Commit 84f05f9f by Victor Shnayder

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into feature/alex/poll-merged

parents 8b0c30e6 c1846134
......@@ -265,7 +265,33 @@ class ContentStoreToyCourseTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# note, we know the link it should be because that's what in the 'full' course in the test data
self.assertContains(resp, '/c4x/edX/full/asset/handouts_schematic_tutorial.pdf')
def test_export_course_with_unknown_metadata(self):
ms = modulestore('direct')
cs = contentstore()
import_from_xml(ms, 'common/test/data/', ['full'])
location = CourseDescriptor.id_to_location('edX/full/6.002_Spring_2012')
root_dir = path(mkdtemp_clean())
course = ms.get_item(location)
# add a bool piece of unknown metadata so we can verify we don't throw an exception
course.metadata['new_metadata'] = True
ms.update_metadata(location, course.metadata)
print 'Exporting to tempdir = {0}'.format(root_dir)
# export out to a tempdir
bExported = False
export_to_xml(ms, cs, location, root_dir, 'test_export')
bExported = True
except Exception:
class ContentStoreTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
......@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ This config file runs the simplest dev environment"""
from .common import *
from logsettings import get_logger_config
import logging
import sys
DEBUG = True
LOGGING = get_logger_config(ENV_ROOT / "log",
......@@ -107,3 +104,36 @@ CACHE_TIMEOUT = 0
# Dummy secret key for dev
SECRET_KEY = '85920908f28904ed733fe576320db18cabd7b6cd'
################################ DEBUG TOOLBAR #################################
INSTALLED_APPS += ('debug_toolbar', 'debug_toolbar_mongo')
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += ('django_comment_client.utils.QueryCountDebugMiddleware',
# This is breaking Mongo updates-- Christina is investigating.
# 'debug_toolbar_mongo.panel.MongoDebugPanel',
# Enabling the profiler has a weird bug as of django-debug-toolbar==0.9.4 and
# Django=1.3.1/1.4 where requests to views get duplicated (your method gets
# hit twice). So you can uncomment when you need to diagnose performance
# problems, but you shouldn't leave it on.
# 'debug_toolbar.panels.profiling.ProfilingDebugPanel',
# To see stacktraces for MongoDB queries, set this to True.
# Stacktraces slow down page loads drastically (for pages with lots of queries).
......@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ CMS.Views.Settings.Advanced = CMS.Views.ValidatingView.extend({
// because these are outside of this.$el, they can't be in the event hash
$('.save-button').on('click', this, this.saveView);
$('.cancel-button').on('click', this, this.revertView);
this.model.on('error', this.handleValidationError, this);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'error', CMS.ServerError);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'invalid', this.handleValidationError);
render: function() {
// catch potential outside call before template loaded
......@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ CMS.Views.Settings.Details = CMS.Views.ValidatingView.extend({
var dateIntrospect = new Date();
this.$el.find('#timezone').html("(" + dateIntrospect.getTimezone() + ")");
this.model.on('error', this.handleValidationError, this);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'error', CMS.ServerError);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'invalid', this.handleValidationError);
this.selectorToField = _.invert(this.fieldToSelectorMap);
......@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ CMS.Views.Settings.Grading = CMS.Views.ValidatingView.extend({
this.model.on('error', this.handleValidationError, this);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'error', CMS.ServerError);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'invalid', this.handleValidationError);
this.model.get('graders').on('remove', this.render, this);
this.model.get('graders').on('reset', this.render, this);
this.model.get('graders').on('add', this.render, this);
......@@ -316,7 +317,8 @@ CMS.Views.Settings.GraderView = CMS.Views.ValidatingView.extend({
'blur :input' : "inputUnfocus"
initialize : function() {
this.model.on('error', this.handleValidationError, this);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'error', CMS.ServerError);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'invalid', this.handleValidationError);
this.selectorToField = _.invert(this.fieldToSelectorMap);
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ CMS.Views.ValidatingView = Backbone.View.extend({
// decorates the fields. Needs wiring per class, but this initialization shows how
// either have your init call this one or copy the contents
initialize : function() {
this.model.on('error', this.handleValidationError, this);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'error', CMS.ServerError);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'invalid', this.handleValidationError);
this.selectorToField = _.invert(this.fieldToSelectorMap);
......@@ -18,20 +19,11 @@ CMS.Views.ValidatingView = Backbone.View.extend({
// which may be the subjects of validation errors
_cacheValidationErrors : [],
handleValidationError : function(model, error) {
// error triggered either by validation or server error
// error is object w/ fields and error strings
for (var field in error) {
var ele = this.$el.find('#' + this.fieldToSelectorMap[field]);
if (ele.length === 0) {
// check if it might a server error: note a typo in the field name
// or failure to put in a map may cause this to muffle validation errors
if (_.has(error, 'error') && _.has(error, 'responseText')) {
CMS.ServerError(model, error);
else continue;
if ($(ele).is('div')) {
// put error on the contained inputs
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<td class="embed-col">
<input type="text" class="embeddable-xml-input" value='{{url}}' disabled>
<input type="text" class="embeddable-xml-input" value='{{url}}' readonly>
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
<td class="embed-col">
<input type="text" class="embeddable-xml-input" value="${asset['url']}" disabled>
<input type="text" class="embeddable-xml-input" value="${asset['url']}" readonly>
% endfor
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
<div class="embeddable">
<input type="text" class="embeddable-xml-input" value='' disabled>
<input type="text" class="embeddable-xml-input" value='' readonly>
<form class="file-chooser" action="${upload_asset_callback_url}"
method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
......@@ -84,12 +84,19 @@ def replace_static_urls(text, data_directory, course_namespace=None):
if rest.endswith('?raw'):
return original
# course_namespace is not None, then use studio style urls
if course_namespace is not None and not isinstance(modulestore(), XMLModuleStore):
url = StaticContent.convert_legacy_static_url(rest, course_namespace)
# In debug mode, if we can find the url as is,
elif settings.DEBUG and finders.find(rest, True):
if settings.DEBUG and finders.find(rest, True):
return original
# if we're running with a MongoBacked store course_namespace is not None, then use studio style urls
elif course_namespace is not None and not isinstance(modulestore(), XMLModuleStore):
# first look in the static file pipeline and see if we are trying to reference
# a piece of static content which is in the mitx repo (e.g. JS associated with an xmodule)
if staticfiles_storage.exists(rest):
url = staticfiles_storage.url(rest)
# if not, then assume it's courseware specific content and then look in the
# Mongo-backed database
url = StaticContent.convert_legacy_static_url(rest, course_namespace)
# Otherwise, look the file up in staticfiles_storage, and append the data directory if needed
course_path = "/".join((data_directory, rest))
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import sys
from lxml import etree
from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape
from copy import deepcopy
import chem
import chem.chemcalc
......@@ -148,6 +149,13 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
if not self.student_answers: # True when student_answers is an empty dict
# dictionary of InputType objects associated with this problem
# input_id string -> InputType object
self.inputs = {}
self.extracted_tree = self._extract_html(self.tree)
def do_reset(self):
Reset internal state to unfinished, with no answers
......@@ -326,7 +334,27 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
Main method called externally to get the HTML to be rendered for this capa Problem.
return contextualize_text(etree.tostring(self._extract_html(self.tree)), self.context)
html = contextualize_text(etree.tostring(self._extract_html(self.tree)), self.context)
return html
def handle_input_ajax(self, get):
InputTypes can support specialized AJAX calls. Find the correct input and pass along the correct data
Also, parse out the dispatch from the get so that it can be passed onto the input type nicely
# pull out the id
input_id = get['input_id']
if self.inputs[input_id]:
dispatch = get['dispatch']
return self.inputs[input_id].handle_ajax(dispatch, get)
log.warning("Could not find matching input for id: %s" % problem_id)
return {}
# ======= Private Methods Below ========
......@@ -460,6 +488,8 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
sys.path = original_path
def _extract_html(self, problemtree): # private
Main (private) function which converts Problem XML tree to HTML.
......@@ -473,7 +503,7 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
if (problemtree.tag == 'script' and problemtree.get('type')
and 'javascript' in problemtree.get('type')):
# leave javascript intact.
return problemtree
return deepcopy(problemtree)
if problemtree.tag in html_problem_semantics:
......@@ -486,8 +516,9 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
msg = ''
hint = ''
hintmode = None
input_id = problemtree.get('id')
if problemid in self.correct_map:
pid = problemtree.get('id')
pid = input_id
status = self.correct_map.get_correctness(pid)
msg = self.correct_map.get_msg(pid)
hint = self.correct_map.get_hint(pid)
......@@ -498,17 +529,17 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
value = self.student_answers[problemid]
# do the rendering
state = {'value': value,
'status': status,
'id': problemtree.get('id'),
'id': input_id,
'feedback': {'message': msg,
'hint': hint,
'hintmode': hintmode, }}
input_type_cls = inputtypes.registry.get_class_for_tag(problemtree.tag)
the_input = input_type_cls(self.system, problemtree, state)
return the_input.get_html()
# save the input type so that we can make ajax calls on it if we need to
self.inputs[input_id] = input_type_cls(self.system, problemtree, state)
return self.inputs[input_id].get_html()
# let each Response render itself
if problemtree in self.responders:
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class CorrectMap(object):
def is_correct(self, answer_id):
if answer_id in self.cmap:
return self.cmap[answer_id]['correctness'] == 'correct'
return self.cmap[answer_id]['correctness'] in ['correct', 'partially-correct']
return None
def is_queued(self, answer_id):
......@@ -45,8 +45,10 @@ import re
import shlex # for splitting quoted strings
import sys
import os
import pyparsing
from registry import TagRegistry
from capa.chem import chemcalc
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -215,6 +217,18 @@ class InputTypeBase(object):
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
InputTypes that need to handle specialized AJAX should override this.
dispatch: a string that can be used to determine how to handle the data passed in
get: a dictionary containing the data that was sent with the ajax call
a dictionary object that can be serialized into JSON. This will be sent back to the Javascript.
def _get_render_context(self):
......@@ -740,6 +754,45 @@ class ChemicalEquationInput(InputTypeBase):
return {'previewer': '/static/js/capa/chemical_equation_preview.js', }
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
Since we only have chemcalc preview this input, check to see if it
matches the corresponding dispatch and send it through if it does
if dispatch == 'preview_chemcalc':
return self.preview_chemcalc(get)
return {}
def preview_chemcalc(self, get):
Render an html preview of a chemical formula or equation. get should
contain a key 'formula' and value 'some formula string'.
Returns a json dictionary:
'preview' : 'the-preview-html' or ''
'error' : 'the-error' or ''
result = {'preview': '',
'error': ''}
formula = get['formula']
if formula is None:
result['error'] = "No formula specified."
return result
result['preview'] = chemcalc.render_to_html(formula)
except pyparsing.ParseException as p:
result['error'] = "Couldn't parse formula: {0}".format(p)
except Exception:
# this is unexpected, so log
log.warning("Error while previewing chemical formula", exc_info=True)
result['error'] = "Error while rendering preview"
return result
......@@ -925,11 +978,12 @@ class EditAGeneInput(InputTypeBase):
def get_attributes(cls):
Note: width, hight, and dna_sequencee are required.
Note: width, height, and dna_sequencee are required.
return [Attribute('width'),
def _extra_context(self):
......@@ -943,3 +997,111 @@ class EditAGeneInput(InputTypeBase):
class AnnotationInput(InputTypeBase):
Input type for annotations: students can enter some notes or other text
(currently ungraded), and then choose from a set of tags/optoins, which are graded.
