%if settings.FEATURES.get('ALLOW_COURSE_STAFF_GRADE_DOWNLOADS') or section_data['access']['admin']:
<p>${_("The following button will generate a CSV grade report for all currently enrolled students. Generated reports appear in a table below and can be downloaded.")}</p>
@@ -43,11 +43,15 @@
<p><b>${_("Reports Available for Download")}</b></p>
<p>${_("A new CSV report is generated each time you click the <b>Generate Grade Report</b> button above. A link to each report remains available on this page, identified by the UTC date and time of generation. Reports are not deleted, so you will always be able to access previously generated reports from this page.")}</p>
${_("Grade reports listed below are generated each time the <b>Generate Grade Report</b> button is clicked. A link to each grade report remains available on this page, identified by the UTC date and time of generation. Grade reports are not deleted, so you will always be able to access previously generated reports from this page.")}
## Translators: "these rules" in this sentence references a detailed description of the grading reports that will appear in a table that contains a mix of different types of reports. This sentence intends to indicate that the description of the grading report does not apply to the other reports that may appear in the table.
${_("Other reports may appear in the table for which these rules will not necessarily apply.")}
## Translators: a table of URL links to report files appears after this sentence.
<p>${_("<b>Note</b>: To keep student data secure, you cannot save or email these links for direct access. Copies of links expire within 5 minutes.")}</p><br>