Commit 7dbea50d by Arjun Singh

reasonable behavior when creating a thread

parent 27b80bc8
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ if Backbone?
@newPostView = new NewPostView(el: $(".new-post-article"), collection: @discussion)
@newPostView.on "thread:created", @navigateToThread
@nav.on "thread:created", @navigateToThread
allThreads: ->
......@@ -42,5 +42,4 @@ if Backbone?
@navigate("#{thread.get("commentable_id")}/threads/#{thread_id}", trigger: true)
navigateToAllThreads: =>
console.log "navigating"
@navigate("", trigger: true)
......@@ -40,15 +40,13 @@ if Backbone?
if active
#TODO fix this entire chain of events
addAndSelectThread: (thread) =>
commentable_id = thread.get("commentable_id")
commentable = @$(".board-name[data-discussion_id]").filter(-> $(this).data("discussion_id").id == commentable_id)
@displayedCollection.add thread
content = @renderThread(thread)
$(".post-list").prepend content
content.wrap("<li data-id='#{thread.get('id')}' />")
@retrieveDiscussion commentable_id, =>
@trigger "thread:created", thread.get('id')
updateSidebar: =>
......@@ -187,6 +185,13 @@ if Backbone?
$("body").unbind "click", @toggleTopicDrop
$("body").unbind "keydown", @setActiveItem
# TODO get rid of this asap
setTopicHack: (boardNameContainer) ->
item = $(boardNameContainer).closest('a')
boardName = item.find(".board-name").html()
_.each item.parents('ul').not('.browse-topic-drop-menu'), (parent) ->
boardName = $(parent).siblings('a').find('.board-name').html() + ' / ' + boardName
setTopic: (event) ->
item = $('a')
......@@ -243,6 +248,20 @@ if Backbone?
discussionIds = item.find(".board-name[data-discussion_id]"), (board) -> $(board).data("discussion_id").id
retrieveDiscussion: (discussion_id, callback=null) ->
url = DiscussionUtil.urlFor("retrieve_discussion", discussion_id)
url: url
type: "GET"
success: (response, textStatus) =>
@collection.current_page =
@collection.pages = response.num_pages
if callback?
retrieveDiscussions: (discussion_ids) ->
@discussionIds = discussion_ids.join(',')
url = DiscussionUtil.urlFor("search")
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