<title>Annotation Exercise</title>
They are the ones who, at the public assembly, had put savage derangement [ate] into my thinking
[phrenes] |89 on that day when I myself deprived Achilles of his honorific portion [geras]
<comment>Agamemnon says that ate or 'derangement' was the cause of his actions: why could Zeus say the same thing?</comment>
<comment_prompt>Type a commentary below:</comment_prompt>
<tag_prompt>Select one tag:</tag_prompt>
<option choice="correct">ate - both a cause and an effect</option>
<option choice="incorrect">ate - a cause</option>
<option choice="partially-correct">ate - an effect</option>
# TODO: allow ordering to be randomized
template = "annotationinput.html"
tags = ['annotationinput']
def setup(self):
xml = self.xml
self.debug = False # set to True to display extra debug info with input
self.return_to_annotation = True # return only works in conjunction with annotatable xmodule
self.title = xml.findtext('./title', 'Annotation Exercise')
self.text = xml.findtext('./text')
self.comment = xml.findtext('./comment')
self.comment_prompt = xml.findtext('./comment_prompt', 'Type a commentary below:')
self.tag_prompt = xml.findtext('./tag_prompt', 'Select one tag:')
self.options = self._find_options()
# Need to provide a value that JSON can parse if there is no
# student-supplied value yet.
if self.value == '':
self.value = 'null'
def _find_options(self):
''' Returns an array of dicts where each dict represents an option. '''
elements = self.xml.findall('./options/option')
return [{
'id': index,
'description': option.text,
'choice': option.get('choice')
} for (index, option) in enumerate(elements) ]
def _validate_options(self):
''' Raises a ValueError if the choice attribute is missing or invalid. '''
valid_choices = ('correct', 'partially-correct', 'incorrect')
for option in self.options:
choice = option['choice']
if choice is None:
raise ValueError('Missing required choice attribute.')
elif choice not in valid_choices:
raise ValueError('Invalid choice attribute: {0}. Must be one of: {1}'.format(choice, ', '.join(valid_choices)))
def _unpack(self, json_value):
''' Unpacks the json input state into a dict. '''
d = json.loads(json_value)
if type(d) != dict:
d = {}
comment_value = d.get('comment', '')
if not isinstance(comment_value, basestring):
comment_value = ''
options_value = d.get('options', [])
if not isinstance(options_value, list):
options_value = []
return {
'options_value': options_value,
'has_options_value': len(options_value) > 0, # for convenience
'comment_value': comment_value,
def _extra_context(self):
extra_context = {
'title': self.title,
'text': self.text,
'comment': self.comment,
'comment_prompt': self.comment_prompt,
'tag_prompt': self.tag_prompt,
'options': self.options,
'return_to_annotation': self.return_to_annotation,
'debug': self.debug
return extra_context
......@@ -911,7 +911,8 @@ def sympy_check2():
allowed_inputfields = ['textline', 'textbox', 'crystallography',
'chemicalequationinput', 'vsepr_input',
'drag_and_drop_input', 'editamoleculeinput',
'designprotein2dinput', 'editageneinput']
'designprotein2dinput', 'editageneinput',
def setup_response(self):
xml = self.xml
......@@ -1943,6 +1944,117 @@ class ImageResponse(LoncapaResponse):
dict([(ie.get('id'), ie.get('regions')) for ie in self.ielements]))
class AnnotationResponse(LoncapaResponse):
Checking of annotation responses.
The response contains both a comment (student commentary) and an option (student tag).
Only the tag is currently graded. Answers may be incorrect, partially correct, or correct.
response_tag = 'annotationresponse'
allowed_inputfields = ['annotationinput']
max_inputfields = 1
default_scoring = {'incorrect': 0, 'partially-correct': 1, 'correct': 2 }
def setup_response(self):
xml = self.xml
self.scoring_map = self._get_scoring_map()
self.answer_map = self._get_answer_map()
self.maxpoints = self._get_max_points()
def get_score(self, student_answers):
''' Returns a CorrectMap for the student answer, which may include
partially correct answers.'''
student_answer = student_answers[self.answer_id]
student_option = self._get_submitted_option_id(student_answer)
scoring = self.scoring_map[self.answer_id]
is_valid = student_option is not None and student_option in scoring.keys()
(correctness, points) = ('incorrect', None)
if is_valid:
correctness = scoring[student_option]['correctness']
points = scoring[student_option]['points']
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, correctness=correctness, npoints=points)
def get_answers(self):
return self.answer_map
def _get_scoring_map(self):
''' Returns a dict of option->scoring for each input. '''
scoring = self.default_scoring
choices = dict([(choice,choice) for choice in scoring])
scoring_map = {}
for inputfield in self.inputfields:
option_scoring = dict([(option['id'], {
'correctness': choices.get(option['choice']),
'points': scoring.get(option['choice'])
}) for option in self._find_options(inputfield) ])
scoring_map[inputfield.get('id')] = option_scoring
return scoring_map
def _get_answer_map(self):
''' Returns a dict of answers for each input.'''
answer_map = {}
for inputfield in self.inputfields:
correct_option = self._find_option_with_choice(inputfield, 'correct')
if correct_option is not None:
answer_map[inputfield.get('id')] = correct_option.get('description')
return answer_map
def _get_max_points(self):
''' Returns a dict of the max points for each input: input id -> maxpoints. '''
scoring = self.default_scoring
correct_points = scoring.get('correct')
return dict([(inputfield.get('id'), correct_points) for inputfield in self.inputfields])
def _find_options(self, inputfield):
''' Returns an array of dicts where each dict represents an option. '''
elements = inputfield.findall('./options/option')
return [{
'id': index,
'description': option.text,
'choice': option.get('choice')
} for (index, option) in enumerate(elements) ]
def _find_option_with_choice(self, inputfield, choice):
''' Returns the option with the given choice value, otherwise None. '''
for option in self._find_options(inputfield):
if option['choice'] == choice:
return option
def _unpack(self, json_value):
''' Unpacks a student response value submitted as JSON.'''
d = json.loads(json_value)
if type(d) != dict:
d = {}
comment_value = d.get('comment', '')
if not isinstance(d, basestring):
comment_value = ''
options_value = d.get('options', [])
if not isinstance(options_value, list):
options_value = []
return {
'options_value': options_value,
'comment_value': comment_value
def _get_submitted_option_id(self, student_answer):
''' Return the single option that was selected, otherwise None.'''
submitted = self._unpack(student_answer)
option_ids = submitted['options_value']
if len(option_ids) == 1:
return option_ids[0]
return None
# TEMPORARY: List of all response subclasses
# FIXME: To be replaced by auto-registration
......@@ -1959,4 +2071,5 @@ __all__ = [CodeResponse,
<form class="annotation-input">
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="/static/js/capa/annotationinput.js"/>
<div class="annotation-header">
% if return_to_annotation:
<a class="annotation-return" href="javascript:void(0)">Return to Annotation</a><br/>
% endif
<div class="annotation-body">
<div class="block block-highlight">${text}</div>
<div class="block block-comment">${comment}</div>
<div class="block">${comment_prompt}</div>
<textarea class="comment" id="input_${id}_comment" name="input_${id}_comment">${comment_value|h}</textarea>
<div class="block">${tag_prompt}</div>
<ul class="tags">
% for option in options:
% if has_options_value:
% if all([c == 'correct' for c in option['choice'], status]):
<span class="tag-status correct" id="status_${id}"></span>
% elif all([c == 'partially-correct' for c in option['choice'], status]):
<span class="tag-status partially-correct" id="status_${id}"></span>
% elif all([c == 'incorrect' for c in option['choice'], status]):
<span class="tag-status incorrect" id="status_${id}"></span>
% endif
% endif
<span class="tag
% if option['id'] in options_value:
% endif
" data-id="${option['id']}">
% endfor
% if debug:
<div class="debug-value">
Rendered with value:<br/>
Current input value:<br/>
<input type="text" class="value" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" value="${value|h}" />
% else:
<input type="hidden" class="value" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" value="${value|h}" />
% endif
% if status == 'unsubmitted':
<span class="unanswered" style="display:inline-block;" id="status_${id}"></span>
% elif status == 'incomplete':
<span class="incorrect" id="status_${id}"></span>
% elif status == 'incorrect' and not has_options_value:
<span class="incorrect" id="status_${id}"></span>
% endif
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer answer-annotation"></p>
% if msg:
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
% endif
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<div class="incorrect" id="status_${id}">
% endif
<input type="text" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" value="${value|h}"
<input type="text" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" data-input-id="${id}" value="${value|h}"
% if size:
% endif
<form class="choicegroup capa_inputtype" id="inputtype_${id}">
% for choice_id, choice_description in choices:
<label for="input_${id}_${choice_id}">
% if choice_id in value:
<span class="indicator_container">
% if status == 'unsubmitted':
<span class="unanswered" style="display:inline-block;" id="status_${id}"></span>
% elif status == 'correct':
<span class="correct" id="status_${id}"></span>
% elif status == 'incorrect':
<span class="incorrect" id="status_${id}"></span>
% elif status == 'incomplete':
<span class="incorrect" id="status_${id}"></span>
% endif
% else:
<span class="indicator_container">&#160;</span>
<div class="indicator_container">
% if input_type == 'checkbox' or not value:
% if status == 'unsubmitted':
<span class="unanswered" style="display:inline-block;" id="status_${id}"></span>
% elif status == 'correct':
<span class="correct" id="status_${id}"></span>
% elif status == 'incorrect':
<span class="incorrect" id="status_${id}"></span>
% elif status == 'incomplete':
<span class="incorrect" id="status_${id}"></span>
% endif
<input type="${input_type}" name="input_${id}${name_array_suffix}" id="input_${id}_${choice_id}" value="${choice_id}"
% if choice_id in value:
% endif
% for choice_id, choice_description in choices:
<label for="input_${id}_${choice_id}"
% if input_type == 'radio' and choice_id in value:
if status == 'correct':
correctness = 'correct'
if status == 'incorrect':
correctness = 'incorrect'
% endif
<input type="${input_type}" name="input_${id}${name_array_suffix}" id="input_${id}_${choice_id}" value="${choice_id}"
% if choice_id in value:
% endif
% endfor
<span id="answer_${id}"></span>
/> ${choice_description} </label>
% endfor
<span id="answer_${id}"></span>
<section id="editageneinput_${id}" class="editageneinput">
<section id="editageneinput_${id}" class="editageneinput">
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="/static/js/capa/genex/genex.nocache.js?raw"/>
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${applet_loader}"/>
% if status == 'unsubmitted':
......@@ -8,16 +9,12 @@
% elif status == 'incorrect':
<div class="incorrect" id="status_${id}">
% elif status == 'incomplete':
<div class="incorrect" id="status_${id}">
<div class="incomplete" id="status_${id}">
% endif
<object type="application/x-java-applet" id="applet_${id}" class="applet" width="${width}" height="${height}">
<param name="archive" value="/static/applets/capa/genex.jar" />
<param name="code" value="GX.GenexApplet.class" />
<param name="DNA_SEQUENCE" value="${dna_sequence}" />
Applet failed to run. No Java plug-in was found.
