Commit 86217379 by David Ormsbee

Merge pull request #700 from MITx/kimth/H1P1-debug

Reset CapaProblem when state HTML is corrupt
parents f1349eea 7682663e
import cgi
import datetime
import dateutil
import dateutil.parser
......@@ -131,17 +132,17 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
self.weight = None
if self.rerandomize == 'never':
seed = 1
self.seed = 1
elif self.rerandomize == "per_student" and hasattr(self.system, 'id'):
seed =
self.seed =
seed = None
self.seed = None
# TODO (vshnayder): move as much as possible of this work and error
# checking to descriptor load time
self.lcp = LoncapaProblem(self.definition['data'], self.location.html_id(),
instance_state, seed=seed, system=self.system)
instance_state, seed=self.seed, system=self.system)
except Exception as err:
msg = 'cannot create LoncapaProblem {loc}: {err}'.format(
loc=self.location.url(), err=err)
......@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
(self.location.url(), msg))
self.lcp = LoncapaProblem(
problem_text, self.location.html_id(),
instance_state, seed=seed, system=self.system)
instance_state, seed=self.seed, system=self.system)
# add extra info and raise
raise Exception(msg), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
......@@ -220,9 +221,10 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
html = self.lcp.get_html()
except Exception, err:
# TODO (vshnayder): another switch on DEBUG.
if self.system.DEBUG:
msg = (
'[courseware.capa.capa_module] <font size="+1" color="red">'
'Failed to generate HTML for problem %s</font>' %
......@@ -231,7 +233,47 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
msg += '<p><pre>%s</pre></p>' % traceback.format_exc().replace('<', '&lt;')
html = msg
# We're in non-debug mode, and possibly even in production. We want
# to avoid bricking of problem as much as possible
# Presumably, student submission has corrupted LoncapaProblem HTML.
# First, pull down all student answers
student_answers = self.lcp.student_answers
answer_ids = student_answers.keys()
# Some inputtypes, such as dynamath, have additional "hidden" state that
# is not exposed to the student. Keep those hidden
# TODO: Use regex, e.g. 'dynamath' is suffix at end of answer_id
hidden_state_keywords = ['dynamath']
for answer_id in answer_ids:
for hidden_state_keyword in hidden_state_keywords:
if answer_id.find(hidden_state_keyword) >= 0:
# Next, generate a fresh LoncapaProblem
self.lcp = LoncapaProblem(self.definition['data'], self.location.html_id(),
state=None, # Tabula rasa
seed=self.seed, system=self.system)
# Prepend a scary warning to the student
warning = '<div class="capa_reset">'\
'<h2>Warning: The problem has been reset to its initial state!</h2>'\
'The problem\'s state was corrupted by an invalid submission. ' \
'The submission consisted of:'\
for student_answer in student_answers.values():
if student_answer != '':
warning += '<li>' + cgi.escape(student_answer) + '</li>'
warning += '</ul>'\
'If this error persists, please contact the course staff.'\
html = warning
html += self.lcp.get_html()
except Exception, err: # Couldn't do it. Give up
content = {'name': self.display_name,
'html': html,
......@@ -465,6 +465,22 @@ section.problem {
margin-top: 10px;
div.capa_reset {
padding: 25px;
border: 1px solid $error-red;
background-color: lighten($error-red, 25%);
border-radius: 3px;
font-size: 1em;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.capa_reset>h2 {
color: #AA0000;
.capa_reset li {
font-size: 0.9em;
.hints {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
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