Commit 86f4806e by Eric Fischer

Updating documentation for team_membership endpoint

Recent changes to the team_membership API endpoint added the
course_id optional parameter, but the in-code documentation
was never updated to reflect this. The wiki documentation at is OK.

parent a361191e
......@@ -734,6 +734,10 @@ class MembershipListView(ExpandableFieldViewMixin, GenericAPIView):
specified team. The requesting user must be staff or enrolled in
the course associated with the team.
* course_id: Returns membership records only for the specified
course. Username must have access to this course, or else team_id
must be in this course.
* page_size: Number of results to return per page.
* page: Page number to retrieve.
......@@ -781,6 +785,8 @@ class MembershipListView(ExpandableFieldViewMixin, GenericAPIView):
If team_id is provided but the team does not exist, a 404 error is
If the specified course_id is invalid, a 404 error is returned.
This endpoint uses 404 error codes to avoid leaking information
about team or user existence. Specifically, a 404 error will be
returned if a logged in user specifies a team_id for a course
......@@ -790,6 +796,13 @@ class MembershipListView(ExpandableFieldViewMixin, GenericAPIView):
memberships will be filtered to memberships in teams associated
with courses that the requesting user is enrolled in.
If the course specified by course_id does not contain the team
specified by team_id, a 400 error is returned.
If the user is not enrolled in the course specified by course_id,
and does not have staff access to the course, a 400 error is
**Response Values for POST**
Any logged in user enrolled in a course can enroll themselves in a
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