<div id="genex_container"></div>
<input type="hidden" name="dna_sequence" id="dna_sequence" value ="${dna_sequence}"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="genex_problem_number" id="genex_problem_number" value ="${genex_problem_number}"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" value="${value|h}"/>
<p class="status">
......@@ -37,3 +34,4 @@
% endif
......@@ -666,3 +666,36 @@ class StringResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
def create_input_element(self, **kwargs):
return ResponseXMLFactory.textline_input_xml(**kwargs)
class AnnotationResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
""" Factory for creating <annotationresponse> XML trees """
def create_response_element(self, **kwargs):
""" Create a <annotationresponse> element """
return etree.Element("annotationresponse")
def create_input_element(self, **kwargs):
""" Create a <annotationinput> element."""
input_element = etree.Element("annotationinput")
text_children = [
{'tag': 'title', 'text': kwargs.get('title', 'super cool annotation') },
{'tag': 'text', 'text': kwargs.get('text', 'texty text') },
{'tag': 'comment', 'text':kwargs.get('comment', 'blah blah erudite comment blah blah') },
{'tag': 'comment_prompt', 'text': kwargs.get('comment_prompt', 'type a commentary below') },
{'tag': 'tag_prompt', 'text': kwargs.get('tag_prompt', 'select one tag') }
for child in text_children:
etree.SubElement(input_element, child['tag']).text = child['text']
default_options = [('green', 'correct'),('eggs', 'incorrect'),('ham', 'partially-correct')]
options = kwargs.get('options', default_options)
options_element = etree.SubElement(input_element, 'options')
for (description, correctness) in options:
option_element = etree.SubElement(options_element, 'option', {'choice': correctness})
option_element.text = description
return input_element
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from lxml import etree
import os
import textwrap
import json
import mock
from capa.capa_problem import LoncapaProblem
......@@ -11,6 +12,20 @@ from . import test_system
class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_blank_problem(self):
It's important that blank problems don't break, since that's
what you start with in studio.
xml_str = "<problem> </problem>"
# Create the problem
problem = LoncapaProblem(xml_str, '1', system=test_system)
# Render the HTML
rendered_html = etree.XML(problem.get_html())
# expect that we made it here without blowing up
def test_include_html(self):
# Create a test file to include
......@@ -25,7 +40,7 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Create the problem
problem = LoncapaProblem(xml_str, '1', system=test_system)
# Render the HTML
rendered_html = etree.XML(problem.get_html())
......@@ -35,6 +50,8 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(test_element.text, "Test include")
def test_process_outtext(self):
# Generate some XML with <startouttext /> and <endouttext />
xml_str = textwrap.dedent("""
......@@ -45,7 +62,7 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Create the problem
problem = LoncapaProblem(xml_str, '1', system=test_system)
# Render the HTML
rendered_html = etree.XML(problem.get_html())
......@@ -64,7 +81,7 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Create the problem
problem = LoncapaProblem(xml_str, '1', system=test_system)
# Render the HTML
rendered_html = etree.XML(problem.get_html())
......@@ -72,6 +89,25 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
script_element = rendered_html.find('script')
self.assertEqual(None, script_element)
def test_render_javascript(self):
# Generate some XML with a <script> tag
xml_str = textwrap.dedent("""
<script type="text/javascript">function(){}</script>
# Create the problem
problem = LoncapaProblem(xml_str, '1', system=test_system)
# Render the HTML
rendered_html = etree.XML(problem.get_html())
# expect the javascript is still present in the rendered html
self.assertTrue("<script type=\"text/javascript\">function(){}</script>" in etree.tostring(rendered_html))
def test_render_response_xml(self):
# Generate some XML for a string response
kwargs = {'question_text': "Test question",
......@@ -99,11 +135,11 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
response_element = rendered_html.find("span")
self.assertEqual(response_element.tag, "span")
# Expect that the response <span>
# Expect that the response <span>
# that contains a <div> for the textline
textline_element = response_element.find("div")
self.assertEqual(textline_element.text, 'Input Template Render')
# Expect a child <div> for the solution
# with the rendered template
solution_element = rendered_html.find("div")
......@@ -112,19 +148,21 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the template renderer was called with the correct
# arguments, once for the textline input and once for
# the solution
expected_textline_context = {'status': 'unsubmitted',
'value': '',
'preprocessor': None,
'msg': '',
'inline': False,
'hidden': False,
'do_math': False,
'id': '1_2_1',
expected_textline_context = {'status': 'unsubmitted',
'value': '',
'preprocessor': None,
'msg': '',
'inline': False,
'hidden': False,
'do_math': False,
'id': '1_2_1',
'size': None}
expected_solution_context = {'id': '1_solution_1'}
expected_calls = ['textline.html', expected_textline_context),'solutionspan.html', expected_solution_context),'textline.html', expected_textline_context),'solutionspan.html', expected_solution_context)]
......@@ -146,7 +184,7 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Create the problem and render the html
problem = LoncapaProblem(xml_str, '1', system=test_system)
# Grade the problem
correctmap = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': 'test'})
......@@ -482,27 +482,43 @@ class ChemicalEquationTest(unittest.TestCase):
Check that chemical equation inputs work.
def test_rendering(self):
size = "42"
xml_str = """<chemicalequationinput id="prob_1_2" size="{size}"/>""".format(size=size)
def setUp(self):
self.size = "42"
xml_str = """<chemicalequationinput id="prob_1_2" size="{size}"/>""".format(size=self.size)
element = etree.fromstring(xml_str)
state = {'value': 'H2OYeah', }
the_input = lookup_tag('chemicalequationinput')(test_system, element, state)
self.the_input = lookup_tag('chemicalequationinput')(test_system, element, state)
context = the_input._get_render_context()
def test_rendering(self):
''' Verify that the render context matches the expected render context'''
context = self.the_input._get_render_context()
expected = {'id': 'prob_1_2',
'value': 'H2OYeah',
'status': 'unanswered',
'msg': '',
'size': size,
'size': self.size,
'previewer': '/static/js/capa/chemical_equation_preview.js',
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
def test_chemcalc_ajax_sucess(self):
''' Verify that using the correct dispatch and valid data produces a valid response'''
data = {'formula': "H"}
response = self.the_input.handle_ajax("preview_chemcalc", data)
self.assertTrue('preview' in response)
self.assertNotEqual(response['preview'], '')
self.assertEqual(response['error'], "")
class DragAndDropTest(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -570,3 +586,65 @@ class DragAndDropTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
class AnnotationInputTest(unittest.TestCase):
Make sure option inputs work
def test_rendering(self):
xml_str = '''
<comment>my comment</comment>
<comment_prompt>type a commentary</comment_prompt>
<tag_prompt>select a tag</tag_prompt>
<option choice="correct">x</option>
<option choice="incorrect">y</option>
<option choice="partially-correct">z</option>
element = etree.fromstring(xml_str)
value = {"comment": "blah blah", "options": [1]}
json_value = json.dumps(value)
state = {
'value': json_value,
'id': 'annotation_input',
'status': 'answered'
tag = 'annotationinput'
the_input = lookup_tag(tag)(test_system, element, state)
context = the_input._get_render_context()
expected = {
'id': 'annotation_input',
'value': value,
'status': 'answered',
'msg': '',
'title': 'foo',
'text': 'bar',
'comment': 'my comment',
'comment_prompt': 'type a commentary',
'tag_prompt': 'select a tag',
'options': [
{'id': 0, 'description': 'x', 'choice': 'correct'},
{'id': 1, 'description': 'y', 'choice': 'incorrect'},
{'id': 2, 'description': 'z', 'choice': 'partially-correct'}
'value': json_value,
'options_value': value['options'],
'has_options_value': len(value['options']) > 0,
'comment_value': value['comment'],
'debug': False,
'return_to_annotation': True
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertDictEqual(context, expected)
......@@ -906,3 +906,40 @@ class SchematicResponseTest(ResponseTest):
# (That is, our script verifies that the context
# is what we expect)
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'correct')
class AnnotationResponseTest(ResponseTest):
from response_xml_factory import AnnotationResponseXMLFactory
xml_factory_class = AnnotationResponseXMLFactory
def test_grade(self):
(correct, partially, incorrect) = ('correct', 'partially-correct', 'incorrect')
answer_id = '1_2_1'
options = (('x', correct),('y', partially),('z', incorrect))
make_answer = lambda option_ids: {answer_id: json.dumps({'options': option_ids })}
tests = [
{'correctness': correct, 'points': 2,'answers': make_answer([0]) },
{'correctness': partially, 'points': 1, 'answers': make_answer([1]) },
{'correctness': incorrect, 'points': 0, 'answers': make_answer([2]) },
{'correctness': incorrect, 'points': 0, 'answers': make_answer([0,1,2]) },
{'correctness': incorrect, 'points': 0, 'answers': make_answer([]) },
{'correctness': incorrect, 'points': 0, 'answers': make_answer('') },
{'correctness': incorrect, 'points': 0, 'answers': make_answer(None) },
{'correctness': incorrect, 'points': 0, 'answers': {answer_id: 'null' } },
for (index, test) in enumerate(tests):
expected_correctness = test['correctness']
expected_points = test['points']
answers = test['answers']
problem = self.build_problem(options=options)
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(answers)
actual_correctness = correct_map.get_correctness(answer_id)
actual_points = correct_map.get_npoints(answer_id)
self.assertEqual(expected_correctness, actual_correctness,
msg="%s should be marked %s" % (answer_id, expected_correctness))
self.assertEqual(expected_points, actual_points,
msg="%s should have %d points" % (answer_id, expected_points))
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ setup(
"about = xmodule.html_module:AboutDescriptor",
"wrapper = xmodule.wrapper_module:WrapperDescriptor",
"graphical_slider_tool = xmodule.gst_module:GraphicalSliderToolDescriptor",
"annotatable = xmodule.annotatable_module:AnnotatableDescriptor",
"foldit = xmodule.foldit_module:FolditDescriptor",
import logging
from lxml import etree
from pkg_resources import resource_string, resource_listdir
from xmodule.x_module import XModule
from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
from xmodule.modulestore.mongo import MongoModuleStore
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AnnotatableModule(XModule):
js = {'coffee': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/html/'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/annotatable/')],
'js': []
js_module_name = "Annotatable"
css = {'scss': [resource_string(__name__, 'css/annotatable/display.scss')]}
icon_class = 'annotatable'
def _get_annotation_class_attr(self, index, el):
""" Returns a dict with the CSS class attribute to set on the annotation
and an XML key to delete from the element.
attr = {}
cls = ['annotatable-span', 'highlight']
highlight_key = 'highlight'
color = el.get(highlight_key)
if color is not None:
if color in self.highlight_colors:
attr['_delete'] = highlight_key
attr['value'] = ' '.join(cls)
return { 'class' : attr }
def _get_annotation_data_attr(self, index, el):
""" Returns a dict in which the keys are the HTML data attributes
to set on the annotation element. Each data attribute has a
corresponding 'value' and (optional) '_delete' key to specify
an XML attribute to delete.
