Commit 80ac3fcc by John Eskew

Remove the concept of having more than one course export format tagged.

parent 8b287900
Script for converting a tar.gz file representing an exported course
to the archive format used by a different version of export.
Sample invocation: ./ export_convert_format mycourse.tar.gz ~/newformat/
import os
from path import Path as path
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.conf import settings
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import tarfile
import shutil
from openedx.core.lib.extract_tar import safetar_extractall
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_exporter import convert_between_versions
class Command(BaseCommand):
Convert between export formats.
help = 'Convert between versions 0 and 1 of the course export format'
args = '<tar.gz archive file> <output path>'
def handle(self, *args, **options):
"Execute the command"
if len(args) != 2:
raise CommandError("export requires two arguments: <tar.gz file> <output path>")
source_archive = args[0]
output_path = args[1]
# Create temp directories to extract the source and create the target archive.
temp_source_dir = mkdtemp(dir=settings.DATA_DIR)
temp_target_dir = mkdtemp(dir=settings.DATA_DIR)
extract_source(source_archive, temp_source_dir)
desired_version = convert_between_versions(temp_source_dir, temp_target_dir)
# New zip up the target directory.
parts = os.path.basename(source_archive).split('.')
archive_name = path(output_path) / "{source_name}_version_{desired_version}.tar.gz".format(
source_name=parts[0], desired_version=desired_version
with open(archive_name, "w"):
tar_file =, mode='w:gz')
for item in os.listdir(temp_target_dir):
tar_file.add(path(temp_target_dir) / item, arcname=item)
print "Created archive {0}".format(archive_name)
except ValueError as err:
raise CommandError(err)
def extract_source(source_archive, target):
Extract the archive into the given target directory.
with as tar_file:
safetar_extractall(tar_file, target)
Test for export_convert_format.
from unittest import TestCase
from import call_command, CommandError
from django.conf import settings
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import shutil
from path import Path as path
from import Command, extract_source
from xmodule.tests.helpers import directories_equal
class ConvertExportFormat(TestCase):
Tests converting between export formats.
def setUp(self):
""" Common setup. """
super(ConvertExportFormat, self).setUp()
self.temp_dir = mkdtemp(dir=settings.DATA_DIR)
self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.temp_dir)
self.data_dir = path(__file__).realpath().parent / 'data'
self.version0 = self.data_dir / "Version0_drafts.tar.gz"
self.version1 = self.data_dir / "Version1_drafts.tar.gz"
self.command = Command()
def test_no_args(self):
""" Test error condition of no arguments. """
errstring = "export requires two arguments"
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandError, errstring):
def test_version1_archive(self):
Smoke test for creating a version 1 archive from a version 0.
call_command('export_convert_format', self.version0, self.temp_dir)
output = path(self.temp_dir) / 'Version0_drafts_version_1.tar.gz'
self.assertTrue(self._verify_archive_equality(output, self.version1))
def test_version0_archive(self):
Smoke test for creating a version 0 archive from a version 1.
call_command('export_convert_format', self.version1, self.temp_dir)
output = path(self.temp_dir) / 'Version1_drafts_version_0.tar.gz'
self.assertTrue(self._verify_archive_equality(output, self.version0))
def _verify_archive_equality(self, file1, file2):
Helper function for determining if 2 archives are equal.
temp_dir_1 = mkdtemp(dir=settings.DATA_DIR)
temp_dir_2 = mkdtemp(dir=settings.DATA_DIR)
extract_source(file1, temp_dir_1)
extract_source(file2, temp_dir_2)
return directories_equal(temp_dir_1, temp_dir_2)
......@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ from opaque_keys.edx.locator import CourseLocator, LibraryLocator
DRAFT_DIR = "drafts"
PUBLISHED_DIR = "published"
EXPORT_VERSION_FILE = "format.json"
EXPORT_VERSION_KEY = "export_format"
DEFAULT_CONTENT_FIELDS = ['metadata', 'data']
......@@ -408,90 +406,3 @@ def export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, source_course_key, dest_course_
# export content fields other then metadata and data in json format in current directory
_export_field_content(item, item_dir)
def convert_between_versions(source_dir, target_dir):
Converts a version 0 export format to version 1, and vice versa.
