Commit 7a470f28 by cjt

schematic support for sampled waveforms for server

parent 4a499535
......@@ -490,12 +490,12 @@ cktsim = (function() {
result['I('')'] = response[v.branch];
result['time'] = response[this.N];
result['_time_'] = response[this.N];
return result;
// AC analysis: npts/decade for freqs in range [fstart,fstop]
// result['frequencies'] = vector of log10(sample freqs)
// result['_frequencies_'] = vector of log10(sample freqs)
// result['xxx'] = vector of dB(response for node xxx)
// NOTE: Normalization removed in schematic.js, jkw. = function(npts,fstart,fstop,source_name) {
......@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ cktsim = (function() {
var index = this.node_map[name];
result[name] = (index == -1) ? 0 : response[index];
result['frequencies'] = response[this.N];
result['_frequencies_'] = response[this.N];
return result;
......@@ -141,6 +141,15 @@ schematic = (function() {
if (parts.length == 0 && analyses.length == 0) this.diagram_only = true;
else this.diagram_only = false;
// see what we need to submit. Expecting attribute of the form
// submit_analyses="{'tran':[[node_name,t1,t2,t3],...],
// 'ac':[[node_name,f1,f2,...],...]}"
var submit = input.getAttribute('submit_analyses');
if (submit && submit.indexOf('{') != -1)
this.submit_analyses = JSON.parse(submit);
this.submit_analyses = undefined;
// toolbar = new Array();
this.toolbar = [];
......@@ -521,8 +530,10 @@ schematic = (function() {
} else if (c[0] == 'dc') {
this.dc_results = c[1];
} else if (c[0] == 'ac' || c[0] == 'transient') {
// ignore analysis results
} else if (c[0] == 'transient') {
this.transient_results = c[1];
} else if (c[0] == 'ac') {
this.ac_results = c[1];
} else {
// ordinary component
// c := [type, coords, properties, connections]
......@@ -720,14 +731,35 @@ schematic = (function() {
if (ckt === null) return;
var results =,fstart,fstop,ac_source_name);
// save a copy of the results for submission
this.ac_results = {};
for (var i in results) this.ac_results[i] = results[i];
if (typeof results == 'string')
else {
var x_values = results['frequencies'];
if (this.submit_analyses != undefined) {
var submit = this.submit_analyses['ac'];
if (submit != undefined) {
// save a copy of the results for submission
sch.ac_results = {};
var freqs = results['_frequencies_'];
// save requested values for each requested node
for (var j = 0; j < submit.length; j++) {
var flist = submit[j]; // [node_name,f1,f2,...]
var node = flist[0];
var values = results[node];
var fvlist = [];
// for each requested freq, interpolate response value
for (var k = 1; k < flist.length; k++) {
var f = flist[k];
var v = interpolate(f,freqs,values);
fvlist.push([f,v == undefined ? 'undefined' : v]);
// save results as list of [f,response] paris
this.ac_results[node] = fvlist;
var x_values = results['_frequencies_'];
// x axis will be a log scale
for (var i = x_values.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
......@@ -740,7 +772,7 @@ schematic = (function() {
var probe_maxv = [];
var probe_color = [];
// Check for proble with near zero transfer function and warn
// Check for probe with near zero transfer function and warn
for (var i = probes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
probe_color[i] = probes[i][0];
var label = probes[i][1];
......@@ -816,14 +848,35 @@ schematic = (function() {
var results = ckt.tran(ckt.parse_number(sch.tran_npts), 0,
ckt.parse_number(sch.tran_tstop), probe_names, false);
// save a copy of the results for submission
sch.transient_results = {};
for (var i in results) sch.transient_results[i] = results[i];
if (typeof results == 'string')
else {
var x_values = results['time'];
if (sch.submit_analyses != undefined) {
var submit = sch.submit_analyses['tran'];
if (submit != undefined) {
// save a copy of the results for submission
sch.transient_results = {};
var times = results['_time_'];
// save requested values for each requested node
for (var j = 0; j < submit.length; j++) {
var tlist = submit[j]; // [node_name,t1,t2,...]
var node = tlist[0];
var values = results[node];
var tvlist = [];
// for each requested time, interpolate waveform value
for (var k = 1; k < tlist.length; k++) {
var t = tlist[k];
var v = interpolate(t,times,values);
tvlist.push([t,v == undefined ? 'undefined' : v]);
// save results as list of [t,value] pairs
sch.transient_results[node] = tvlist;
var x_values = results['_time_'];
// set up plot values for each node with a probe
var y_values = []; // list of [color, result_array]
......@@ -843,6 +896,27 @@ schematic = (function() {
// t is the time at which we want a value
// times is a list of timepoints from the simulation
function interpolate(t,times,values) {
if (values == undefined) return undefined;
for (var i = 0; i < times.length; i++)
if (t < times[i]) {
// t falls between times[i-1] and times[i]
var t1 = (i == 0) ? times[0] : times[i-1];
var t2 = times[i];
if (t2 == undefined) return undefined;
var v1 = (i == 0) ? values[0] : values[i-1];
var v2 = values[i];
var v = v1;
if (t != t1) v += (t - t1)*(v2 - v1)/(t2 - t1);
return v;
// external interface for setting the property value of a named component
Schematic.prototype.set_property = function(component_name,property,value) {
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