data_attrs = {}
attrs_map = {
'body': 'data-comment-body',
'title': 'data-comment-title',
'problem': 'data-problem-id'
for xml_key in attrs_map.keys():
if xml_key in el.attrib:
value = el.get(xml_key, '')
html_key = attrs_map[xml_key]
data_attrs[html_key] = { 'value': value, '_delete': xml_key }
return data_attrs
def _render_annotation(self, index, el):
""" Renders an annotation element for HTML output. """
attr = {}
attr.update(self._get_annotation_class_attr(index, el))
attr.update(self._get_annotation_data_attr(index, el))
el.tag = 'span'
for key in attr.keys():
el.set(key, attr[key]['value'])
if '_delete' in attr[key] and attr[key]['_delete'] is not None:
delete_key = attr[key]['_delete']
del el.attrib[delete_key]
def _render_content(self):
""" Renders annotatable content with annotation spans and returns HTML. """
xmltree = etree.fromstring(self.content)
xmltree.tag = 'div'
if 'display_name' in xmltree.attrib:
del xmltree.attrib['display_name']
index = 0
for el in xmltree.findall('.//annotation'):
self._render_annotation(index, el)
index += 1
return etree.tostring(xmltree, encoding='unicode')
def _extract_instructions(self, xmltree):
""" Removes <instructions> from the xmltree and returns them as a string, otherwise None. """
instructions = xmltree.find('instructions')
if instructions is not None:
instructions.tag = 'div'
return etree.tostring(instructions, encoding='unicode')
return None
def get_html(self):
""" Renders parameters to template. """
context = {
'display_name': self.display_name,
'element_id': self.element_id,
'instructions_html': self.instructions,
'content_html': self._render_content()
return self.system.render_template('annotatable.html', context)
def __init__(self, system, location, definition, descriptor,
instance_state=None, shared_state=None, **kwargs):
XModule.__init__(self, system, location, definition, descriptor,
instance_state, shared_state, **kwargs)
xmltree = etree.fromstring(self.definition['data'])
self.instructions = self._extract_instructions(xmltree)
self.content = etree.tostring(xmltree, encoding='unicode')
self.element_id = self.location.html_id()
self.highlight_colors = ['yellow', 'orange', 'purple', 'blue', 'green']
class AnnotatableDescriptor(RawDescriptor):
module_class = AnnotatableModule
stores_state = True
template_dir_name = "annotatable"
mako_template = "widgets/raw-edit.html"
$border-color: #C8C8C8;
$body-font-size: em(14);
.annotatable-header {
margin-bottom: .5em;
.annotatable-title {
font-size: em(22);
text-transform: uppercase;
padding: 2px 4px;
.annotatable-section {
position: relative;
padding: .5em 1em;
border: 1px solid $border-color;
border-radius: .5em;
margin-bottom: .5em;
&.shaded { background-color: #EDEDED; }
.annotatable-section-title {
font-weight: bold;
a { font-weight: normal; }
.annotatable-section-body {
border-top: 1px solid $border-color;
margin-top: .5em;
padding-top: .5em;
@include clearfix;
ul.instructions-template {
list-style: disc;
margin-left: 4em;
b { font-weight: bold; }
i { font-style: italic; }
code {
display: inline;
white-space: pre;
font-family: Courier New, monospace;
.annotatable-toggle {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
margin: 2px 1em 2px 0;
&.expanded:after { content: " \2191" }
&.collapsed:after { content: " \2193" }
.annotatable-span {
display: inline;
cursor: pointer;
@each $highlight in (
(yellow rgba(255,255,10,0.3) rgba(255,255,10,0.9)),
(red rgba(178,19,16,0.3) rgba(178,19,16,0.9)),
(orange rgba(255,165,0,0.3) rgba(255,165,0,0.9)),
(green rgba(25,255,132,0.3) rgba(25,255,132,0.9)),
(blue rgba(35,163,255,0.3) rgba(35,163,255,0.9)),
(purple rgba(115,9,178,0.3) rgba(115,9,178,0.9))) {
$marker: nth($highlight,1);
$color: nth($highlight,2);
$selected_color: nth($highlight,3);
@if $marker == yellow {
&.highlight {
background-color: $color;
&.selected { background-color: $selected_color; }
&.highlight-#{$marker} {
background-color: $color;
&.selected { background-color: $selected_color; }
&.hide {
cursor: none;
background-color: inherit;
.annotatable-icon {
display: none;
.annotatable-comment {
display: none;
.ui-tooltip.qtip.ui-tooltip {
font-size: $body-font-size;
border: 1px solid #333;
border-radius: 1em;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.85);
color: #fff;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
.ui-tooltip-titlebar {
font-size: em(16);
color: inherit;
background-color: transparent;
padding: 5px 10px;
border: none;
.ui-tooltip-title {
padding: 5px 0px;
border-bottom: 2px solid #333;
font-weight: bold;
.ui-tooltip-icon {
right: 10px;
background: #333;
.ui-state-hover {
color: inherit;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
.ui-tooltip-content {
color: inherit;
font-size: em(14);
text-align: left;
font-weight: 400;
padding: 0 10px 10px 10px;
background-color: transparent;
p {
color: inherit;
line-height: normal;
.ui-tooltip.qtip.ui-tooltip-annotatable {
max-width: 375px;
.ui-tooltip-content {
padding: 0 10px;
.annotatable-comment {
display: block;
margin: 0px 0px 10px 0;
max-height: 225px;
overflow: auto;
.annotatable-reply {
display: block;
border-top: 2px solid #333;
padding: 5px 0;
margin: 0;
text-align: center;
&:after {
content: '';
display: inline-block;
position: absolute;
bottom: -20px;
left: 50%;
height: 0;
width: 0;
margin-left: -5px;
border: 10px solid transparent;
border-top-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .85);
......@@ -42,6 +42,14 @@ section.problem {
content: url('../images/correct-icon.png');
content: url('../images/incorrect-icon.png');
......@@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ section.problem {
.indicator_container {
float: left;
width: 25px;
height: 1px;
margin-right: 15px;
......@@ -69,7 +78,7 @@ section.problem {
text {
display: block;
display: inline;
margin-left: 25px;
......@@ -231,6 +240,15 @@ section.problem {
width: 25px;
&.partially-correct {
@include inline-block();
background: url('../images/partially-correct-icon.png') center center no-repeat;
height: 20px;
position: relative;
top: 6px;
width: 25px;
&.incorrect, &.ui-icon-close {
@include inline-block();
background: url('../images/incorrect-icon.png') center center no-repeat;
......@@ -802,4 +820,91 @@ section.problem {
display: none;
.annotation-input {
$yellow: rgba(255,255,10,0.3);
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 1em;
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
.annotation-header {
font-weight: bold;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: .5em 1em;
.annotation-body { padding: .5em 1em; }
a.annotation-return {
float: right;
font: inherit;
font-weight: normal;
a.annotation-return:after { content: " \2191" }
.block, ul.tags {
margin: .5em 0;
padding: 0;
.block-highlight {
padding: .5em;
color: #333;
font-style: normal;
background-color: $yellow;
border: 1px solid darken($yellow, 10%);
.block-comment { font-style: italic; }
ul.tags {
display: block;
list-style-type: none;
margin-left: 1em;
li {
display: block;
margin: 1em 0 0 0;
position: relative;
.tag {
display: inline-block;
cursor: pointer;
border: 1px solid rgb(102,102,102);
margin-left: 40px;
&.selected {
background-color: $yellow;
.tag-status {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
.tag-status, .tag { padding: .25em .5em; }
textarea.comment {
$num-lines-to-show: 5;
$line-height: 1.4em;
$padding: .2em;
width: 100%;
padding: $padding (2 * $padding);
line-height: $line-height;
height: ($num-lines-to-show * $line-height) + (2*$padding) - (($line-height - 1)/2);
.answer-annotation { display: block; margin: 0; }
/* for debugging the input value field. enable the debug flag on the inputtype */
.debug-value {
color: #fff;
padding: 1em;
margin: 1em 0;
background-color: #999;
border: 1px solid #000;
input[type="text"] { width: 100%; }
pre { background-color: #CCC; color: #000; }
&:before {
display: block;
content: "debug input value";
text-transform: uppercase;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.5em;
......@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ class FolditModule(XModule):
showbasic = (self.show_basic_score.lower() == "true")
showleader = (self.show_leaderboard.lower() == "true")
context = {
'due': self.due,
'success': self.is_complete(),
<section class='xmodule_display xmodule_AnnotatableModule' data-type='Annotatable'>
<div class="annotatable-wrapper">
<div class="annotatable-header">
<div class="annotatable-title">First Annotation Exercise</div>
<div class="annotatable-section">
<div class="annotatable-section-title">
<a class="annotatable-toggle annotatable-toggle-instructions expanded" href="javascript:void(0)">Collapse Instructions</a>
<div class="annotatable-section-body annotatable-instructions">
<div><p>The main goal of this exercise is to start practicing the art of slow reading.</p>
<div class="annotatable-section">
<div class="annotatable-section-title">
Guided Discussion
<a class="annotatable-toggle annotatable-toggle-annotations" href="javascript:void(0)">Hide Annotations</a>
<div class="annotatable-content">
|87 No, those who are really responsible are Zeus and Fate [Moira] and the Fury [Erinys] who roams in the mist. <br/>
|88 <span data-problem-id="0" data-comment-body="Agamemnon says..." class="annotatable-span highlight" data-comment-title="Your Title Here">They are the ones who</span><br/>
|100 He [= Zeus], making a formal declaration [eukhesthai], spoke up at a meeting of all the gods and said: <br/>
|101 <span data-problem-id="1" data-comment-body="When Zeus speaks..." class="annotatable-span highlight">“hear me, all gods and all goddesses,</span><br/>
|113 but he swore a great oath.
<span data-problem-id="2" data-comment-body="How is the ‘veering off-course’ ..." class="annotatable-span highlight">And right then and there</span><br/>
<section class="problem"><a class="annotation-return" href="javascript:void(0)">Return to Annotation</a></section>
<section class="problem"><a class="annotation-return" href="javascript:void(0)">Return to Annotation</a></section>
<section class="problem"><a class="annotation-return" href="javascript:void(0)">Return to Annotation</a></section>
describe 'Annotatable', ->
beforeEach ->
loadFixtures 'annotatable.html'
describe 'constructor', ->
el = $('.xmodule_display.xmodule_AnnotatableModule')
beforeEach ->
@annotatable = new Annotatable(el)
it 'works', ->
\ No newline at end of file
class @Annotatable
_debug: false
# selectors for the annotatable xmodule
toggleAnnotationsSelector: '.annotatable-toggle-annotations'
toggleInstructionsSelector: '.annotatable-toggle-instructions'
instructionsSelector: '.annotatable-instructions'
sectionSelector: '.annotatable-section'
spanSelector: '.annotatable-span'
replySelector: '.annotatable-reply'
# these selectors are for responding to events from the annotation capa problem type
problemXModuleSelector: '.xmodule_CapaModule'
problemSelector: 'section.problem'
problemInputSelector: 'section.problem .annotation-input'
problemReturnSelector: 'section.problem .annotation-return'
constructor: (el) ->
console.log 'loaded Annotatable' if @_debug
@el = el
@$el = $(el)
$: (selector) ->
$(selector, @el)
init: () ->
initEvents: () ->
# Initialize toggle handlers for the instructions and annotations sections
[@annotationsHidden, @instructionsHidden] = [false, false]
