Commit 802d36c1 by Calen Pennington

Add an XBlock studio_view to XModuleDescriptors

This just wraps get_html, and ignores javascript and css for now.

parent 6923687c
......@@ -53,6 +53,13 @@ CONTAINER_XMODULES = (
# These modules are editable in studio yet
class TestXBlockWrapper(object):
......@@ -60,12 +67,11 @@ class TestXBlockWrapper(object):
def leaf_module_runtime(self):
runtime = Mock()
runtime.render_template = lambda *args, **kwargs: unicode((args, kwargs))
runtime.anonymous_student_id = 'anonymous_student_id'
runtime.anonymous_student_id = 'dummy_anonymous_student_id'
runtime.open_ended_grading_interface = {}
runtime.seed = 5
runtime.get = lambda x: getattr(runtime, x)
runtime.position = 2
runtime.ajax_url = 'ajax_url'
runtime.ajax_url = 'dummy_ajax_url'
runtime.xblock_model_data = lambda d: d._model_data
return runtime
......@@ -78,7 +84,7 @@ class TestXBlockWrapper(object):
def leaf_descriptor(self, descriptor_cls):
return descriptor_cls(
{'location': 'i4x://org/course/catagory/name'}
{'location': 'i4x://org/course/category/name'}
def leaf_module(self, descriptor_cls):
......@@ -90,6 +96,7 @@ class TestXBlockWrapper(object):
runtime.get_module.side_effect = lambda x: self.leaf_module(HtmlDescriptor)
runtime.get_module.side_effect = lambda x: self.container_module(VerticalDescriptor, depth-1)
runtime.position = 2
return runtime
......@@ -102,7 +109,7 @@ class TestXBlockWrapper(object):
return descriptor_cls(
'location': 'i4x://org/course/catagory/name',
'location': 'i4x://org/course/category/name',
'children': range(3)
......@@ -158,3 +165,62 @@ class TestStudentView(TestXBlockWrapper):
def check_student_view_container_node_xblocks_only(self, descriptor_cls):
raise SkipTest("XBlock support in XModules not yet fully implemented")
class TestStudioView(TestXBlockWrapper):
# Test that for all of the Descriptors listed in LEAF_XMODULES,
# the studio_view wrapper returns the same thing in its content
# as get_html returns
def test_studio_view_leaf_node(self):
for descriptor_cls in LEAF_XMODULES:
yield self.check_studio_view_leaf_node, descriptor_cls
# Check that when a descriptor is instantiated from descriptor_cls
# it generates the same thing from studio_view that it does from get_html
def check_studio_view_leaf_node(self, descriptor_cls):
if descriptor_cls in NOT_STUDIO_EDITABLE:
raise SkipTest(descriptor_cls.__name__ + "is not editable in studio")
descriptor = self.leaf_descriptor(descriptor_cls)
assert_equal(descriptor.get_html(), descriptor.studio_view(None).content)
# Test that for all of the Descriptors listed in CONTAINER_XMODULES
# render the same thing using studio_view as they do using get_html, under the following conditions:
# a) All of its descendents are xmodules
# b) Some of its descendents are xmodules and some are xblocks
# c) All of its descendents are xblocks
def test_studio_view_container_node(self):
for descriptor_cls in CONTAINER_XMODULES:
yield self.check_studio_view_container_node_xmodules_only, descriptor_cls
yield self.check_studio_view_container_node_mixed, descriptor_cls
yield self.check_studio_view_container_node_xblocks_only, descriptor_cls
# Check that when a descriptor is generated from descriptor_cls
# with only xmodule children, it generates the same html from studio_view
# as it does using get_html
def check_studio_view_container_node_xmodules_only(self, descriptor_cls):
if descriptor_cls in NOT_STUDIO_EDITABLE:
raise SkipTest(descriptor_cls.__name__ + "is not editable in studio")
descriptor = self.container_descriptor(descriptor_cls)
assert_equal(descriptor.get_html(), descriptor.studio_view(None).content)
# Check that when a descriptor is generated from descriptor_cls
# with mixed xmodule and xblock children, it generates the same html from studio_view
# as it does using get_html
def check_studio_view_container_node_mixed(self, descriptor_cls):
if descriptor_cls in NOT_STUDIO_EDITABLE:
raise SkipTest(descriptor_cls.__name__ + "is not editable in studio")
raise SkipTest("XBlock support in XDescriptor not yet fully implemented")
# Check that when a descriptor is generated from descriptor_cls
# with only xblock children, it generates the same html from studio_view
# as it does using get_html
def check_studio_view_container_node_xblocks_only(self, descriptor_cls):
if descriptor_cls in NOT_STUDIO_EDITABLE:
raise SkipTest(descriptor_cls.__name__ + "is not editable in studio")
raise SkipTest("XBlock support in XModules not yet fully implemented")
......@@ -785,6 +785,18 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(XModuleFields, HTMLSnippet, ResourceTemplates, XBlock):
return metadata_fields
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XBlock API Wrappers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def studio_view(self, context):
Return a fragment with the html from this XModuleDescriptor's editing view
Doesn't yet add any of the javascript to the fragment, nor the css.
Also doesn't expect any javascript binding, yet.
Makes no use of the context parameter
return Fragment(self.get_html())
class DescriptorSystem(object):
def __init__(self, load_item, resources_fs, error_tracker, **kwargs):
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