Commit 82f98b29 by David Baumgold

Reorganize information in CONTRIBUTING.rst, link to ReadTheDocs

parent 23ee963c
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Contents:
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ and effort making a pull request.
It’s also sometimes useful to submit a pull request even before the code is
working properly, to make it easier to collect early feedback. To indicate to
others that your pull request is not yet in a functional state, just prefix the
pull request title with "WIP:" (which stands for Work In Progress).
pull request title with "(WIP)" (which stands for Work In Progress).
Once you’re ready to submit your changes in a pull request, check the following
list of requirements to be sure that your pull request is ready to be reviewed:
......@@ -95,5 +95,17 @@ if we do reject your pull request, we will explain why we aren’t taking it, an
try to suggest other ways that you can accomplish the same result in a way that
we will accept.
Further Information
For futher information on the pull request requirements, please see the following
* :doc:`../testing`
* :doc:`../testing/jenkins`
* :doc:`../testing/code-coverage`
* :doc:`../testing/code-quality`
* `Python Guidelines <>`_
* `Javascript Guidelines <>`_
.. _contributor's agreement with edX:
.. _compatible licenses:
Code Coverage
We measure which lines of our codebase are covered by unit tests using
``_ for Python and `JSCover`_ for Javascript.
Our codebase is far from perfect, but the goal is to slowly improve our coverage
over time. To do this, we wrote a tool called `diff-cover`_ that will
report which lines in your branch are not covered by tests, while ignoring
other lines in the project that may not be covered. Using this tool,
we can ensure that pull requests have a very high percentage of test coverage
-- and ideally, they increase the test coverage of existing code, as well.
To check the coverage of your pull request, just go to the top level of the
edx-platform codebase and run::
$ rake coverage
This will print a coverage report for your branch. We aim for
a coverage report score of 95% or higher. We also encourage you to write
acceptance tests as your changes require.
.. _JSCover:
.. _diff-cover:
Code Quality
In order to keep our codebase as clear and readable as possible, we use various
tools to assess the quality of pull requests:
* We use the `pep8`_ tool to follow `PEP-8`_ guidelines
* We use `pylint`_ for static analysis and uncovering trouble spots in our code
Our codebase is far from perfect, but the goal is to slowly improve our quality
over time. To do this, we wrote a tool called `diff-quality`_ that will
only report on the quality violations on lines that have changed in a
pull request. Using this tool, we can ensure that pull requests do not introduce
any new quality violations -- and ideally, they clean up existing violations
in the process of introducing other changes.
To check the quality of your pull request, just go to the top level of the
edx-platform codebase and run::
$ rake quality
This will print a report of the quality violations that your branch has made.
Although we try to be vigilant and resolve all quality violations, some Pylint
violations are just too challenging to resolve, so we opt to ignore them via
use of a pragma. A pragma tells Pylint to ignore the violation in the given
line. An example is::
self.assertEquals(msg, form._errors['course_id'][0]) # pylint: disable=protected-access
The pragma starts with a ``#`` two spaces after the end of the line. We prefer
that you use the full name of the error (``pylint: disable=unused-argument`` as
opposed to ``pylint: disable=W0613``), so it's more clear what you're disabling
in the line.
.. _PEP-8:
.. _pep8:
.. _pylint:
.. _diff-quality:
Testing is something that we take very seriously at edX: we even have a
"test engineering" team at edX devoted purely to making our testing
infrastructure even more awesome.
This file is currently a stub: to find out more about our testing infrastructure,
check out the ``_ file on Github.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
`Jenkins`_ is an open source continuous integration server. edX has a Jenkins
installation specifically for testing pull requests to our open source software
project, including edx-platform. Before a pull request can be merged, Jenkins
must run all the tests for that pull request: this is known as a "build".
If even one test in the build fails, then the entire build is considered a
failure. Pull requests cannot be merged until they have a passing build.
Kicking Off Builds
Jenkins has the ability to automatically detect new pull requests and changed
pull requests on Github, and it can automatically run builds in response to
these events. We have Jenkins configured to automatically run builds for all
pull requests from core committers; however, Jenkins will *not* automatically
run builds for new contributors, so a community manager will need to manually
kick off a build for a pull request from a new contributor.
The reason for this distinction is a matter of trust. Running a build means that
Jenkins will execute all the code in the pull request. A pull request can
contain any code whatsoever: if we allowed Jenkins to automatically build every
pull request, then a malicious developer could make our Jenkins server do whatever
he or she wanted. Before kicking off a build, community managers look at the
code changes to verify that they are not malicious; this protects us from nasty
Once a contributor has submitted a few pull requests, they can request to be
added to the Jenkins whitelist: this is a special list of people that Jenkins
*will* kick off builds for automatically. If the community managers feel that
the contributor is trustworthy, then they will grant the request, which will
make future development faster and easier for both the contributor and edX. If
a contibutor shows that they can not be trusted for some reason, they will be
removed from this whitelist.
Failed Builds
Click on the build to be brought to the build page. You'll see a matrix of blue
and red dots; the red dots indicate what section failing tests were present in.
You can click on the test name to be brought to an error trace that explains
why the tests fail. Please address the failing tests before requesting a new
build on your branch. If the failures appear to not have anything to do with
your code, it may be the case that the master branch is failing. You can ask
your reviewers for advice in this scenario.
If the build says "Unstable" but passes all tests, you have introduced too many
pep8 and pylint violations. Please refer to the documentation for :doc:`code-quality`
and clean up the code.
Successful Builds
If all the tests pass, the "Diff Coverage" and "Diff Quality" reports are
generated. Click on the "View Reports" link on your pull request to be brought
to the Jenkins report page. In a column on the left side of the page are a few
links, including "Diff Coverage Report" and "Diff Quality Report". View each of
these reports (making note that the Diff Quality report has two tabs - one for
pep8, and one for Pylint).
Make sure your quality coverage is 100% and your test coverage is at least 95%.
Adjust your code appropriately if these metrics are not high enough. Be sure to
ask your reviewers for advice if you need it.
.. _Jenkins:
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