'data':'{"ticket": {"comment": {"body": "Help! I\'m trapped in a unit test factory and I can\'t get out!"}, "subject": "Python Unit Test Help Request", "tags": ["python_unit_test"], "requester": {"name": "John Q. Student", "email": "JohnQStudent@example.com"}}}'# pylint: disable=line-too-long
'data':'{"ticket": {"comment": {"body": "Help! I\'m trapped in a unit test factory and I can\'t get out!", "uploads": null}, "tags": ["python_unit_test"], "subject": "Python Unit Test Help Request", "custom_fields": null, "requester": {"name": "John Q. Student", "email": "JohnQStudent@example.com"}}}'# pylint: disable=line-too-long
@@ -68,40 +68,6 @@ class ZendeskProxyTestCase(ApiTestCase):
'data':'{"ticket": {"comment": {"body": "Help! I\'m trapped in a unit test factory and I can\'t get out!", "uploads": null}, "tags": ["python_unit_test"], "subject": "Python Unit Test Help Request", "custom_fields": [{"id": "001", "value": "demo-course"}], "requester": {"name": "John Q. Student", "email": "JohnQStudent@example.com"}}}'# pylint: disable=line-too-long