Commit 78e9692a by Valera Rozuvan

Adding HTML5Video class and modifying coffee sources to use it when video…

Adding HTML5Video class and modifying coffee sources to use it when video sources are provided instead of YouTube IDs.
parent 156da20c
# Please do not ignore *.js files. Some xmodules are written in JS.
class @Video
class @VideoAlpha
constructor: (element) ->
@el = $(element).find('.video')
@id = @el.attr('id').replace(/video_/, '')
......@@ -9,40 +9,77 @@ class @Video
@show_captions ='show-captions') == "true"
window.player = null
@el = $("#video_#{@id}")
if @parseVideos("streams")) is true
@videoType = "youtube"
@videoType = "html5"
@speeds = ["0.75", "1.0", "1.25", "1.5"]
$("#video_#{@id}").data('video', this).addClass('video-load-complete')
@hide_captions = $.cookie('hide_captions') == 'true'
if YT.Player
if ((@videoType is "youtube") and (YT.Player)) or ((@videoType is "html5") and (HTML5Video.Player))
console.log 'one'
window.onYouTubePlayerAPIReady = =>
@el.each ->
console.log 'two'
if @videoType is "youtube"
console.log 'three'
window.onYouTubePlayerAPIReady = ->
else if @videoType is "html5"
console.log 'four'
console.log @videoType
console.log HTML5Video.Player
window.onHTML5PlayerAPIReady = ->
youtubeId: (speed)->
@videos[speed || @speed]
parseVideos: (videos) ->
VideoAlpha::parseVideos = (videos) ->
return false if (typeof videos isnt "string") or (videos.length is 0)
console.log 'We got this far'
console.log videos
@videos = {}
$.each videos.split(/,/), (index, video) =>
_this = this
$.each videos.split(/,/), (index, video) ->
speed = undefined
video = video.split(/:/)
speed = parseFloat(video[0]).toFixed(2).replace /\.00$/, '.0'
@videos[speed] = video[1]
speed = parseFloat(video[0]).toFixed(2).replace(/\.00$/, ".0")
_this.videos[speed] = video[1]
VideoAlpha::parseVideoSources = (mp4Source, webmSource, oggSource) ->
@html5Sources =
mp4: null
webm: null
ogg: null
@html5Sources.mp4 = mp4Source if (typeof mp4Source is "string") and (mp4Source.length > 0)
@html5Sources.webm = webmSource if (typeof webmSource is "string") and (webmSource.length > 0)
@html5Sources.ogg = oggSource if (typeof oggSource is "string") and (oggSource.length > 0)
parseSpeed: ->
@speeds = ($.map @videos, (url, speed) -> speed).sort()
setSpeed: (newSpeed) ->
if @videos[newSpeed] != undefined
VideoAlpha::setSpeed = (newSpeed) ->
if @speeds.indexOf(newSpeed) isnt -1
@speed = newSpeed
$.cookie('video_speed', "#{newSpeed}", expires: 3650, path: '/')
$.cookie "video_speed", "" + newSpeed,
expires: 3650
path: "/"
@speed = '1.0'
@speed = "1.0"
embed: ->
@player = new VideoPlayer video: this
......@@ -55,9 +92,14 @@ class @Video
getDuration: ->
log: (eventName) ->
Logger.log eventName,
VideoAlpha::log = (eventName) ->
logInfo =
id: @id
code: @youtubeId()
currentTime: @player.currentTime
speed: @speed
if @videoType is "youtube"
logInfo.code = @youtubeId()
else logInfo.code = "html5" if @videoType is "html5"
Logger.log eventName, logInfo
console.log('We are in "html5_video.js" script.');
this.HTML5Video = (function () {
var HTML5Video = {};
HTML5Video.Player = (function () {
* Constructor function for HTML5 Video player.
* @el - A DOM element where the HTML5 player will be inserted (as returned by jQuery(selector) function),
* or a selector string which will be used to select an element. This is a required parameter.
* @config - An object whose properties will be used as configuration options for the HTML5 video
* player. This is an optional parameter. In the case if this parameter is missing, or some of the config
* object's properties are missing, defaults will be used. The available options (and their defaults) are as
* follows:
* config = {
* 'width': 640,
* 'height': 390,
* 'videoSources': null, // An object of with properties being video sources. The property name is the
* // video format of the source. Supported video formats are: 'mp4', 'webm', and
* // 'ogg'. By default videoSources property is null. This means that the
* // player will initialize, and not play anything. If you do not provide a
* // 'videoSource' option, you can later call loadVideoBySource() method to load
* // a video and start playing it.
* 'playerVars': { // Object's properties identify player parameters.
* 'controls': 1, // Possible values: 0, or 1. Value of 1 will enable the default browser video
* // controls.
* 'start': null, // Possible values: positive integer. Position from which to start playing the
* // video. Measured in seconds. If value is null, or 'start' property is not
* // specified, the video will start playing from the beginning.
* 'end': null // Possible values: positive integer. Position when to stop playing the
* // video. Measured in seconds. If value is null, or 'end' property is not
* // specified, the video will end playing at the end.
* },
* 'events': { // Object's properties identify the events that the API fires, and the
* // functions (event listeners) that the API will call when those events occur.
* // If value is null, or property is not specified, then no callback will be
* // called for that event.
* 'onReady': null,
* 'onStateChange': null,
* 'onPlaybackQualityChange': null
* }
* }
function Player(el, config) {
console.log('We are inside HTML5Video.Player constructor.');
if (typeof el === 'string') {
this.el = $(el);
} else if ($.isPlainObject(el) === true) {
this.el = el;
} else {
// Error. el parameter is required.
