Commit 82a7f969 by Bridger Maxwell

Added an exit survey on the profile page. It can be answered once, either…

Added an exit survey on the profile page. It can be answered once, either directly or through a certificate request.
parent e23ee31b
......@@ -13,14 +13,6 @@ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.certificates")
# @login_required
# def record_exit_survey(request):
# if request.method != "POST":
# raise Http404
def certificate_request(request):
''' Attempt to send a certificate. '''
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from module_render import render_module, modx_dispatch
from certificates.models import GeneratedCertificate
from models import StudentModule
from student.models import UserProfile
from student.views import student_took_survey
import courseware.content_parser as content_parser
import courseware.modules.capa_module
......@@ -73,6 +74,8 @@ def profile(request, student_id = None):
grade_sheet = grades.grade_sheet(student)
took_survey = student_took_survey(user_info)
generated_certificate = None
certificate_download_url = None
certificate_requested = False
......@@ -97,6 +100,7 @@ def profile(request, student_id = None):
'grade_sheet' : grade_sheet,
'certificate_requested' : certificate_requested,
'certificate_download_url' : certificate_download_url,
'took_survey' : took_survey,
return render_to_response('profile.html', context)
......@@ -456,3 +456,36 @@ def accept_name_change(request):
return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success':True}))
def record_exit_survey(request):
if request.method != "POST":
raise Http404
default_responses = {
'survey_future_classes' : 'false',
'survey_future_offerings' : 'false',
'survey_6002x_updates' : 'false'
response = { key : request.POST.get(key, default) for key,default in default_responses.items() }
up = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
meta = up.get_meta()
if '6002x_exit_response' in meta:
# Once we got a response, we don't show them the survey form again, so this is a really odd case anyway
return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success':False, 'error':'You have already submitted a survey.'}))
meta['6002x_exit_response'] = response
return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success':True}))
def student_took_survey(userprofile):
meta = userprofile.get_meta()
return '6002x_exit_response' in meta
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ $(function() {
$("#apply_name_change").html("<h1>Your request has been submitted.</h1><p>We'll send you an e-mail when approve the change or need further information. Please allow for up to a week for us to process your request.</p>");
$("#survey").html("<h1>Your request has been submitted.</h1><p>We'll send you an e-mail when approve the change or need further information. Please allow for up to a week for us to process your request.</p>");
} else {
......@@ -122,12 +122,38 @@ $(function() {
There is a fieldset, #survey_fieldset, which contains an exit survey. This exist survey can be taken by iteself,
or as part of the certificate request. If they haven't taken the survey yet, it moves to the open modal dialogue.
Once it has been taken, it should dissapear.
//If they haven't taken the survey yet, we move it to the certificate request form
if ($("#survey_fieldset").length>0) {
$("#cert_request_survey_holder").prepend( $("#survey_fieldset") );
// They survey may have been "stolen" away to the certificate request form
if ($("#survey_fieldset").length>0) {
$("#survey_survey_holder").prepend( $("#survey_fieldset") );
var values = {'cert_request_verify' : $("#cert_request_verify").is(':checked'),
'cert_request_email': $("#cert_request_email").val() };
postJSON('/certificate_request', values, function(data) {
if (data.success) {
//Now we move the survey_survey_holder back to a safer container, and submit the survey
if ($("#survey_fieldset").length>0) {
$("#survey_survey_holder").prepend( $("#survey_fieldset").remove() );
$("#cert_request").html("<h1>Certificate Request Received</h1><p>A certificate will be sent to the specified email in a short time.</p>");
} else {
......@@ -138,8 +164,34 @@ $(function() {
// "old_email":"${email}",
// "new_email":new_email});
return false;
var values = {'survey_future_classes' : $("#survey_future_classes").is(':checked'),
'survey_future_offerings' : $("#survey_future_offerings").is(':checked'),
'survey_6002x_updates' : $("#survey_6002x_updates").is(':checked'), };
postJSON('/record_exit_survey', values, function(data) {
if (true || data.success) {
$("#survey").html("<h1>Survey Response Recorded</h1><p>Thank you for filling out the survey!</p>");
//Make sure that the survey fieldset is removed
//Remove the links to take the survey
} else {
//TODO: What do I log here?
