Commit 79c0849b by John Eskew Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #15297 from edx/jeskew/paver_matching_edxapp_devstack_prereqs

Mirror the devstack prereqs in CircleCI and paver install_prereqs.
parents cc6f8be8 262e068d
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ dependencies:
- pip install --exists-action w pbr==0.9.0
- pip install --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/base.txt
- pip install --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/paver.txt
- pip install --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/testing.txt
- if [ -e requirements/edx/post.txt ]; then pip install --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/post.txt ; fi
- pip install coveralls==1.0
......@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ PYTHON_REQ_FILES = [
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