Commit 791a65d6 by Ned Batchelder Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13137 from edx/ned/tweak-github-txt

Minor improvements to the instructions in github.txt
parents c7042c48 494994fe
# If you open a pull request that adds a new dependency, you should notify:
# * @mollydb to check licensing
# * @nedbat to check licensing
# * @edx/devops to check system requirements
# A correct GitHub reference looks like this:
# git+
# git+
# For example:
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# OWNER = edx
# REPO-NAME = edx-lint
# TAG-OR-SHA = v0.3.2
# KIT-NAME = edx_lint
# DIST-NAME = edx_lint
# VERSION = 0.3.2
......@@ -27,10 +27,12 @@
# * Don't use -e
# * TAG-OR-SHA must be a git tag, or a git SHA. Don't use branch names here.
# * TAG-OR-SHA is the specific commit to install. It must be a git tag,
# or a git SHA. Don't use branch names here.
# * KIT-NAME might be different than REPO-NAME. KIT-NAME must be the same as
# the `name="KIT-NAME"` value in the repo's
# * DIST-NAME is the distribution name, the same name you'd use in a
# "pip install" command. It might be different than REPO-NAME. It must
# be the same as the `name="DIST-NAME"` value in the repo's
# * VERSION might not be the same as TAG-OR-SHA, but if the tag names the
# version, please make it match the VERSION, but with a "v" prefix.
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