Commit 82ac5606 by David Baumgold

Assign isExternal JS function to window object

When JS functions are defined with names, they are local variables, and inaccessible
if defined inside a closure. Django-Pipeline concatenates all of our JS into one
big closure. This function explicitly assings the function to a property of the
`window` object, so that it is accessible to other JS functions.
parent 4c95078e
// checks whether or not the url is external to the local site.
// generously provided by StackOverflow:
function isExternal(url) {
window.isExternal = function (url) {
// parse the url into protocol, host, path, query, and fragment. More information can be found here:
var match = url.match(/^([^:\/?#]+:)?(?:\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]+)?(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/);
// match[1] matches a protocol if one exists in the url
// if the protocol in the url does not match the protocol in the window's location, this url is considered external
if (typeof match[1] === "string" &&
match[1].length > 0
&& match[1].toLowerCase() !== location.protocol)
if (typeof match[1] === "string" &&
match[1].length > 0 &&
match[1].toLowerCase() !== location.protocol)
return true;
// match[2] matches the host if one exists in the url
// if the host in the url does not match the host of the window location, this url is considered external
if (typeof match[2] === "string" &&
match[2].length > 0 &&
if (typeof match[2] === "string" &&
match[2].length > 0 &&
// this regex removes the port number if it patches the current location's protocol
match[2].replace(new RegExp(":("+{"http:":80,"https:":443}[location.protocol]+")?$"), "") !==
match[2].replace(new RegExp(":("+{"http:":80,"https:":443}[location.protocol]+")?$"), "") !==
return true;
return false;
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