Commit 782a07e0 by Brian Wilson

Add datadog stats for duplicate subtask and subtask update errors.

parent e071ebb9
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import math
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from celery.states import SUCCESS, READY_STATES, RETRY
from dogapi import dog_stats_api
from django.db import transaction
from django.core.cache import cache
......@@ -361,6 +362,7 @@ def check_subtask_is_valid(entry_id, current_task_id, new_subtask_status):
format_str = "Unexpected task_id '{}': unable to find subtasks of instructor task '{}': rejecting task {}"
msg = format_str.format(current_task_id, entry, new_subtask_status)
dog_stats_api.increment('instructor_task.subtask.duplicate.nosubtasks', tags=[entry.course_id])
raise DuplicateTaskException(msg)
# Confirm that the InstructorTask knows about this particular subtask.
......@@ -370,6 +372,7 @@ def check_subtask_is_valid(entry_id, current_task_id, new_subtask_status):
format_str = "Unexpected task_id '{}': unable to find status for subtask of instructor task '{}': rejecting task {}"
msg = format_str.format(current_task_id, entry, new_subtask_status)
dog_stats_api.increment('instructor_task.subtask.duplicate.unknown', tags=[entry.course_id])
raise DuplicateTaskException(msg)
# Confirm that the InstructorTask doesn't think that this subtask has already been
......@@ -380,6 +383,7 @@ def check_subtask_is_valid(entry_id, current_task_id, new_subtask_status):
format_str = "Unexpected task_id '{}': already completed - status {} for subtask of instructor task '{}': rejecting task {}"
msg = format_str.format(current_task_id, subtask_status, entry, new_subtask_status)
dog_stats_api.increment('instructor_task.subtask.duplicate.completed', tags=[entry.course_id])
raise DuplicateTaskException(msg)
# Confirm that the InstructorTask doesn't think that this subtask is already being
......@@ -393,6 +397,7 @@ def check_subtask_is_valid(entry_id, current_task_id, new_subtask_status):
format_str = "Unexpected task_id '{}': already retried - status {} for subtask of instructor task '{}': rejecting task {}"
msg = format_str.format(current_task_id, subtask_status, entry, new_subtask_status)
dog_stats_api.increment('instructor_task.subtask.duplicate.retried', tags=[entry.course_id])
raise DuplicateTaskException(msg)
# Now we are ready to start working on this. Try to lock it.
......@@ -402,6 +407,7 @@ def check_subtask_is_valid(entry_id, current_task_id, new_subtask_status):
format_str = "Unexpected task_id '{}': already being executed - for subtask of instructor task '{}'"
msg = format_str.format(current_task_id, entry)
dog_stats_api.increment('instructor_task.subtask.duplicate.locked', tags=[entry.course_id])
raise DuplicateTaskException(msg)
......@@ -494,6 +500,7 @@ def update_subtask_status(entry_id, current_task_id, new_subtask_status):
except Exception:
TASK_LOG.exception("Unexpected error while updating InstructorTask.")
dog_stats_api.increment('instructor_task.subtask.update_exception', tags=[entry.course_id])
TASK_LOG.debug("about to commit....")
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