Commit 7e6722c5 by Will Daly Committed by Jean Manuel Nater

Added clean reports dependency to rake JavaScript test tasks.

This ensures that `rake test` will clean the report directories
*before* running the JS tests.
parent 3e0f933a
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ end
namespace :jasmine do
namespace system do
desc "Open jasmine tests for #{system} in your default browser"
task :browser do
task :browser => [:clean_reports_dir] do
Rake::Task[:assets].invoke(system, 'jasmine')
django_for_jasmine(system, true) do |jasmine_url|
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ end
desc "Open jasmine tests for #{system} in your default browser, and dynamically recompile coffeescript"
task :'browser:watch' => :'assets:coffee:_watch' do
task :'browser:watch' => [:clean_reports_dir, :'assets:coffee:_watch'] do
django_for_jasmine(system, true) do |jasmine_url|
jasmine_browser(jasmine_url, jitter=0, wait=0)
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ end
desc "Use phantomjs to run jasmine tests for #{system} from the console"
task :phantomjs do
task :phantomjs => [:clean_reports_dir] do
Rake::Task[:assets].invoke(system, 'jasmine')
phantomjs = ENV['PHANTOMJS_PATH'] || 'phantomjs'
django_for_jasmine(system, false) do |jasmine_url|
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ static_js_dirs.each do |dir|
namespace :jasmine do
namespace dir do
desc "Open jasmine tests for #{dir} in your default browser"
task :browser do
task :browser => [:clean_reports_dir] do
# We need to use either CMS or LMS to preprocess files. Use LMS by default
Rake::Task['assets:coffee'].invoke('lms', 'jasmine')
template_jasmine_runner(dir) do |f|
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ static_js_dirs.each do |dir|
desc "Use phantomjs to run jasmine tests for #{dir} from the console"
task :phantomjs do
task :phantomjs => [:clean_reports_dir] do
# We need to use either CMS or LMS to preprocess files. Use LMS by default
Rake::Task[:assets].invoke('lms', 'jasmine')
template_jasmine_runner(dir) do |f|
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