Commit 7f8dd6a1 by lduarte1991

Annotation Tools: Thumbnail check breaks on creation

 - Fixed second similar function.

parent e22bd1b6
......@@ -581,8 +581,15 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// would require changing annotations that were already made, instead we check if
// the id is a substring of the thumbnail, which according to OpenSeaDragon API should be the case.
var sourceId = this.viewer.source['@id'];
var targetThumb =;
if (isContainer) isSource = (targetThumb.indexOf(sourceId) !== -1);
// code runs on annotation creation before thumbnail is created
var targetThumb = ? : false;
if (isContainer) {
// reason why this is okay is that we are trying to ascertain that the annotation
// is related to the image drawn. If thumbnail attribute is empty it means the annotation
// was just created and should still be considered an annotation of this image.
isSource = targetThumb ? (targetThumb.indexOf(sourceId) !== -1) : true;
return (isOpenSeaDragon && isContainer && isImage && isRP && isSource);
......@@ -840,13 +847,13 @@ Annotator.Plugin.OpenSeaDragon = (function(_super) {
// Makes sure OSD exists and that annotation is an image annotation
// with a position in the OSD instance
var isOpenSeaDragon = (typeof annotator.osda != 'undefined');
var isContainer = (typeof!='undefined' && );
var isContainer = (typeof!='undefined' && );
var isImage = (typeof!='undefined' &&'image');
var isRP = (typeof rp!='undefined');
var isSource = false;
// Double checks that the image being displayed matches the annotations
var source = this.viewer.source;
var source = osda.viewer.source;
var tilesUrl = typeof source.tilesUrl!='undefined'?source.tilesUrl:'';
var functionUrl = typeof source.getTileUrl!='undefined'?source.getTileUrl:'';
var compareUrl = tilesUrl!=''?tilesUrl:('' + functionUrl).replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
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