@param source_dir: the directory structure with the course export that should be converted.
The contents of source_dir will not be altered.
@param target_dir: the directory where the converted export should be written.
@return: the version number of the converted export.
def convert_to_version_1():
""" Convert a version 0 archive to version 0 """
with open(copy_root / EXPORT_VERSION_FILE, 'w') as f:
f.write('{{"{export_key}": 1}}\n'.format(export_key=EXPORT_VERSION_KEY))
# If a drafts folder exists, copy it over.
# Now copy everything into the published directory
published_dir = copy_root / PUBLISHED_DIR
shutil.copytree(path(source_dir) / course_name, published_dir)
# And delete the nested drafts directory, if it exists.
nested_drafts_dir = published_dir / DRAFT_DIR
if nested_drafts_dir.isdir():
def convert_to_version_0():
""" Convert a version 1 archive to version 0 """
# Copy everything in "published" up to the top level.
published_dir = path(source_dir) / course_name / PUBLISHED_DIR
if not published_dir.isdir():
raise ValueError("a version 1 archive must contain a published branch")
shutil.copytree(published_dir, copy_root)
# If there is a DRAFT branch, copy it. All other branches are ignored.
def copy_drafts():
Copy drafts directory from the old archive structure to the new.
draft_dir = path(source_dir) / course_name / DRAFT_DIR
if draft_dir.isdir():
shutil.copytree(draft_dir, copy_root / DRAFT_DIR)
root = os.listdir(source_dir)
if len(root) != 1 or (path(source_dir) / root[0]).isfile():
raise ValueError("source archive does not have single course directory at top level")
course_name = root[0]
# For this version of the script, we simply convert back and forth between version 0 and 1.
original_version = get_version(path(source_dir) / course_name)
if original_version not in [0, 1]:
raise ValueError("unknown version: " + str(original_version))
desired_version = 1 if original_version is 0 else 0
copy_root = path(target_dir) / course_name
if desired_version == 1:
return desired_version
def get_version(course_path):
Return the export format version number for the given
archive directory structure (represented as a path instance).
If the archived file does not correspond to a known export
format, None will be returned.
format_file = course_path / EXPORT_VERSION_FILE
if not format_file.isfile():
return 0
with open(format_file, "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
return None
......@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ from import blocks_are_equivalent
from opaque_keys.edx.locations import Location
from xmodule.modulestore import EdxJSONEncoder
from xmodule.modulestore.xml import XMLModuleStore
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_exporter import (
convert_between_versions, get_version
from xmodule.tests import DATA_DIR
from xmodule.tests.helpers import directories_equal
from xmodule.x_module import XModuleMixin
......@@ -214,173 +211,3 @@ class TestEdxJsonEncoder(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class ConvertExportFormat(unittest.TestCase):
Tests converting between export formats.
def setUp(self):
""" Common setup. """
super(ConvertExportFormat, self).setUp()
# Directory for expanding all the test archives
self.temp_dir = mkdtemp()
self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.temp_dir)
