Commit 87747282 by Muddasser

Base url for help links is changed

parent 9aee0933
......@@ -379,19 +379,6 @@ def auto_auth(browser, username, email, staff, course_id):
AutoAuthPage(browser, username=username, email=email, course_id=course_id, staff=staff).visit()
def get_url_with_changed_domain(url):
Replaces .org with .io in the url
url (str): The url to perform replace operation on.
str: The updated url
return url.replace('.org/', '.io/')
def assert_link(test, expected_link, actual_link):
Assert that 'href' and text inside help DOM element are correct.
......@@ -414,10 +401,7 @@ def assert_opened_help_link_is_correct(test, url):
# Assert that url in the browser is the same.
# Please note that .org domain in href attribute of help anchor DOM element
# is changed into .io domain. This is because browser is redirected from .org
# domain to .io domain.
test.assertEqual(get_url_with_changed_domain(url), test.browser.current_url)
test.assertEqual(url, test.browser.current_url)
test.assertNotIn('Maze Found', test.browser.title)
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