Commit 7fe675b1 by Alexander Kryklia

Allow uppercase transcripts srt extension.

parent 6d2cd987
......@@ -308,8 +308,9 @@ class TestGenerateSubsFromSource(TestDownloadYoutubeSubs):
# Check transcripts_utils.TranscriptsGenerationException not thrown
transcripts_utils.generate_subs_from_source(youtube_subs, 'srt', srt_filedata, self.course)
# Check transcripts_utils.TranscriptsGenerationException not thrown.
# Also checks that uppercase file extensions are supported.
transcripts_utils.generate_subs_from_source(youtube_subs, 'SRT', srt_filedata, self.course)
# Check assets status after importing subtitles.
for subs_id in youtube_subs.values():
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ def generate_subs_from_source(speed_subs, subs_type, subs_filedata, item, langua
:returns: True, if all subs are generated and saved successfully.
_ = item.runtime.service(item, "i18n").ugettext
if subs_type != 'srt':
if subs_type.lower() != 'srt':
raise TranscriptsGenerationException(_("We support only SubRip (*.srt) transcripts format."))
srt_subs_obj = SubRipFile.from_string(subs_filedata)
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