# Directory where new archive will be created
self.result_dir = path(self.temp_dir) / uuid.uuid4().hex
# Expand all the test archives and store their paths.
self.data_dir = path(__file__).realpath().parent / 'data'
self._version0_nodrafts = None
self._version1_nodrafts = None
self._version0_drafts = None
self._version1_drafts = None
self._version1_drafts_extra_branch = None
self._no_version = None
def version0_nodrafts(self):
"lazily expand this"
if self._version0_nodrafts is None:
self._version0_nodrafts = self._expand_archive('Version0_nodrafts.tar.gz')
return self._version0_nodrafts
def version1_nodrafts(self):
"lazily expand this"
if self._version1_nodrafts is None:
self._version1_nodrafts = self._expand_archive('Version1_nodrafts.tar.gz')
return self._version1_nodrafts
def version0_drafts(self):
"lazily expand this"
if self._version0_drafts is None:
self._version0_drafts = self._expand_archive('Version0_drafts.tar.gz')
return self._version0_drafts
def version1_drafts(self):
"lazily expand this"
if self._version1_drafts is None:
self._version1_drafts = self._expand_archive('Version1_drafts.tar.gz')
return self._version1_drafts
def version1_drafts_extra_branch(self):
"lazily expand this"
if self._version1_drafts_extra_branch is None:
self._version1_drafts_extra_branch = self._expand_archive('Version1_drafts_extra_branch.tar.gz')
return self._version1_drafts_extra_branch
def no_version(self):
"lazily expand this"
if self._no_version is None:
self._no_version = self._expand_archive('NoVersionNumber.tar.gz')
return self._no_version
def _expand_archive(self, name):
""" Expand archive into a directory and return the directory. """
target = path(self.temp_dir) / uuid.uuid4().hex
with / name) as tar_file:
return target
def test_no_version(self):
""" Test error condition of no version number specified. """
errstring = "unknown version"
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, errstring):
convert_between_versions(self.no_version, self.result_dir)
def test_no_published(self):
""" Test error condition of a version 1 archive with no published branch. """
errstring = "version 1 archive must contain a published branch"
no_published = self._expand_archive('Version1_nopublished.tar.gz')
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, errstring):
convert_between_versions(no_published, self.result_dir)
def test_empty_course(self):
""" Test error condition of a version 1 archive with no published branch. """
errstring = "source archive does not have single course directory at top level"
empty_course = self._expand_archive('EmptyCourse.tar.gz')
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, errstring):
convert_between_versions(empty_course, self.result_dir)
def test_convert_to_1_nodrafts(self):
Test for converting from version 0 of export format to version 1 in a course with no drafts.
self._verify_conversion(self.version0_nodrafts, self.version1_nodrafts)
def test_convert_to_1_drafts(self):
Test for converting from version 0 of export format to version 1 in a course with drafts.
self._verify_conversion(self.version0_drafts, self.version1_drafts)
def test_convert_to_0_nodrafts(self):
Test for converting from version 1 of export format to version 0 in a course with no drafts.
self._verify_conversion(self.version1_nodrafts, self.version0_nodrafts)
def test_convert_to_0_drafts(self):
Test for converting from version 1 of export format to version 0 in a course with drafts.
self._verify_conversion(self.version1_drafts, self.version0_drafts)
def test_convert_to_0_extra_branch(self):
Test for converting from version 1 of export format to version 0 in a course
with drafts and an extra branch.
self._verify_conversion(self.version1_drafts_extra_branch, self.version0_drafts)
def test_equality_function(self):
Check equality function returns False for unequal directories.
self.assertFalse(directories_equal(self.version1_nodrafts, self.version0_nodrafts))
self.assertFalse(directories_equal(self.version1_drafts_extra_branch, self.version1_drafts))
def test_version_0(self):
Check that get_version correctly identifies a version 0 archive (old format).
self.assertEqual(0, self._version_test(self.version0_nodrafts))
def test_version_1(self):
Check that get_version correctly identifies a version 1 archive (new format).
self.assertEqual(1, self._version_test(self.version1_nodrafts))
def test_version_missing(self):
Check that get_version returns None if no version number is specified,
and the archive is not version 0.
def _version_test(self, archive_dir):
Helper function for version tests.
root = os.listdir(archive_dir)
course_directory = archive_dir / root[0]
return get_version(course_directory)
def _verify_conversion(self, source_archive, comparison_archive):
Helper function for conversion tests.
convert_between_versions(source_archive, self.result_dir)
self.assertTrue(directories_equal(self.result_dir, comparison_archive))
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