@$(@toggleAnnotationsSelector).bind 'click', @onClickToggleAnnotations
@$(@toggleInstructionsSelector).bind 'click', @onClickToggleInstructions
# Initialize handler for 'reply to annotation' events that scroll to
# the associated problem. The reply buttons are part of the tooltip
# content. It's important that the tooltips be configured to render
# as descendants of the annotation module and *not* the document.body.
@$el.delegate @replySelector, 'click', @onClickReply
# Initialize handler for 'return to annotation' events triggered from problems.
# 1) There are annotationinput capa problems rendered on the page
# 2) Each one has an embedded return link (see annotation capa problem template).
# Since the capa problem injects HTML content via AJAX, the best we can do is
# is let the click events bubble up to the body and handle them there.
$('body').delegate @problemReturnSelector, 'click', @onClickReturn
initTips: () ->
# tooltips are used to display annotations for highlighted text spans
@$(@spanSelector).each (index, el) =>
$(el).qtip(@getSpanTipOptions el)
getSpanTipOptions: (el) ->
text: @makeTipTitle(el)
text: @makeTipContent(el)
my: 'bottom center' # of tooltip
at: 'top center' # of target
target: $(el) # where the tooltip was triggered (i.e. the annotation span)
container: @$el
y: -5
event: 'click mouseenter'
solo: true
event: 'click mouseleave'
delay: 500,
fixed: true # don't hide the tooltip if it is moused over
classes: 'ui-tooltip-annotatable'
show: @onShowTip
onClickToggleAnnotations: (e) => @toggleAnnotations()
onClickToggleInstructions: (e) => @toggleInstructions()
onClickReply: (e) => @replyTo(e.currentTarget)
onClickReturn: (e) => @returnFrom(e.currentTarget)
onShowTip: (event, api) =>
event.preventDefault() if @annotationsHidden
getSpanForProblemReturn: (el) ->
problem_id = $(@problemReturnSelector).index(el)
getProblem: (el) ->
problem_id = @getProblemId(el)
getProblemId: (el) ->
toggleAnnotations: () ->
hide = (@annotationsHidden = not @annotationsHidden)
@toggleAnnotationButtonText hide
@toggleSpans hide
@toggleTips hide
toggleTips: (hide) ->
visible = @findVisibleTips()
@hideTips visible
toggleAnnotationButtonText: (hide) ->
buttonText = (if hide then 'Show' else 'Hide')+' Annotations'
toggleInstructions: () ->
hide = (@instructionsHidden = not @instructionsHidden)
@toggleInstructionsButton hide
@toggleInstructionsText hide
toggleInstructionsButton: (hide) ->
txt = (if hide then 'Expand' else 'Collapse')+' Instructions'
cls = (if hide then ['expanded', 'collapsed'] else ['collapsed','expanded'])
toggleInstructionsText: (hide) ->
slideMethod = (if hide then 'slideUp' else 'slideDown')
toggleSpans: (hide) ->
@$(@spanSelector).toggleClass 'hide', hide, 250
replyTo: (buttonEl) ->
offset = -20
el = @getProblem buttonEl
if el.length > 0
@scrollTo(el, @afterScrollToProblem, offset)
console.log('problem not found. event: ', e) if @_debug
returnFrom: (buttonEl) ->
offset = -200
el = @getSpanForProblemReturn buttonEl
if el.length > 0
@scrollTo(el, @afterScrollToSpan, offset)
console.log('span not found. event:', e) if @_debug
scrollTo: (el, after, offset = -20) ->
$('html,body').scrollTo(el, {
duration: 500
onAfter: @_once => after?.call this, el
offset: offset
}) if $(el).length > 0
afterScrollToProblem: (problem_el) ->
problem_el.effect 'highlight', {}, 500
afterScrollToSpan: (span_el) ->
span_el.addClass 'selected', 400, 'swing', ->
span_el.removeClass 'selected', 400, 'swing'
makeTipContent: (el) ->
(api) =>
text = $(el).data('comment-body')
comment = @createComment(text)
problem_id = @getProblemId(el)
reply = @createReplyLink(problem_id)
makeTipTitle: (el) ->
(api) =>
title = $(el).data('comment-title')
(if title then title else 'Commentary')
createComment: (text) ->
$("<div class=\"annotatable-comment\">#{text}</div>")
createReplyLink: (problem_id) ->
$("<a class=\"annotatable-reply\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" data-problem-id=\"#{problem_id}\">Reply to Annotation</a>")
findVisibleTips: () ->
visible = []
@$(@spanSelector).each (index, el) ->
api = $(el).qtip('api')
tip = $(api?.elements.tooltip)
visible.push el
hideTips: (elements) ->
_once: (fn) ->
done = false
return => this unless done
done = true
......@@ -76,6 +76,24 @@ class @Problem
# TODO: Some logic to dynamically adjust polling rate based on queuelen
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(@poll, 1000)
# Use this if you want to make an ajax call on the input type object
# static method so you don't have to instantiate a Problem in order to use it
# Input:
# url: the AJAX url of the problem
# input_id: the input_id of the input you would like to make the call on
# NOTE: the id is the ${id} part of "input_${id}" during rendering
# If this function is passed the entire prefixed id, the backend may have trouble
# finding the correct input
# dispatch: string that indicates how this data should be handled by the inputtype
# callback: the function that will be called once the AJAX call has been completed.
# It will be passed a response object
@inputAjax: (url, input_id, dispatch, data, callback) ->
data['dispatch'] = dispatch
data['input_id'] = input_id
$.postWithPrefix "#{url}/input_ajax", data, callback
render: (content) ->
if content
display_name: 'Annotation'
data: |
<p>Enter your (optional) instructions for the exercise in HTML format.</p>
<p>Annotations are specified by an <code>&lt;annotation&gt;</code> tag which may may have the following attributes:</p>
<ul class="instructions-template">
<li><code>title</code> (optional). Title of the annotation. Defaults to <i>Commentary</i> if omitted.</li>
<li><code>body</code> (<b>required</b>). Text of the annotation.</li>
<li><code>problem</code> (optional). Numeric index of the problem associated with this annotation. This is a zero-based index, so the first problem on the page would have <code>problem="0"</code>.</li>
<li><code>highlight</code> (optional). Possible values: yellow, red, orange, green, blue, or purple. Defaults to yellow if this attribute is omitted.</li>
<p>Add your HTML with annotation spans here.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <annotation title="My title" body="My comment" highlight="yellow" problem="0">Ut sodales laoreet est, egestas gravida felis egestas nec.</annotation> Aenean at volutpat erat. Cras commodo viverra nibh in aliquam.</p>
<p>Nulla facilisi. <annotation body="Basic annotation example." problem="1">Pellentesque id vestibulum libero.</annotation> Suspendisse potenti. Morbi scelerisque nisi vitae felis dictum mattis. Nam sit amet magna elit. Nullam volutpat cursus est, sit amet sagittis odio vulputate et. Curabitur euismod, orci in vulputate imperdiet, augue lorem tempor purus, id aliquet augue turpis a est. Aenean a sagittis libero. Praesent fringilla pretium magna, non condimentum risus elementum nec. Pellentesque faucibus elementum pharetra. Pellentesque vitae metus eros.</p>
children: []
......@@ -28,22 +28,36 @@ open_ended_grading_interface = {
'grading_controller' : 'grading_controller'
test_system = ModuleSystem(
# "render" to just the context...
render_template=lambda template, context: str(context),
xqueue={'interface': None, 'callback_url': '/', 'default_queuename': 'testqueue', 'waittime': 10},
node_path=os.environ.get("NODE_PATH", "/usr/local/lib/node_modules"),
xblock_model_data=lambda descriptor: descriptor._model_data,
def test_system():
Construct a test ModuleSystem instance.
By default, the render_template() method simply returns
the context it is passed as a string.
You can override this behavior by monkey patching:
system = test_system()
system.render_template = my_render_func
where my_render_func is a function of the form
my_render_func(template, context)
return ModuleSystem(
render_template=lambda template, context: str(context),
replace_urls=lambda html: str(html),
xqueue={'interface': None, 'callback_url': '/', 'default_queuename': 'testqueue', 'waittime': 10},
node_path=os.environ.get("NODE_PATH", "/usr/local/lib/node_modules"),
xblock_model_data=lambda descriptor: descriptor._model_data,
open_ended_grading_interface= open_ended_grading_interface
class ModelsTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Module annotatable tests"""
import unittest
from lxml import etree
from mock import Mock
from xmodule.annotatable_module import AnnotatableModule
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from . import test_system
class AnnotatableModuleTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
location = Location(["i4x", "edX", "toy", "annotatable", "guided_discussion"])
sample_xml = '''
<annotatable display_name="Iliad">
<instructions>Read the text.</instructions>
<annotation body="first">Sing</annotation>,
<annotation title="goddess" body="second">O goddess</annotation>,
<annotation title="anger" body="third" highlight="blue">the anger of Achilles son of Peleus</annotation>,
that brought <i>countless</i> ills upon the Achaeans. Many a brave soul did it send
hurrying down to Hades, and many a hero did it yield a prey to dogs and
<div style="font-weight:bold"><annotation body="fourth" problem="4">vultures</annotation>, for so were the counsels
of Jove fulfilled from the day on which the son of Atreus, king of men, and great
Achilles, first fell out with one another.</div>
<annotation title="footnote" body="the end">The Iliad of Homer by Samuel Butler</annotation>
definition = { 'data': sample_xml }
descriptor = Mock()
instance_state = None
shared_state = None
def setUp(self):
self.annotatable = AnnotatableModule(test_system(), self.location, self.definition, self.descriptor, self.instance_state, self.shared_state)
def test_annotation_data_attr(self):
el = etree.fromstring('<annotation title="bar" body="foo" problem="0">test</annotation>')
expected_attr = {
'data-comment-body': {'value': 'foo', '_delete': 'body' },
'data-comment-title': {'value': 'bar', '_delete': 'title'},
'data-problem-id': {'value': '0', '_delete': 'problem'}
actual_attr = self.annotatable._get_annotation_data_attr(0, el)
self.assertTrue(type(actual_attr) is dict)
self.assertDictEqual(expected_attr, actual_attr)
def test_annotation_class_attr_default(self):
xml = '<annotation title="x" body="y" problem="0">test</annotation>'
el = etree.fromstring(xml)
expected_attr = { 'class': { 'value': 'annotatable-span highlight' } }
actual_attr = self.annotatable._get_annotation_class_attr(0, el)
self.assertTrue(type(actual_attr) is dict)
self.assertDictEqual(expected_attr, actual_attr)
def test_annotation_class_attr_with_valid_highlight(self):
xml = '<annotation title="x" body="y" problem="0" highlight="{highlight}">test</annotation>'
for color in self.annotatable.highlight_colors:
el = etree.fromstring(xml.format(highlight=color))
value = 'annotatable-span highlight highlight-{highlight}'.format(highlight=color)
expected_attr = { 'class': {
'value': value,
'_delete': 'highlight' }
actual_attr = self.annotatable._get_annotation_class_attr(0, el)
self.assertTrue(type(actual_attr) is dict)
self.assertDictEqual(expected_attr, actual_attr)
def test_annotation_class_attr_with_invalid_highlight(self):
xml = '<annotation title="x" body="y" problem="0" highlight="{highlight}">test</annotation>'
for invalid_color in ['rainbow', 'blink', 'invisible', '', None]:
el = etree.fromstring(xml.format(highlight=invalid_color))
expected_attr = { 'class': {
'value': 'annotatable-span highlight',
'_delete': 'highlight' }
actual_attr = self.annotatable._get_annotation_class_attr(0, el)
self.assertTrue(type(actual_attr) is dict)
self.assertDictEqual(expected_attr, actual_attr)
def test_render_annotation(self):
expected_html = '<span class="annotatable-span highlight highlight-yellow" data-comment-title="x" data-comment-body="y" data-problem-id="0">z</span>'
expected_el = etree.fromstring(expected_html)
actual_el = etree.fromstring('<annotation title="x" body="y" problem="0" highlight="yellow">z</annotation>')
self.annotatable._render_annotation(0, actual_el)
self.assertEqual(expected_el.tag, actual_el.tag)
self.assertEqual(expected_el.text, actual_el.text)
self.assertDictEqual(dict(expected_el.attrib), dict(actual_el.attrib))
def test_render_content(self):
content = self.annotatable._render_content()
el = etree.fromstring(content)
self.assertEqual('div', el.tag, 'root tag is a div')
expected_num_annotations = 5
actual_num_annotations = el.xpath('count(//span[contains(@class,"annotatable-span")])')
self.assertEqual(expected_num_annotations, actual_num_annotations, 'check number of annotations')
def test_get_html(self):
context = self.annotatable.get_html()
for key in ['display_name', 'element_id', 'content_html', 'instructions_html']:
self.assertIn(key, context)
def test_extract_instructions(self):
xmltree = etree.fromstring(self.sample_xml)
expected_xml = u"<div>Read the text.</div>"
actual_xml = self.annotatable._extract_instructions(xmltree)
self.assertEqual(expected_xml.strip(), actual_xml.strip())
xmltree = etree.fromstring('<annotatable>foo</annotatable>')
actual = self.annotatable._extract_instructions(xmltree)
......@@ -54,8 +54,9 @@ class OpenEndedChildTest(unittest.TestCase):
