Commit 81527d60 by Calen Pennington

Move pep8 and pylint into test suite, so that we can rachet down the number of violations

parent 7806acc7
#! /bin/bash
set -e
set -x
git remote prune origin
# Reset the submodule, in case it changed
git submodule foreach 'git reset --hard HEAD'
# Set the IO encoding to UTF-8 so that askbot will start
rake clobber
rake pep8 || echo "pep8 failed, continuing"
rake pylint || echo "pylint failed, continuing"
......@@ -38,12 +38,15 @@ pip install -q -r test-requirements.txt
yes w | pip install -q -r requirements.txt
rake clobber
rake pep8
rake pylint
rake test_cms[false] || TESTS_FAILED=1
rake test_lms[false] || TESTS_FAILED=1
rake test_common/lib/capa || TESTS_FAILED=1
rake test_common/lib/xmodule || TESTS_FAILED=1
# Don't run the lms jasmine tests for now because
# Don't run the lms jasmine tests for now because
# they mostly all fail anyhow
# rake phantomjs_jasmine_lms || true
rake phantomjs_jasmine_cms || TESTS_FAILED=1
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