@@ -208,7 +208,8 @@ __IMPORTANT__: A student's state for a particular content element is tied to the
* Note: We will be expanding our understanding and format for metadata in the not-too-distant future, but for now it is simply a set of key-value pairs.
### Policy file location
* The policy for a course run `some_url_name` lives in `policies/some_url_name.json`
* The policy for a course run `some_url_name` should live in `policies/some_url_name/policy.json` (NOTE: the old format of putting it in `policies/some_url_name.json` will also work, but we suggest using the subdirectory to have all the per-course policy files in one place)
* Grading policy files go in `policies/some_url_name/grading_policy.json` (if there's only one course run, can also put it directly in the course root: `/grading_policy.json`)
### Policy file contents
* The file format is "json", and is best shown by example, as in the tutorial above (though also feel free to google :)
@@ -218,6 +219,45 @@ Values are dictionaries of the form {"metadata-key" : "metadata-value"}.
* The order in which things appear does not matter, though it may be helpful to organize the file in the same order as things appear in the content.
* NOTE: json is picky about commas. If you have trailing commas before closing braces, it will complain and refuse to parse the file. This can be irritating at first.
### Grading policy file contents
TODO: This needs to be improved, but for now here's a sketch of how grading works:
* First we grade on individual problems. Correct and total are methods on CapaProblem.
`problem_score = (correct , total)`
* If a problem weight is in the xml, then re-weight the problem to be worth that many points
* Now we have all of the percents for all of the graded sections. This is the gradesheet that we pass to to a subclass of CourseGrader.
* A WeightedSubsectionsGrader contains several SingleSectionGraders and AssignmentFormatGraders. Each of those graders is run first before WeightedSubsectionsGrader computes the final grade.
- SingleSectionGrader (within a WeightedSubsectionsGrader) contains one section
`grader_percent = section_percent`
- AssignmentFormatGrader (within a WegithedSubsectionsGrader) contains multiple sections matching a certain format
@@ -316,6 +356,22 @@ before the week 1 material to make it easy to find in the file.
* Prefer the most "semantic" name for containers: e.g., use problemset rather than vertical for a problem set. That way, if we decide to display problem sets differently, we don't have to change the xml.
# Other file locations (info and about)
With different course runs, we may want different course info and about materials. This is now supported by putting files in as follows:
foo.html -- shared default for all runs
foo.html -- version used for url_name1
bar.html -- bar for url_name1
bar.html -- bar for url_name2
-- url_name2 will use default foo.html
and the same works for the `info` directory.
(Dev note: This file is generated from the mitx repo, in `doc/xml-format.md`. Please make edits there.)