Commit 840eb0be by Calen Pennington

Capture paver quality logs into the artifacts directory

Capture paver quality build stdout and stderr into separate log files
Send pylint results directly to a report file, so that we don't overwhelm jenkins
parent 653cc225
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def find_fixme(options):
"{pythonpath_prefix} pylint --disable all --enable=fixme "
"--output-format=parseable {apps} "
"| tee {report_dir}/".format(
"> {report_dir}/".format(
......@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ def run_pylint(options):
"{pythonpath_prefix} pylint {flags} --output-format=parseable {apps} | "
"tee {report_dir}/".format(
"{pythonpath_prefix} pylint {flags} --output-format=parseable {apps} "
"> {report_dir}/".format(
flags=" ".join(flags),
......@@ -76,31 +76,47 @@ else
function run_paver_quality {
mkdir -p test_root/log/
paver $QUALITY_TASK $* 2> $LOG_PREFIX.err.log > $LOG_PREFIX.out.log || {
echo "STDOUT:";
cat $LOG_PREFIX.out.log;
echo "STDERR:";
cat $LOG_PREFIX.err.log;
return 1;
return 0;
case "$TEST_SUITE" in
echo "Finding fixme's and storing report..."
paver find_fixme > fixme.log || { cat fixme.log; EXIT=1; }
run_paver_quality find_fixme || EXIT=1
echo "Finding pep8 violations and storing report..."
paver run_pep8 > pep8.log || { cat pep8.log; EXIT=1; }
run_paver_quality run_pep8 || EXIT=1
echo "Finding pylint violations and storing in report..."
paver run_pylint -l $LOWER_PYLINT_THRESHOLD:$UPPER_PYLINT_THRESHOLD > pylint.log || { echo 'Too many pylint violations. You can view them in pylint.log'; EXIT=1; }
run_paver_quality run_pylint -l $LOWER_PYLINT_THRESHOLD:$UPPER_PYLINT_THRESHOLD || EXIT=1
mkdir -p reports
echo "Finding ESLint violations and storing report..."
paver run_eslint -l $ESLINT_THRESHOLD > eslint.log || { echo 'Too many eslint violations. You can view them in eslint.log'; EXIT=1; }
run_paver_quality run_eslint -l $ESLINT_THRESHOLD || EXIT=1
echo "Finding Stylelint violations and storing report..."
paver run_stylelint -l $STYLELINT_THRESHOLD > stylelint.log || { echo 'Too many stylelint violations. You can view them in stylelint.log'; EXIT=1; }
run_paver_quality run_stylelint -l $STYLELINT_THRESHOLD || EXIT=1
echo "Running code complexity report (python)."
paver run_complexity || echo "Unable to calculate code complexity. Ignoring error."
run_paver_quality run_complexity || echo "Unable to calculate code complexity. Ignoring error."
echo "Running xss linter report."
paver run_xsslint -t $XSSLINT_THRESHOLDS > xsslint.log || { echo 'Too many xsslint violations. You can view them in xsslint.log'; EXIT=1; }
echo "Running xss commit linter report."
paver run_xsscommitlint > xsscommitlint.log || { cat xsscommitlint.log; EXIT=1; }
run_paver_quality run_xsslint -t $XSSLINT_THRESHOLDS || EXIT=1
echo "Running safe commit linter report."
run_paver_quality run_xsscommitlint || EXIT=1
# Run quality task. Pass in the 'fail-under' percentage to diff-quality
echo "Running diff quality."
paver run_quality -p 100 || EXIT=1
run_paver_quality run_quality -p 100 || EXIT=1
# Need to create an empty test result so the post-build
# action doesn't fail the build.
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