Commit 77702fae by cahrens

Getting draft split_test_module instances to import/export.

parent 19fbabee
......@@ -198,24 +198,45 @@ class ContentStoreImportTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
def test_rewrite_reference_value_dict(self):
def test_rewrite_reference_value_dict_published(self):
Test rewriting references in ReferenceValueDict, specifically with published content.
{"0": 'sample_0', "2": 'sample_2'},
def test_rewrite_reference_value_dict_draft(self):
Test rewriting references in ReferenceValueDict, specifically with draft content.
{"0": '9f0941d021414798836ef140fb5f6841', "1": '0faf29473cf1497baa33fcc828b179cd'},
def _verify_split_test_import(self, target_course_name, source_course_name, split_test_name, groups_to_verticals):
module_store = modulestore()
target_course_id = SlashSeparatedCourseKey('testX', 'split_test_copy', 'copy_run')
target_course_id = SlashSeparatedCourseKey('testX', target_course_name, 'copy_run')
split_test_module = module_store.get_item(
target_course_id.make_usage_key('split_test', 'split1')
target_course_id.make_usage_key('split_test', split_test_name)
"0": target_course_id.make_usage_key('vertical', 'sample_0'),
"2": target_course_id.make_usage_key('vertical', 'sample_2'),
remapped_verticals = {
key: target_course_id.make_usage_key('vertical', value) for key, value in groups_to_verticals.iteritems()
self.assertEqual(remapped_verticals, split_test_module.group_id_to_child)
......@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ def _import_course_draft(
draft_course_dir = draft_dir.replace(data_dir, '', 1)
system = ImportSystem(
......@@ -478,21 +478,27 @@ def _import_course_draft(
# Not a 'hidden file', then re-raise exception
raise err
descriptor = system.process_xml(xml)
# HACK: since we are doing partial imports of drafts
# the vertical doesn't have the 'url-name' set in the
# attributes (they are normally in the parent object,
# aka sequential), so we have to replace the
# with the XML filename that is part of the pack
fn, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filename)
descriptor.location = descriptor.location.replace(name=fn)
index = int(descriptor.xml_attributes['index_in_children_list'])
if index in drafts:
drafts[index] = [descriptor]
# process_xml call below recursively processes all descendants. If
# we call this on all verticals in a course with verticals nested below
# the unit level, we try to import the same content twice, causing naming conflicts.
# Therefore only process verticals at the unit level, assuming that any other
# verticals must be descendants.
if 'index_in_children_list' in xml:
descriptor = system.process_xml(xml)
# HACK: since we are doing partial imports of drafts
# the vertical doesn't have the 'url-name' set in the
# attributes (they are normally in the parent object,
# aka sequential), so we have to replace the
# with the XML filename that is part of the pack
fn, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filename)
descriptor.location = descriptor.location.replace(name=fn)
index = int(descriptor.xml_attributes['index_in_children_list'])
if index in drafts:
drafts[index] = [descriptor]
except Exception:
logging.exception('Error while parsing course xml.')
......@@ -503,24 +509,27 @@ def _import_course_draft(
course_key = descriptor.location.course_key
def _import_module(module):
# IMPORTANT: Be sure to update the module location in the NEW namespace
module_location = module.location.map_into_course(target_course_id)
# Update the module's location to DRAFT revision
# We need to call this method (instead of updating the location directly)
# to ensure that pure XBlock field data is updated correctly.
_update_module_location(module, module.location.replace(revision=MongoRevisionKey.draft))
_update_module_location(module, module_location.replace(revision=MongoRevisionKey.draft))
# make sure our parent has us in its list of children
# this is to make sure private only verticals show up
# in the list of children since they would have been
# filtered out from the non-draft store export
if module.location.category == 'vertical':