// log_event("profile", {"type":"email_change_request",
// "old_email":"${email}",
// "new_email":new_email});
return false;
......@@ -160,16 +212,22 @@ $(function() {
<p>Final Grade: <strong>${grade_sheet['grade']}</strong></p>
%if not certificate_requested:
<a rel="leanModal" class="cert_request" href="#cert_request">Request Certificate</a>
<a rel="leanModal" class="cert_request_link" href="#cert_request">Request Certificate</a>
%elif certificate_download_url:
<a class="cert_request" href="${certificate_download_url}">Download Certificate</a>
<a href="${certificate_download_url}">Download Certificate</a>
<a class="cert_request" href="#">Certificate is being generated...</a>
<a href="#">Certificate is being generated...</a>
<p> No letter grade has been earned for this course </p>
%if not took_survey:
<div class="survey_offer">
Take the <a class="survey_link" rel="leanModal" href="#survey">survey</a>.
<div id="grade-detail-graph"></div>
......@@ -352,8 +410,9 @@ $(function() {
<p>The certificate will indicate that <strong>${name}</strong> has successfully completed the Fall 2012 offering of <strong>Circuits and Electronics 6.002x</strong>. Please ensure that this is correct.</p>
<form id="cert_request_form">
<div id="cert_request_error"> </div>
<div id="cert_request_error"> </div>
<li class="verify">
<input type="checkbox" id="cert_request_verify"/>
......@@ -363,43 +422,49 @@ $(function() {
<label> Please enter the email address to send the certificate to: </label>
<input id="cert_request_email" type="email" value="${email}" />
<input type="submit" id="" value="Send Certificate" />
<div id="cert_request_survey_holder"> </div>
<input type="submit" id="" value="Send Certificate" />
%if not took_survey:
<div id="survey" class="leanModal_box">
<h1>6.002x Student Survey</h1>
<p>Please take this short survey about 6.002x.</p>
<form id="survey_form">
<div id="survey_error"> </div>
<input type="checkbox" id="survey_future_classes"/>
<label> Please inform me of future classes offered by edX.</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="survey_future_offerings"/>
<label> Please inform me of opportunities to help with future offerings of 6.002x, such as staffing discussiong forums or developing content. </label>
<input type="checkbox" id="survey_6002x_updates"/>
<label> Please subscribe me to periodic updates about additional topics, refreshers, and follow-ups for topics in 6.002x. </label>
<input type="submit" id="" value="Record Survey Response" />
<h1>6.002x Student Survey</h1>
<div id="survey_survey_holder">
<fieldset id="survey_fieldset">
<p>Please take this short survey about 6.002x.</p>
<div id="survey_error"> </div>
<input type="checkbox" id="survey_future_classes"/>
<label> Please inform me of future classes offered by edX.</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="survey_future_offerings"/>
<label> Please inform me of opportunities to help with future offerings of 6.002x, such as staffing discussiong forums or developing content. </label>
<input type="checkbox" id="survey_6002x_updates"/>
<label> Please subscribe me to periodic updates about additional topics, refreshers, and follow-ups for topics in 6.002x. </label>
<input type="submit" id="" value="Record Survey Response" />
......@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ urlpatterns = ('',
url(r'^send_feedback$', 'util.views.send_feedback'),
if True: # settings.END_COURSE_ENABLED:
urlpatterns += (url(r'^record_exit_survey$','student.views.record_exit_survey'),)
if settings.PERFSTATS:
urlpatterns=urlpatterns + (url(r'^reprofile$','perfstats.views.end_profile'),)
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