Commit 855d4101 by Jesse Zoldak

Update the Python version

Other small changes:
* output the list of installed python packages
* tee the pylint output to the console so the build doesn't timeout when computing violations
parent d23b021d
version: 2.7.3
version: 2.7.10
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ dependencies:
# cache the virtualenv at that state, so that
# the next build will not need to install them
# from scratch again.
- pip install --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/pre.txt
- pip install --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/pre.txt
- pip install --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/github.txt
- pip install --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/local.txt
......@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ dependencies:
- pip install coveralls==1.0
# Output the installed python packages to the console to help
# with troubleshooting any issues with python requirements.
- pip freeze
# Run tests for the system.
......@@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ else
paver run_pep8 > pep8.log || { cat pep8.log; EXIT=1; }
echo "Finding pylint violations and storing in report..."
paver run_pylint -l $PYLINT_THRESHOLD > pylint.log || { cat pylint.log; EXIT=1; }
# HACK: we need to print something to the console, otherwise circleci
# fails and aborts the job because nothing is displayed for > 10 minutes.
paver run_pylint -l $PYLINT_THRESHOLD | tee pylint.log || EXIT=1
mkdir -p reports
echo "Finding jshint violations and storing report..."
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