descriptor = Mock()
def setUp(self):
self.openendedchild = OpenEndedChild(test_system, self.location,
self.definition, self.descriptor, self.static_data, self.metadata)
self.test_system = test_system()
self.openendedchild = OpenEndedChild(self.test_system, self.location,
self.definition, self.descriptor, self.static_data, self.metadata)
def test_latest_answer_empty(self):
......@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ class OpenEndedChildTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_latest_post_assessment_empty(self):
answer = self.openendedchild.latest_post_assessment(test_system)
answer = self.openendedchild.latest_post_assessment(self.test_system)
self.assertEqual(answer, "")
......@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ class OpenEndedChildTest(unittest.TestCase):
post_assessment = "Post assessment"
def test_get_score(self):
new_answer = "New Answer"
......@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ class OpenEndedChildTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_reset(self):
state = json.loads(self.openendedchild.get_instance_state())
self.assertEqual(state['child_state'], OpenEndedChild.INITIAL)
......@@ -182,12 +183,14 @@ class OpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
descriptor = Mock()
def setUp(self):
test_system.location = self.location
self.test_system = test_system()
self.test_system.location = self.location
self.mock_xqueue = MagicMock()
self.mock_xqueue.send_to_queue.return_value = (None, "Message")
test_system.xqueue = {'interface': self.mock_xqueue, 'callback_url': '/', 'default_queuename': 'testqueue', 'waittime': 1}
self.openendedmodule = OpenEndedModule(test_system, self.location,
self.definition, self.descriptor, self.static_data, self.metadata)
self.test_system.xqueue = {'interface': self.mock_xqueue, 'callback_url': '/', 'default_queuename': 'testqueue', 'waittime': 1}
self.openendedmodule = OpenEndedModule(self.test_system, self.location,
self.definition, self.descriptor, self.static_data, self.metadata)
def test_message_post(self):
get = {'feedback': 'feedback text',
......@@ -195,7 +198,7 @@ class OpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
'grader_id': '1',
'score': 3}
qtime = datetime.strftime(, xqueue_interface.dateformat)
student_info = {'anonymous_student_id': test_system.anonymous_student_id,
student_info = {'anonymous_student_id': self.test_system.anonymous_student_id,
'submission_time': qtime}
contents = {
'feedback': get['feedback'],
......@@ -205,7 +208,7 @@ class OpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
'student_info': json.dumps(student_info)
result = self.openendedmodule.message_post(get, test_system)
result = self.openendedmodule.message_post(get, self.test_system)
# make sure it's actually sending something we want to the queue
self.mock_xqueue.send_to_queue.assert_called_with(body=json.dumps(contents), header=ANY)
......@@ -216,7 +219,7 @@ class OpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_send_to_grader(self):
submission = "This is a student submission"
qtime = datetime.strftime(, xqueue_interface.dateformat)
student_info = {'anonymous_student_id': test_system.anonymous_student_id,
student_info = {'anonymous_student_id': self.test_system.anonymous_student_id,
'submission_time': qtime}
contents = self.openendedmodule.payload.copy()
......@@ -224,7 +227,7 @@ class OpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
'student_response': submission,
'max_score': self.max_score
result = self.openendedmodule.send_to_grader(submission, test_system)
result = self.openendedmodule.send_to_grader(submission, self.test_system)
self.mock_xqueue.send_to_queue.assert_called_with(body=json.dumps(contents), header=ANY)
......@@ -238,7 +241,7 @@ class OpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
get = {'queuekey': "abcd",
'xqueue_body': score_msg}
self.openendedmodule.update_score(get, test_system)
self.openendedmodule.update_score(get, self.test_system)
def update_score_single(self):
self.openendedmodule.new_history_entry("New Entry")
......@@ -261,11 +264,11 @@ class OpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
get = {'queuekey': "abcd",
'xqueue_body': json.dumps(score_msg)}
self.openendedmodule.update_score(get, test_system)
self.openendedmodule.update_score(get, self.test_system)
def test_latest_post_assessment(self):
assessment = self.openendedmodule.latest_post_assessment(test_system)
assessment = self.openendedmodule.latest_post_assessment(self.test_system)
self.assertFalse(assessment == '')
# check for errors
self.assertFalse('errors' in assessment)
......@@ -336,7 +339,16 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
descriptor = Mock()
def setUp(self):
self.combinedoe = CombinedOpenEndedV1Module(test_system, self.location, self.definition, self.descriptor, static_data = self.static_data, metadata=self.metadata, instance_state={})
self.test_system = test_system()
# TODO: this constructor call is definitely wrong, but neither branch
# of the merge matches the module constructor. Someone (Vik?) should fix this.
self.combinedoe = CombinedOpenEndedV1Module(self.test_system,
def test_get_tag_name(self):
name = self.combinedoe.get_tag_name("<t>Tag</t>")
......@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ class ConditionalModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
'''Get a dummy system'''
return DummySystem(load_error_modules)
def setUp(self):
self.test_system = test_system()
def get_course(self, name):
"""Get a test course by directory name. If there's more than one, error."""
print "Importing {0}".format(name)
......@@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ class ConditionalModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
location = descriptor
descriptor = self.modulestore.get_instance(, location, depth=None)
location = descriptor.location
return descriptor.xmodule(test_system)
return descriptor.xmodule(self.test_system)
# edx - HarvardX
# cond_test - ER22x
......@@ -88,8 +91,8 @@ class ConditionalModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def replace_urls(text, staticfiles_prefix=None, replace_prefix='/static/', course_namespace=None):
return text
test_system.replace_urls = replace_urls
test_system.get_module = inner_get_module
self.test_system.replace_urls = replace_urls
self.test_system.get_module = inner_get_module
module = inner_get_module(location)
print "module: ", module
......@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ class SelfAssessmentTest(unittest.TestCase):
'skip_basic_checks' : False,
self.module = SelfAssessmentModule(test_system, self.location,
self.module = SelfAssessmentModule(test_system(), self.location,
def test_get_html(self):
html = self.module.get_html(test_system)
html = self.module.get_html(self.module.system)
self.assertTrue("This is sample prompt text" in html)
def test_self_assessment_flow(self):
......@@ -80,10 +80,11 @@ class SelfAssessmentTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.module.get_score()['score'], 0)
self.module.save_answer({'student_answer': "I am an answer"}, test_system)
self.module.save_answer({'student_answer': "I am an answer"},
self.assertEqual(self.module.child_state, self.module.ASSESSING)
self.module.save_assessment(mock_query_dict, test_system)
self.module.save_assessment(mock_query_dict, self.module.system)
self.assertEqual(self.module.child_state, self.module.DONE)
......@@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ class SelfAssessmentTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.module.child_state, self.module.INITIAL)
# if we now assess as right, skip the REQUEST_HINT state
self.module.save_answer({'student_answer': 'answer 4'}, test_system)
self.module.save_answer({'student_answer': 'answer 4'},
responses['assessment'] = '1'
self.module.save_assessment(mock_query_dict, test_system)
self.module.save_assessment(mock_query_dict, self.module.system)
self.assertEqual(self.module.child_state, self.module.DONE)
......@@ -389,7 +389,11 @@ class XmlDescriptor(XModuleDescriptor):
if attr not in self.metadata_to_strip and attr not in self.metadata_to_export_to_policy:
val = val_for_xml(attr)
#logging.debug('location.category = {0}, attr = {1}'.format(self.location.category, attr))
xml_object.set(attr, val)
xml_object.set(attr, val)
except Exception, e:
logging.exception('Failed to serialize metadata attribute {0} with value {1}. This could mean data loss!!! Exception: {2}'.format(attr, val, e))
for key, value in self.xml_attributes.items():
if key not in self.metadata_to_strip:
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ if Backbone?
if @$('section.discussion').length
@newPostForm = $('.new-post-article')
@threadviews = (thread) ->
new DiscussionThreadInlineView el: @$("article#thread_#{}"), model: thread
(function () {
var debug = false;
var module = {
debug: debug,
inputSelector: '.annotation-input',
tagSelector: '.tag',
tagsSelector: '.tags',
commentSelector: 'textarea.comment',
valueSelector: 'input.value', // stash tag selections and comment here as a JSON string...
singleSelect: true,
init: function() {
var that = this;
if(this.debug) { console.log('annotation input loaded: '); }
$(this.inputSelector).each(function(index, el) {
if(!$(el).data('listening')) {
$(el).delegate(that.tagSelector, 'click', $.proxy(that.onClickTag, that));
$(el).delegate(that.commentSelector, 'change', $.proxy(that.onChangeComment, that));
$(el).data('listening', 'yes');
onChangeComment: function(e) {
var value_el = this.findValueEl(;
var current_value = this.loadValue(value_el);
var target_value = $(;
current_value.comment = target_value;
this.storeValue(value_el, current_value);
onClickTag: function(e) {
var target_el =, target_value, target_index;
var value_el, current_value;
value_el = this.findValueEl(;
current_value = this.loadValue(value_el);
target_value = $('id');
if(!$(target_el).hasClass('selected')) {
if(this.singleSelect) {
current_value.options = [target_value]
} else {
} else {
if(this.singleSelect) {
current_value.options = []
} else {
target_index = current_value.options.indexOf(target_value);
if(target_index !== -1) {
current_value.options.splice(target_index, 1);
this.storeValue(value_el, current_value);
if(this.singleSelect) {
findValueEl: function(target_el) {
var input_el = $(target_el).closest(this.inputSelector);
return $(this.valueSelector, input_el);
loadValue: function(value_el) {
var json = $(value_el).val();
var result = JSON.parse(json);
if(result === null) {
result = {};
if(!result.hasOwnProperty('options')) {
result.options = [];
if(!result.hasOwnProperty('comment')) {
result.comment = '';
return result;
storeValue: function(value_el, new_value) {
var json = JSON.stringify(new_value);
......@@ -11,9 +11,14 @@
prev_id = "#" + + "_preview";
preview_div = $(prev_id)
preview_div = $(prev_id);
$.get("/preview/chemcalc/", {"formula" : this.value}, create_handler(preview_div));
// find the closest parent problems-wrapper and use that url
url = $(this).closest('.problems-wrapper').data('url');
// grab the input id from the input
input_id = $(this).data('input-id')
Problem.inputAjax(url, input_id, 'preview_chemcalc', {"formula" : this.value}, create_handler(preview_div));
inputs = $('.chemicalequationinput input');
(function () {
var timeout = 1000;
function initializeApplet(applet) {
console.log("Initializing " + applet);
function waitForApplet(applet) {
if (applet.isActive && applet.isActive()) {
console.log("Applet is ready.");
var answerStr = applet.checkAnswer();
var input = $('.editageneinput input');
} else if (timeout > 30 * 1000) {
console.error("Applet did not load on time.");
} else {
console.log("Waiting for applet...");
setTimeout(function() { waitForApplet(applet); }, timeout);
function waitForGenex() {
if (typeof(genex) !== "undefined" && genex) {
else {
setTimeout(function() { waitForGenex(); }, timeout);
var applets = $('.editageneinput object');
applets.each(function(i, el) { initializeApplet(el); });
// Genex uses six global functions:
// genexSetDNASequence (exported from GWT)
// genexSetClickEvent (exported from GWT)
// genexSetKeyEvent (exported from GWT)
// genexSetProblemNumber (exported from GWT)
// It calls genexIsReady with a deferred command when it has finished
// initialization and has drawn itself
// genexStoreAnswer(answer) is called when the GWT [Store Answer] button
// is clicked
genexIsReady = function() {
//Load DNA sequence
var dna_sequence = $('#dna_sequence').val();
//Now load mouse and keyboard handlers
//Now load problem
var genex_problem_number = $('#genex_problem_number').val();
genexStoreAnswer = function(ans) {
var problem = $('#genex_container').parents('.problem');
var input_field = problem.find('input[type="hidden"][name!="dna_sequence"][name!="genex_problem_number"]');
.genex-button {
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\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -550,15 +550,84 @@ If you want to customize the courseware tabs displayed for your course, specify
Support is currently provided for image-based and PDF-based textbooks.
