_.escape(gettext("Try {browse_span_start}browsing all teams{span_end} or {search_span_start}searching team descriptions{span_end}. If you still can't find a team to join, {create_span_start}create a new team in this topic{span_end}.")),
// Translators: this string is shown at the bottom of the teams page
// to find a team to join or else to create a new one. There are three
// links that need to be included in the message:
// 1. Browse teams in other topics
// 2. search teams
// 3. create a new team
// Be careful to start each link with the appropriate start indicator
// (e.g. {browse_span_start} for #1) and finish it with {span_end}.
_.escape(gettext("{browse_span_start}Browse teams in other topics{span_end} or {search_span_start}search teams{span_end} in this topic. If you still can't find a team to join, {create_span_start}create a new team in this topic{span_end}.")),