Commit 830bbb15 by Ned Batchelder

Generate now removes format flags.

parent eb4d5f1c
......@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ def merge(locale, target='django.po', sources=('django-partial.po',), fail_if_mi
# clean up redunancies in the metadata
merged_filename = locale_directory.joinpath('merged.po')
# rename merged.po -> django.po (default)
target_filename = locale_directory.joinpath(target)
......@@ -69,25 +68,32 @@ def merge_files(locale, fail_if_missing=True):
merge(locale, target, sources, fail_if_missing)
def clean_metadata(file):
def clean_pofile(file):
Clean up redundancies in the metadata caused by merging.
Clean various aspect of a .po file.
- Removes the ,fuzzy flag on metadata.
- Removes occurrence line numbers so that the generated files don't
generate a lot of line noise when they're committed.
- Removes any flags ending with "-format". Mac gettext seems to add
these flags, Linux does not, and we don't seem to need them. By
removing them, we reduce the unimportant differences that clutter
diffs as different developers work on the files.
# Reading in the .po file and saving it again fixes redundancies.
pomsgs = pofile(file)
# The msgcat tool marks the metadata as fuzzy, but it's ok as it is.
pomsgs.metadata_is_fuzzy = False
def clean_line_numbers(file):
Remove occurrence line numbers so that the generated files don't generate a lot of
line noise when they're committed.
pomsgs = pofile(file)
for entry in pomsgs:
# Remove line numbers
entry.occurrences = [(filename, None) for (filename, lineno) in entry.occurrences]
# Remove -format flags
entry.flags = [f for f in entry.flags if not f.endswith("-format")]
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