Commit 7c987587 by brianhw

Merge pull request #1770 from MITx/fix/brian/remove-input_state

management command to remove excess input_state entries
parents c7c7f1da b11f0e17
This is a one-off command aimed at fixing a temporary problem encountered where input_state was added to
the same dict object in capa problems, so was accumulating. The fix is simply to remove input_state entry
from state for all problems in the affected date range.
import json
import logging
from optparse import make_option
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.db import transaction
from courseware.models import StudentModule, StudentModuleHistory
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Command(BaseCommand):
The fix here is to remove the "input_state" entry in the StudentModule objects of any problems that
contain them. No problem is yet making use of this, and the code should do the right thing if it's
missing (by recreating an empty dict for its value).
To narrow down the set of problems that might need fixing, the StudentModule
objects to be checked is filtered down to those:
created < '2013-03-29 16:30:00' (the problem must have been answered before the buggy code was reverted,
on Prod and Edge)
modified > '2013-03-28 22:00:00' (the problem must have been visited after the bug was introduced
on Prod and Edge)
state like '%input_state%' (the problem must have "input_state" set).
This filtering is done on the production database replica, so that the larger select queries don't lock
the real production database. The list of id values for Student Modules is written to a file, and the
file is passed into this command. The sql file passed to mysql contains:
select from courseware_studentmodule sm
where sm.modified > "2013-03-28 22:00:00"
and sm.created < "2013-03-29 16:30:00"
and sm.state like "%input_state%"
and sm.module_type = 'problem';
num_visited = 0
num_changed = 0
num_hist_visited = 0
num_hist_changed = 0
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
help='Persist the changes that were encountered. If not set, no changes are saved.'),
def fix_studentmodules_in_list(self, save_changes, idlist_path):
'''Read in the list of StudentModule objects that might need fixing, and then fix each one'''
# open file and read id values from it:
for line in open(idlist_path, 'r'):
student_module_id = line.strip()
# skip the header, if present:
if student_module_id == 'id':
module = StudentModule.objects.get(id=student_module_id)
except StudentModule.DoesNotExist:
LOG.error("Unable to find student module with id = {0}: skipping... ".format(student_module_id))
self.remove_studentmodule_input_state(module, save_changes)
hist_modules = StudentModuleHistory.objects.filter(student_module_id=student_module_id)
for hist_module in hist_modules:
self.remove_studentmodulehistory_input_state(hist_module, save_changes)
def remove_studentmodule_input_state(self, module, save_changes):
''' Fix the grade assigned to a StudentModule'''
module_state = module.state
if module_state is None:
# not likely, since we filter on it. But in general..."No state found for {type} module {id} for student {student} in course {course_id}"
.format(type=module.module_type, id=module.module_state_key,
student=module.student.username, course_id=module.course_id))
state_dict = json.loads(module_state)
self.num_visited += 1
if 'input_state' not in state_dict:
elif save_changes:
# make the change and persist
del state_dict['input_state']
module.state = json.dumps(state_dict)
self.num_changed += 1
# don't make the change, but increment the count indicating the change would be made
self.num_changed += 1
def remove_studentmodulehistory_input_state(self, module, save_changes):
''' Fix the grade assigned to a StudentModule'''
module_state = module.state
if module_state is None:
# not likely, since we filter on it. But in general..."No state found for {type} module {id} for student {student} in course {course_id}"
.format(type=module.module_type, id=module.module_state_key,
student=module.student.username, course_id=module.course_id))
state_dict = json.loads(module_state)
self.num_hist_visited += 1
if 'input_state' not in state_dict:
elif save_changes:
# make the change and persist
del state_dict['input_state']
module.state = json.dumps(state_dict)
self.num_hist_changed += 1
# don't make the change, but increment the count indicating the change would be made
self.num_hist_changed += 1
def handle(self, *args, **options):
'''Handle management command request'''
if len(args) != 1:
raise CommandError("missing idlist file")
idlist_path = args[0]
save_changes = options['save_changes']"Starting run: reading from idlist file {0}; save_changes = {1}".format(idlist_path, save_changes))
self.fix_studentmodules_in_list(save_changes, idlist_path)"Finished run: updating {0} of {1} student modules".format(self.num_changed, self.num_visited))"Finished run: updating {0} of {1} student history modules".format(self.num_hist_changed,
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