_course_team team1 team2 - reindexes course teams with team_ids team1 and team2
./ reindex_course_team --all - reindexes all available course teams
Reindex course_teams (single, multiple or all available).
help = dedent(__doc__)
can_import_settings = True
args = "<course_team_id course_team_id ...>"
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
help='Reindex all course teams'
def add_arguments(self, parser):
# Mutually exclusive groups do not work here because nargs=* arguments
# are "required", but required args are not allowed to be part of a
# mutually exclusive group.
help='reindex all course teams (do not specify any course teams)')
help='a specific course team to reindex')
def _get_course_team(self, team_id):
""" Returns course_team object from team_id. """
Returns course_team object from team_id.
result = CourseTeam.objects.get(team_id=team_id)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
raise CommandError(u"Argument {0} is not a course_team team_id".format(team_id))
raise CommandError('Argument {} is not a course_team team_id'.format(team_id))
return result
......@@ -52,16 +49,21 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
# happen anywhere else that I can't figure out how to avoid it :(
from ...search_indexes import CourseTeamIndexer
if len(args) == 0 and not options.get('all', False):
raise CommandError(u"reindex_course_team requires one or more arguments: <course_team_id>")
elif not settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_TEAMS', False):
raise CommandError(u"ENABLE_TEAMS must be enabled to use course team indexing")
if options['all']:
if len(options['course_team_ids']) > 0:
raise CommandError('Course teams cannot be specified when --all is also specified')
if len(options['course_team_ids']) == 0:
raise CommandError('At least one course_team_id or --all needs to be specified')
if not settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_TEAMS', False):
raise CommandError('ENABLE_TEAMS must be enabled to use course team indexing')
if options.get('all', False):
if options['all']:
course_teams = CourseTeam.objects.all()
course_teams = map(self._get_course_team, args)
course_teams = map(self._get_course_team, options['course_team_ids'])
for course_team in course_teams:
print "Indexing {id}".format(id=course_team.team_id)
print('Indexing {}'.format(course_team.team_id))
""" Tests for course_team reindex command """
Tests for course_team reindex command
import ddt
from import CommandError, call_command
......@@ -16,7 +18,9 @@ COURSE_KEY1 = CourseKey.from_string('edx/history/1')
class ReindexCourseTeamTest(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
"""Tests for the ReindexCourseTeam command"""
Tests for the ReindexCourseTeam command
def setUp(self):
......@@ -31,33 +35,50 @@ class ReindexCourseTeamTest(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
self.search_engine = SearchEngine.get_search_engine(index='index_course_team')
def test_given_no_arguments_raises_command_error(self):
""" Test that raises CommandError for incorrect arguments. """
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandError, ".* requires one or more arguments.*"):
Test that raises CommandError for incorrect arguments.
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandError, '.*At least one course_team_id or --all needs to be specified.*'):
def test_given_conflicting_arguments_raises_command_error(self):
Test that raises CommandError for incorrect arguments.
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandError, '.*Course teams cannot be specified when --all is also specified.*'):
call_command('reindex_course_team', self.team1.team_id, all=True)
@patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ENABLE_TEAMS': False})
def test_teams_search_flag_disabled_raises_command_error(self):
""" Test that raises CommandError for disabled feature flag. """
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandError, ".*ENABLE_TEAMS must be enabled.*"):
Test that raises CommandError for disabled feature flag.
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandError, '.*ENABLE_TEAMS must be enabled.*'):
call_command('reindex_course_team', self.team1.team_id)
def test_given_invalid_team_id_raises_command_error(self):
""" Test that raises CommandError for invalid team id. """
Test that raises CommandError for invalid team id.
team_id = u'team4'
error_str = 'Argument {0} is not a course_team team_id'.format(team_id)
error_str = 'Argument {} is not a course_team team_id'.format(team_id)
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandError, error_str):
call_command('reindex_course_team', team_id)
@patch.object(CourseTeamIndexer, 'index')
def test_single_team_id(self, mock_index):
""" Test that command indexes a single passed team. """
Test that command indexes a single passed team.
call_command('reindex_course_team', self.team1.team_id)
@patch.object(CourseTeamIndexer, 'index')
def test_multiple_team_id(self, mock_index):
""" Test that command indexes multiple passed teams. """
Test that command indexes multiple passed teams.
call_command('reindex_course_team', self.team1.team_id, self.team2.team_id)
......@@ -65,7 +86,9 @@ class ReindexCourseTeamTest(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
@patch.object(CourseTeamIndexer, 'index')
def test_all_teams(self, mock_index):
""" Test that command indexes all teams. """
Test that command indexes all teams.
call_command('reindex_course_team', all=True)
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