Commit 83b0eda4 by David Baumgold

Add test for ignoring tilde static files on import

parent cc091f83
import unittest
from path import path
from mock import Mock
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer import import_static_content
from xmodule.tests import DATA_DIR
class IgnoredFilesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_ignore_tilde_static_files(self):
course_dir= DATA_DIR / "tilde"
loc = Location("edX", "tilde", "Fall_2012")
content_store = Mock()
content_store.generate_thumbnail.return_value = ("content", "location")
import_static_content(Mock(), Mock(), course_dir, content_store, loc)
saved_static_content = [call[0][0] for call in]
name_val = { for sc in saved_static_content}
self.assertIn("example.txt", name_val)
self.assertNotIn("example.txt~", name_val)
self.assertIn("GREEN", name_val["example.txt"])
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