// TODO: Make sure that nothing breaks if one of the methods available via this object's prototype
// is called after we return.
console.log('We got a proper DOM element.');
if ($.isPlainObject(config) === true) {
this.config = config;
} else {
this.config = {
'width': 640,
'height': 390,
'videoSource': '',
'playerVars': {
'controls': 1,
'start': null,
'end': null
'events': {
'onReady': null,
'onStateChange': null,
'onPlaybackQualityChange': null
console.log('The config is:');
* This function returns the quality of the video. Possible return values are (type String)
* highres
* hd1080
* hd720
* large
* medium
* small
* It returns undefined if there is no current video.
* If there is a current video, but it is impossible to determine it's quality, the function will return
* 'medium'.
Player.prototype.getPlayBackQuality = function () {
if (this.config.videoSource === '') {
return undefined;
// TODO: Figure out if we can get the quality of a video from a source (when it is loaded by the browser).
return 'medium';
* The original YouTube API function player.setPlayBackQuality changed (if it was possible) the quality of the
* played video. In our case, this function will not do anything because we can't change the quality of HTML5
* video since we only get one source of video with one quality.
Player.prototype.setPlayBackQuality = function (value) {
Player.prototype.pauseVideo = function () {
Player.prototype.sekkTo = function () {
// YouTube API has player.loadVideoById, but since we are working with a video source, we will rename this
// function accordingly.
Player.prototype.loadVideoBySource = function () {
// YouTube API has player.cueVideoById, but since we are working with a video source, we will rename this
// function accordingly.
Player.prototype.cueVideoBySource = function () {
Player.prototype.setVolume = function () {
Player.prototype.getCurrentTime = function () {
Player.prototype.playVideo = function () {
Player.prototype.getPlayerState = function () {
Player.prototype.pauseVideo = function () {
Player.prototype.setVolume = function () {
Player.prototype.getVolume = function () {
return Player;
HTML5Video.PlayerState = {
'ENDED': 0,
'PAUSED': 2,
'CUED': 5
return HTML5Video;
class @VideoPlayer extends Subview
initialize: ->
# Define a missing constant of Youtube API
YT.PlayerState.UNSTARTED = -1
if @video.videoType is 'youtube'
# Define a missing constant of Youtube API
YT.PlayerState.UNSTARTED = -1
@currentTime = 0
@el = $("#video_#{}")
......@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ class @VideoPlayer extends Subview
render: ->
console.log '1.1'
@control = new VideoControl el: @$('.video-controls')
@qualityControl = new VideoQualityControl el: @$('.secondary-controls')
@caption = new VideoCaption
......@@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ class @VideoPlayer extends Subview
captionAssetPath: @video.caption_asset_path
unless onTouchBasedDevice()
@volumeControl = new VideoVolumeControl el: @$('.secondary-controls')
console.log '1.2'
@speedControl = new VideoSpeedControl el: @$('.secondary-controls'), speeds: @video.speeds, currentSpeed: @currentSpeed()
@progressSlider = new VideoProgressSlider el: @$('.slider')
@playerVars =
......@@ -43,20 +46,31 @@ class @VideoPlayer extends Subview
showinfo: 0
enablejsapi: 1
modestbranding: 1
console.log '1.3'
if @video.start
@playerVars.start = @video.start
@playerVars.wmode = 'window'
if @video.end
# work in AS3, not HMLT5. but iframe use AS3
@playerVars.end = @video.end
@player = new YT.Player,
playerVars: @playerVars
videoId: @video.youtubeId()
onReady: @onReady
onStateChange: @onStateChange
onPlaybackQualityChange: @onPlaybackQualityChange
console.log '1.4'
if @video.videoType is 'html5'
@player = new HTML5Video.Player,
playerVars: @playerVars,
videoSources: @video.html5Sources,
onReady: @onReady
onStateChange: @onStateChange
onPlaybackQualityChange: @onPlaybackQualityChange
else if @video.videoType is 'youtube'
@player = new YT.Player,
playerVars: @playerVars
videoId: @video.youtubeId()
onReady: @onReady
onStateChange: @onStateChange
onPlaybackQualityChange: @onPlaybackQualityChange
addToolTip: ->
......@@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ import time
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VideoModule(XModule):
class VideoAlphaModule(XModule):
video_time = 0
icon_class = 'video'
js = {'coffee':
js = {
'js': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/videoalpha/display/html5_video.js')],
[resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/videoalpha/')] +
[resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/videoalpha/display/' + filename)
......@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ class VideoModule(XModule):
in sorted(resource_listdir(__name__, 'js/src/videoalpha/display'))
if filename.endswith('.coffee')]}
css = {'scss': [resource_string(__name__, 'css/videoalpha/display.scss')]}
js_module_name = "Video"
js_module_name = "VideoAlpha"
def __init__(self, system, location, definition, descriptor,
instance_state=None, shared_state=None, **kwargs):
......@@ -145,6 +147,6 @@ class VideoModule(XModule):
class VideoAlphaDescriptor(RawDescriptor):
module_class = VideoModule
module_class = VideoAlphaModule
stores_state = True
template_dir_name = "videoalpha"
......@@ -2,11 +2,24 @@
<h2> ${display_name} </h2>
% endif
<!-- data-streams="0.75:WL7anegEjsU,1.0:NUmLa2vBBLo,1.25:TygItMr4wY4,1.5:kctQ6liQdAE"-->
<div id="stub_out_video_for_testing"></div>
<div id="video_${id}" class="video" data-streams="${streams}" data-caption-data-dir="${data_dir}" data-show-captions="${show_captions}" data-start="${start}" data-end="${end}" data-caption-asset-path="${caption_asset_path}">
<div class="tc-wrapper">
<article class="video-wrapper">
<section class="video-player">
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