Support is currently provided for image-based and PDF-based textbooks. In addition to enabling the display of textbooks in tabs (see above), specific information about the location of textbook content must be configured.
Image-based Textbooks
Image-based textbooks are configured at the course level in the XML markup. Here is an example:
.. code-block:: xml
<textbook title="Textbook 1" book_url="" />
<textbook title="Textbook 2" book_url="" />
<chapter url_name="Overview">
<chapter url_name="First week">
Each `textbook` element is displayed on a different tab. The `title` attribute is used as the tab's name, and the `book_url` attribute points to the remote directory that contains the images of the text. Note the trailing slash on the end of the `book_url` attribute.
The images must be stored in the same directory as the `book_url`, with filenames matching `pXXX.png`, where `XXX` is a three-digit number representing the page number (with leading zeroes as necessary). Pages start at `p001.png`.
Each textbook must also have its own table of contents. This is read from the `book_url` location, by appending `toc.xml`. This file contains a `table_of_contents` parent element, with `entry` elements nested below it. Each `entry` has attributes for `name`, `page_label`, and `page`, as well as an optional `chapter` attribute. An arbitrary number of levels of nesting of `entry` elements within other `entry` elements is supported, but you're likely to only want two levels. The `page` represents the actual page to link to, while the `page_label` matches the displayed page number on that page. Here's an example:
.. code-block:: xml
<entry page="1" page_label="i" name="Title" />
<entry page="2" page_label="ii" name="Preamble">
<entry page="2" page_label="ii" name="Copyright"/>
<entry page="3" page_label="iii" name="Brief Contents"/>
<entry page="5" page_label="v" name="Contents"/>
<entry page="9" page_label="1" name="About the Authors"/>
<entry page="10" page_label="2" name="Acknowledgments"/>
<entry page="11" page_label="3" name="Dedication"/>
<entry page="12" page_label="4" name="Preface"/>
<entry page="15" page_label="7" name="Introduction to edX" chapter="1">
<entry page="15" page_label="7" name="edX in the Modern World"/>
<entry page="18" page_label="10" name="The edX Method"/>
<entry page="18" page_label="10" name="A Description of edX"/>
<entry page="29" page_label="21" name="A Brief History of edX"/>
<entry page="51" page_label="43" name="Introduction to edX"/>
<entry page="56" page_label="48" name="Endnotes"/>
<entry page="73" page_label="65" name="Art and Photo Credits" chapter="30">
<entry page="73" page_label="65" name="Molecular Models"/>
<entry page="73" page_label="65" name="Photo Credits"/>
<entry page="77" page_label="69" name="Index" />
Linking from Content
It is possible to add links to specific pages in a textbook by using a URL that encodes the index of the textbook and the page number. The URL is of the form `/course/book/${bookindex}/$page}`. If the page is omitted from the URL, the first page is assumed.
You can use a `customtag` to create a template for such links. For example, you can create a `book` template in the `customtag` directory, containing:
.. code-block:: xml
<img src="/static/images/icons/textbook_icon.png"/> More information given in <a href="/course/book/${book}/${page}">the text</a>.
The course content can then link to page 25 using the `customtag` element:
.. code-block:: xml
<customtag book="0" page="25" impl="book"/>
PDF-based Textbooks
PDF-based textbooks are configured at the course level in the policy file. The JSON markup consists of an array of maps, with each map corresponding to a separate textbook. There are two styles to presenting PDF-based material. The first way is as a single PDF on a tab, which requires only a tab title and a URL for configuration. A second way permits the display of multiple PDFs that should be displayed together on a single view. For this view, a side panel of links is available on the left, allowing selection of a particular PDF to view.
......@@ -566,20 +635,51 @@ PDF-based textbooks are configured at the course level in the policy file. The
"pdf_textbooks": [
{"tab_title": "Textbook 1",
"url": "" },
"url": "" },
{"tab_title": "Textbook 2",
"chapters": [
{ "title": "Chapter 1", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 2", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 3", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 4", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 5", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 6", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 7", "url": "" }
{ "title": "Chapter 1", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 2", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 3", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 4", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 5", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 6", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Chapter 7", "url": "" }
Some notes:
* It is not a good idea to include a top-level URL and chapter-level URLs in the same textbook configuration.
Linking from Content
It is possible to add links to specific pages in a textbook by using a URL that encodes the index of the textbook, the chapter (if chapters are used), and the page number. For a book with no chapters, the URL is of the form `/course/pdfbook/${bookindex}/$page}`. For a book with chapters, use `/course/pdfbook/${bookindex}/chapter/${chapter}/${page}`. If the page is omitted from the URL, the first page is assumed.
For example, for the book with no chapters configured above, page 25 can be reached using the URL `/course/pdfbook/0/25`. Reaching page 19 in the third chapter of the second book is accomplished with `/course/pdfbook/1/chapter/3/19`.
You can use a `customtag` to create a template for such links. For example, you can create a `pdfbook` template in the `customtag` directory, containing:
.. code-block:: xml
<img src="/static/images/icons/textbook_icon.png"/> More information given in <a href="/course/pdfbook/${book}/${page}">the text</a>.
And a `pdfchapter` template containing:
.. code-block:: xml
<img src="/static/images/icons/textbook_icon.png"/> More information given in <a href="/course/pdfbook/${book}/chapter/${chapter}/${page}">the text</a>.
The example pages can then be linked using the `customtag` element:
.. code-block:: xml
<customtag book="0" page="25" impl="pdfbook"/>
<customtag book="1" chapter="3" page="19" impl="pdfchapter"/>
Other file locations (info and about)
......@@ -83,9 +83,58 @@ the slider.
If no targets are provided, then a draggable can be dragged and placed anywhere
on the base image.
correct answer format
Targets on draggables
Sometimes it is not enough to have targets only on the base image, and all of the
draggables on these targets. If a complex problem exists where a draggable must
become itself a target (or many targets), then the following extended syntax
can be used: ::
<draggable {attribute list}>
<target {attribute list} />
<target {attribute list} />
<target {attribute list} />
The attribute list in the tags above ('draggable' and 'target') is the same as for
normal 'draggable' and 'target' tags. The only difference is when you will be
specifying inner target position coordinates. Using the 'x' and 'y' attributes you
are setting the offset of the inner target from the upper-left corner of the
parent draggable (that contains the inner target).
Limitations of targets on draggables
1.) Currently there is a limitation to the level of nesting of targets.
Even though you can pile up a large number of draggables on targets that themselves
are on draggables, the Drag and Drop instance will be graded only in the case if
there is a maximum of two levels of targets. The first level are the "base" targets.
They are attached to the base image. The second level are the targets defined on
2.) Another limitation is that the target bounds are not checked against
other targets.
For now, it is the responsibility of the person who is constructing the course
material to make sure that there is no overlapping of targets. It is also preferable
that targets on draggables are smaller than the actual parent draggable. Technically
this is not necessary, but from the usability perspective it is desirable.
3.) You can have targets on draggables only in the case when there are base targets
defined (base targets are attached to the base image).
If you do not have base targets, then you can only have a single level of nesting
(draggables on the base image). In this case the client side will be reporting (x,y)
positions of each draggables on the base image.
Correct answer format
(NOTE: For specifying answers for targets on draggables please see next section.)
There are two correct answer formats: short and long
If short from correct answer is mapping of 'draggable_id' to 'target_id'::
......@@ -180,7 +229,7 @@ Rules are: exact, anyof, unordered_equal, anyof+number, unordered_equal+number
'rule': 'unordered_equal'
- And sometimes you want to allow drag only two 'b' draggables, in these case you sould use 'anyof+number' of 'unordered_equal+number' rule::
- And sometimes you want to allow drag only two 'b' draggables, in these case you should use 'anyof+number' of 'unordered_equal+number' rule::
correct_answer = [
......@@ -204,6 +253,54 @@ for same number of draggables, anyof is equal to unordered_equal
If we have can_reuse=true, than one must use only long form of correct answer.
Answer format for targets on draggables
As with the cases described above, an answer must provide precise positioning for
each draggable (on which targets it must reside). In the case when a draggable must
be placed on a target that itself is on a draggable, then the answer must contain
the chain of target-draggable-target. It is best to understand this on an example.
Suppose we have three draggables - 'up', 's', and 'p'. Draggables 's', and 'p' have targets
on themselves. More specifically, 'p' has three targets - '1', '2', and '3'. The first
requirement is that 's', and 'p' are positioned on specific targets on the base image.
The second requirement is that draggable 'up' is positioned on specific targets of
draggable 'p'. Below is an excerpt from a problem.::
<draggable id="up" icon="/static/images/images_list/lcao-mo/up.png" can_reuse="true" />
<draggable id="s" icon="/static/images/images_list/lcao-mo/orbital_single.png" label="s orbital" can_reuse="true" >
<target id="1" x="0" y="0" w="32" h="32"/>
<draggable id="p" icon="/static/images/images_list/lcao-mo/orbital_triple.png" can_reuse="true" label="p orbital" >
<target id="1" x="0" y="0" w="32" h="32"/>
<target id="2" x="34" y="0" w="32" h="32"/>
<target id="3" x="68" y="0" w="32" h="32"/>
correct_answer = [
'draggables': ['p'],
'targets': ['p-left-target', 'p-right-target'],
'rule': 'unordered_equal'
'draggables': ['s'],
'targets': ['s-left-target', 's-right-target'],
'rule': 'unordered_equal'
'draggables': ['up'],
'targets': ['p-left-target[p][1]', 'p-left-target[p][2]', 'p-right-target[p][2]', 'p-right-target[p][3]',],
'rule': 'unordered_equal'
Note that it is a requirement to specify rules for all draggables, even if some draggable gets included
in more than one chain.
