Commit 7ef9ec83 by Will Daly

Added better docstrings and comments

parent e89afa93
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ This is NOT part of the public API.
from functools import wraps
import logging
import json
from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -58,6 +59,34 @@ def intercept_errors(api_error, ignore_errors=[]):
return _decorator
def require_post_params(required_params):
View decorator that ensures the required POST params are
present. If not, returns an HTTP response with status 400.
required_params (list): The required parameter keys.
def _decorator(func):
def _wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
request = args[0]
missing_params = set(required_params) - set(request.POST.keys())
if len(missing_params) > 0:
msg = u"Missing POST parameters: {missing}".format(
missing=", ".join(missing_params)
return HttpResponseBadRequest(msg)
return func(request)
return _wrapped
return _decorator
class InvalidFieldError(Exception):
"""The provided field definition is not valid. """
......@@ -244,22 +273,30 @@ def shim_student_view(view_func, check_logged_in=False):
def _inner(request):
# Strip out enrollment action stuff, since we're handling that elsewhere
# The login and registration handlers in student view try to change
# the user's enrollment status if these parameters are present.
# Since we want the JavaScript client to communicate directly with
# the enrollment API, we want to prevent the student views from
# updating enrollments.
if "enrollment_action" in request.POST:
del request.POST["enrollment_action"]
if "course_id" in request.POST:
del request.POST["course_id"]
# Actually call the function!
# TODO ^^
# Call the original view to generate a response.
# We can safely modify the status code or content
# of the response, but to be safe we won't mess
# with the headers.
response = view_func(request)
# Most responses from this view are a JSON dict
# TODO -- explain this more
# Most responses from this view are JSON-encoded
# dictionaries with keys "success", "value", and
# (sometimes) "redirect_url".
# We want to communicate some of this information
# using HTTP status codes instead.
response_dict = json.loads(response.content)
msg = response_dict.get("value", u"")
......@@ -268,30 +305,35 @@ def shim_student_view(view_func, check_logged_in=False):
msg = response.content
redirect_url = None
# If the user could not be authenticated
# If the user is not authenticated, and we expect them to be
# send a status 403.
if check_logged_in and not request.user.is_authenticated():
response.status_code = 403
response.content = msg
# Handle redirects
# TODO -- explain why this is safe
# If the view wants to redirect us, send a status 302
elif redirect_url is not None:
response.status_code = 302
response.content = redirect_url
# Handle errors
# If an error condition occurs, send a status 400
elif response.status_code != 200 or not response_dict.get("success", False):
# TODO -- explain this
# The student views tend to send status 200 even when an error occurs
# If the JSON-serialized content has a value "success" set to False,
# then we know an error occurred.
if response.status_code == 200:
response.status_code = 400
response.content = msg
# Otherwise, return the response
# If the response is successful, then return the content
# of the response directly rather than including it
# in a JSON-serialized dictionary.
response.content = msg
# Return the response.
# IMPORTANT: this NEEDS to preserve session variables / cookies!
# Return the response, preserving the original headers.
# This is really important, since the student views set cookies
# that are used elsewhere in the system (such as the marketing site).
return response
return _inner
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