Commit 854a564a by Will Daly

Fixed navigation acceptance test

Disable jquery animations to fix LMS navigation acceptance test.
parent 475cf077
......@@ -560,3 +560,17 @@ def retry_on_exception(func, max_attempts=5, ignored_exceptions=StaleElementRefe
attempt += 1
assert_true(attempt < max_attempts, 'Ran out of attempts to execute {}'.format(func))
def disable_jquery_animations():
Disable JQuery animations on the page. Any state changes
will occur immediately to the final state.
# Ensure that jquery is loaded
# Disable jQuery animations
world.browser.execute_script(" = true;")
......@@ -4,12 +4,10 @@ Feature: LMS.Navigate Course
In order to access courseware
I want to be able to navigate through the content
# Disabled 10/21
# Fails intermittently to click the link to the section
#Scenario: I can navigate to a section
# Given I am viewing a course with multiple sections
# When I navigate to a section
# Then I see the content of the section
Scenario: I can navigate to a section
Given I am viewing a course with multiple sections
When I navigate to a section
Then I see the content of the section
Scenario: I can navigate to subsections
Given I am viewing a section with multiple subsections
......@@ -22,11 +20,9 @@ Feature: LMS.Navigate Course
Then I see the content of the sequence item
And a "seq_goto" browser event is emitted
# Disabled 10/21
# Fails intermittently to click the link to the section
#Scenario: I can return to the last section I visited
# Given I am viewing a course with multiple sections
# When I navigate to a section
# And I see the content of the section
# And I return to the courseware
# Then I see that I was most recently in the subsection
Scenario: I can return to the last section I visited
Given I am viewing a course with multiple sections
When I navigate to a section
And I see the content of the section
And I return to the courseware
Then I see that I was most recently in the subsection
......@@ -88,6 +88,9 @@ def view_course_multiple_sequences(step):
@step(u'I navigate to a section')
def when_i_navigate_to_a_section(step):
# Prevent jQuery menu animations from interferring with the clicks
# Open the 2nd section
world.css_click(css_selector='div.chapter', index=1)
subsection_css = 'a[href*="Test_Subsection_2/"]'
......@@ -176,6 +179,9 @@ def wait_for_problem(display_name):
Wait for the problem with `display_name` to appear on the page.
# Wait for the problem to reload
wait_func = lambda _: world.css_has_text(
'h2.problem-header', display_name, strip=True
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