Grading logic
......@@ -321,3 +418,8 @@ Draggables can be reused
.. literalinclude:: drag-n-drop-demo2.xml
Examples of targets on draggables
.. literalinclude:: drag-n-drop-demo3.xml
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from capa.xqueue_interface import XQueueInterface
from capa.chem import chemcalc
from courseware.access import has_access
from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_string
from models import StudentModule
......@@ -446,42 +445,6 @@ def modx_dispatch(request, dispatch, location, course_id):
return HttpResponse(ajax_return)
def preview_chemcalc(request):
Render an html preview of a chemical formula or equation. The fact that
this is here is a bit of hack. See the note in lms/ about why it's
here. (Victor is to blame.)
request should be a GET, with a key 'formula' and value 'some formula string'.
Returns a json dictionary:
'preview' : 'the-preview-html' or ''
'error' : 'the-error' or ''
if request.method != "GET":
raise Http404
result = {'preview': '',
'error': ''}
formula = request.GET.get('formula')
if formula is None:
result['error'] = "No formula specified."
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result))
result['preview'] = chemcalc.render_to_html(formula)
except pyparsing.ParseException as p:
result['error'] = "Couldn't parse formula: {0}".format(p)
except Exception:
# this is unexpected, so log
log.warning("Error while previewing chemical formula", exc_info=True)
result['error'] = "Error while rendering preview"
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result))
def get_score_bucket(grade, max_grade):
from django.test import TestCase
from mock import MagicMock
import courseware.tabs as tabs
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
class ProgressTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.mockuser1 = MagicMock()
self.mockuser0 = MagicMock()
self.course = MagicMock()
self.mockuser1.is_authenticated.return_value = True
self.mockuser0.is_authenticated.return_value = False = 'edX/full/6.002_Spring_2012' = {'name': 'same'}
self.active_page1 = 'progress'
self.active_page0 = 'stagnation'
def test_progress(self):
self.assertEqual(tabs._progress(, self.mockuser0, self.course,
self.active_page0), [])
self.assertEqual(tabs._progress(, self.mockuser1, self.course,
self.active_page1)[0].name, 'same')
self.assertEqual(tabs._progress(, self.mockuser1, self.course,
reverse('progress', args = []))
self.assertEqual(tabs._progress(, self.mockuser1, self.course,
self.active_page0)[0].is_active, False)
self.assertEqual(tabs._progress(, self.mockuser1, self.course,
self.active_page1)[0].is_active, True)
class WikiTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.user = MagicMock()
self.course = MagicMock() = 'edX/full/6.002_Spring_2012' = {'name': 'same'}
self.active_page1 = 'wiki'
self.active_page0 = 'miki'
def test_wiki_enabled(self):
self.assertEqual(tabs._wiki(, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page1)[0].name,
self.assertEqual(tabs._wiki(, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page1)[0].link,
reverse('course_wiki', args=[]))
self.assertEqual(tabs._wiki(, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page1)[0].is_active,
self.assertEqual(tabs._wiki(, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page0)[0].is_active,
def test_wiki_enabled_false(self):
self.assertEqual(tabs._wiki(, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page1), [])
class ExternalLinkTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.user = MagicMock()
self.course = MagicMock()
self.tabby = {'name': 'same', 'link': 'blink'}
self.active_page0 = None
self.active_page00 = True
def test_external_link(self):
self.assertEqual(tabs._external_link(self.tabby, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page0)[0].name,
self.assertEqual(tabs._external_link(self.tabby, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page0)[0].link,
self.assertEqual(tabs._external_link(self.tabby, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page0)[0].is_active,
self.assertEqual(tabs._external_link(self.tabby, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page00)[0].is_active,
class StaticTabTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.user = MagicMock()
self.course = MagicMock()
self.tabby = {'name': 'same', 'url_slug': 'schmug'} = 'edX/full/6.002_Spring_2012'
self.active_page1 = 'static_tab_schmug'
self.active_page0 = 'static_tab_schlug'
def test_static_tab(self):
self.assertEqual(tabs._static_tab(self.tabby, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page1)[0].name,
self.assertEqual(tabs._static_tab(self.tabby, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page1)[0].link,
reverse('static_tab', args = [,
self.assertEqual(tabs._static_tab(self.tabby, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page1)[0].is_active,
self.assertEqual(tabs._static_tab(self.tabby, self.user,
self.course, self.active_page0)[0].is_active,
class TextbooksTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.mockuser1 = MagicMock()
self.mockuser0 = MagicMock()
self.course = MagicMock() = MagicMock()
A = MagicMock()
T = MagicMock()
self.mockuser1.is_authenticated.return_value = True
self.mockuser0.is_authenticated.return_value = False = 'edX/full/6.002_Spring_2012'
self.active_page0 = 'textbook/0'
self.active_page1 = 'textbook/1'
self.active_pageX = 'you_shouldnt_be_seein_this'
A.title = 'Algebra'
T.title = 'Topology'
self.course.textbooks = [A, T]
@override_settings(MITX_FEATURES={'ENABLE_TEXTBOOK': True})
def test_textbooks1(self):
self.assertEqual(tabs._textbooks(, self.mockuser1,
self.course, self.active_page0)[0].name,
self.assertEqual(tabs._textbooks(, self.mockuser1,
self.course, self.active_page0)[0].link,
reverse('book', args=[, 0]))
self.assertEqual(tabs._textbooks(, self.mockuser1,
self.course, self.active_page0)[0].is_active,
self.assertEqual(tabs._textbooks(, self.mockuser1,
self.course, self.active_pageX)[0].is_active,
self.assertEqual(tabs._textbooks(, self.mockuser1,
self.course, self.active_page1)[1].name,
self.assertEqual(tabs._textbooks(, self.mockuser1,
self.course, self.active_page1)[1].link,
reverse('book', args=[, 1]))
self.assertEqual(tabs._textbooks(, self.mockuser1,
self.course, self.active_page1)[1].is_active,
self.assertEqual(tabs._textbooks(, self.mockuser1,
self.course, self.active_pageX)[1].is_active,
@override_settings(MITX_FEATURES={'ENABLE_TEXTBOOK': False})
def test_textbooks0(self):
self.assertEqual(tabs._textbooks(, self.mockuser1,
self.course, self.active_pageX), [])
self.assertEqual(tabs._textbooks(, self.mockuser0,
self.course, self.active_pageX), [])
class KeyCheckerTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.expected_keys1 = ['a', 'b']
self.expected_keys0 = ['a', 'v', 'g']
self.dictio = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
def test_key_checker(self):
tabs.key_checker(self.expected_keys0), self.dictio)
class NullValidatorTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.d = {}
def test_null_validator(self):
class ValidateTabsTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self): = [MagicMock() for i in range(0,5)][0].tabs = None[1].tabs = [{'type':'courseware'}, {'type': 'fax'}][2].tabs = [{'type':'shadow'}, {'type': 'course_info'}][3].tabs = [{'type':'courseware'},{'type':'course_info', 'name': 'alice'},
{'type': 'wiki', 'name':'alice'}, {'type':'discussion', 'name': 'alice'},
{'type':'external_link', 'name': 'alice', 'link':'blink'},
{'type':'textbooks'}, {'type':'progress', 'name': 'alice'},
{'type':'static_tab', 'name':'alice', 'url_slug':'schlug'},
{'type': 'staff_grading'}][4].tabs = [{'type':'courseware'},{'type': 'course_info'}, {'type': 'flying'}]
def test_validate_tabs(self):
self.assertRaises(tabs.InvalidTabsException, tabs.validate_tabs,[1])
self.assertRaises(tabs.InvalidTabsException, tabs.validate_tabs,[2])
self.assertRaises(tabs.InvalidTabsException, tabs.validate_tabs,[4])
import django_comment_client.models as models
import django_comment_client.permissions as permissions
from django.test import TestCase
class RoleClassTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# For course ID, syntax edx/classname/classdate is important
# because xmodel.course_module.id_to_location looks for a string to split
self.course_id = "edX/toy/2012_Fall"
self.student_role = models.Role.objects.get_or_create(name="Student", \
self.student_2_role = models.Role.objects.get_or_create(name="Student", \
self.TA_role = models.Role.objects.get_or_create(name="Community TA",\
self.course_id_2 = "edx/6.002x/2012_Fall"
self.TA_role_2 = models.Role.objects.get_or_create(name="Community TA",\
class Dummy():
def render_template():
d = {"data": {
"textbooks": [],
'wiki_slug': True,
def testHasPermission(self):
# Whenever you add a permission to student_role,
# Roles with the same FORUM_ROLE in same class also receives the same
# permission.
# Is this desirable behavior?
def testInheritPermissions(self):
# Despite being from 2 different courses, TA_role_2 can still inherit
# permissions from TA_role without error
class PermissionClassTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.permission = permissions.Permission.objects.get_or_create(name="test")[0]
def testUnicode(self):
self.assertEqual(str(self.permission), "test")
......@@ -3,26 +3,40 @@ import random
import collections
from django.test import TestCase
from mock import MagicMock
from django.test.utils import override_settings
import django.core.urlresolvers as urlresolvers
import django_comment_client.mustache_helpers as mustache_helpers
class PluralizeTestCase(TestCase):
def test_pluralize(self):
self.text1 = '0 goat'
self.text2 = '1 goat'
self.text3 = '7 goat'
self.content = 'unused argument'
self.assertEqual(mustache_helpers.pluralize(self.content, self.text1), 'goats')
self.assertEqual(mustache_helpers.pluralize(self.content, self.text2), 'goat')
self.assertEqual(mustache_helpers.pluralize(self.content, self.text3), 'goats')
class PluralizeTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.text1 = '0 goat'
self.text2 = '1 goat'
self.text3 = '7 goat'
self.content = 'unused argument'
class CloseThreadTextTestCase(TestCase):
def test_pluralize(self):
self.assertEqual(mustache_helpers.pluralize(self.content, self.text1), 'goats')
self.assertEqual(mustache_helpers.pluralize(self.content, self.text2), 'goat')
self.assertEqual(mustache_helpers.pluralize(self.content, self.text3), 'goats')
class CloseThreadTextTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.contentClosed = {'closed': True}
self.contentOpen = {'closed': False}
def test_close_thread_text(self):
self.assertEqual(mustache_helpers.close_thread_text(self.contentClosed), 'Re-open thread')
self.assertEqual(mustache_helpers.close_thread_text(self.contentOpen), 'Close thread')
def test_close_thread_text(self):
self.contentClosed = {'closed': True}
self.contentOpen = {'closed': False}
self.assertEqual(mustache_helpers.close_thread_text(self.contentClosed), 'Re-open thread')
self.assertEqual(mustache_helpers.close_thread_text(self.contentOpen), 'Close thread')
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ def save_scores(user, puzzle_scores):
score_responses.append({'PuzzleID': puzzle_id,
'Status': 'Success'})
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......@@ -224,14 +224,6 @@ if settings.COURSEWARE_ENABLED:
# TODO (vshnayder): This is a hack. It creates a direct connection from
# the LMS to capa functionality, and really wants to go through the
# input types system so that previews can be context-specific.
# Unfortunately, we don't have time to think through the right way to do
# that (and implement it), and it's not a terrible thing to provide a
# generic chemical-equation rendering service.
url(r'^preview/chemcalc', 'courseware.module_render.preview_chemcalc',
# Software Licenses
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