# filtered out from the non-draft store export.
# Note though that verticals nested below the unit level will not have
# a parent_sequential_url and do not need special handling.
if module.location.category == 'vertical' and 'parent_sequential_url' in module.xml_attributes:
non_draft_location = module.location.replace(revision=MongoRevisionKey.published)
sequential_url = module.xml_attributes['parent_sequential_url']
index = int(module.xml_attributes['index_in_children_list'])
seq_location = course_key.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(sequential_url)
# IMPORTANT: Be sure to update the sequential
# in the NEW namespace
# IMPORTANT: Be sure to update the sequential in the NEW namespace
seq_location = seq_location.map_into_course(target_course_id)
sequential = store.get_item(seq_location, depth=0)
......@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ class XmlDescriptor(XModuleDescriptor):
for key, value in self.xml_attributes.items():
if key not in self.metadata_to_strip:
xml_object.set(key, value)
xml_object.set(key, serialize_field(value))
if self.export_to_file():
# Write the definition to a file
<chapter display_name="New Section Name">
<sequential url_name="75f1ab8297514713b8d8935f6745a0f7"/>
<course url_name="3111" org="foo" course="1111"/>
<course advanced_modules="[&quot;split_test&quot;]" display_name="split export test" user_partitions="[{&quot;name&quot;: &quot;Experiment 0,1&quot;, &quot;version&quot;: 1, &quot;description&quot;: &quot;Experiment 1&quot;, &quot;groups&quot;: [{&quot;version&quot;: 1, &quot;id&quot;: 0, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;group 0&quot;}, {&quot;version&quot;: 1, &quot;id&quot;: 1, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;group 1&quot;}], &quot;id&quot;: 0}, {&quot;name&quot;: &quot;Experiment A,B,C&quot;, &quot;version&quot;: 1, &quot;description&quot;: &quot;Experiment 2&quot;, &quot;groups&quot;: [{&quot;version&quot;: 1, &quot;id&quot;: 0, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;group A&quot;}, {&quot;version&quot;: 1, &quot;id&quot;: 1, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;group B&quot;}, {&quot;version&quot;: 1, &quot;id&quot;: 2, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;group C&quot;}], &quot;id&quot;: 1}]">
<chapter url_name="7ba42782322541d29a4d1be1eae4e4e8"/>
<wiki slug="foo.1111.3111"/>
<h2> September 21 </h2>
<section class='update-description'>
<section class='primary'>
<p> Words of encouragement! This is a short note that most students will read. </p>
<p class='author'>Anant Agarwal (6.002x Principal Instructor)</p>
<h3>Primary versus Secondary Updates:</h3><p>Unfortunately, the internet throws a lot of text at students, and they
do not read everything that they are given. However, many students <em>do</em> read all that they are
given, and so detailed explainations in this section will benefit the most concientious.
Any essential information should be extremely quickly summarized in the primary section for skimmers.</p>
<h3>Star Forum Poster</h3><p>
Students appreciate knowing that the course staff is reading what they post, and one of several ways
that you can do this is by acknowledging the star posters in your announcements.
<html filename="5f2b89070ad64ea7846800c11d44ed72" display_name="Announcement"/>
<split_test group_id_to_child="{&quot;1&quot;: &quot;i4x://foo/1111/vertical/0faf29473cf1497baa33fcc828b179cd&quot;, &quot;0&quot;: &quot;i4x://foo/1111/vertical/9f0941d021414798836ef140fb5f6841&quot;}" user_partition_id="0">
<vertical url_name="9f0941d021414798836ef140fb5f6841"/>
<vertical url_name="0faf29473cf1497baa33fcc828b179cd"/>
<vertical display_name="group 1">
<problem url_name="50cef3605ec6445b9f11360640d9a192"/>
<vertical display_name="New Unit" parent_sequential_url="i4x://foo/1111/sequential/75f1ab8297514713b8d8935f6745a0f7" index_in_children_list="0">
<split_test url_name="fb34c21fe64941999eaead421a8711b8"/>
<vertical display_name="group 0">
<html url_name="5f2b89070ad64ea7846800c11d44ed72"/>
{"GRADER": [{"short_label": "HW", "min_count": 12, "type": "Homework", "drop_count": 2, "weight": 0.15}, {"min_count": 12, "type": "Lab", "drop_count": 2, "weight": 0.15}, {"short_label": "Midterm", "min_count": 1, "type": "Midterm Exam", "drop_count": 0, "weight": 0.3}, {"short_label": "Final", "min_count": 1, "type": "Final Exam", "drop_count": 0, "weight": 0.4}], "GRADE_CUTOFFS": {"Pass": 0.5}}
{"course/3111": {"tabs": [{"type": "courseware", "name": "Courseware"}, {"type": "course_info", "name": "Course Info"}, {"type": "textbooks", "name": "Textbooks"}, {"type": "discussion", "name": "Discussion"}, {"type": "wiki", "name": "Wiki"}, {"type": "progress", "name": "Progress"}], "advanced_modules": ["split_test"], "display_name": "split export test", "user_partitions": [{"description": "Experiment 1", "version": 1, "id": 0, "groups": [{"version": 1, "id": 0, "name": "group 0"}, {"version": 1, "id": 1, "name": "group 1"}], "name": "Experiment 0,1"}, {"description": "Experiment 2", "version": 1, "id": 1, "groups": [{"version": 1, "id": 0, "name": "group A"}, {"version": 1, "id": 1, "name": "group B"}, {"version": 1, "id": 2, "name": "group C"}], "name": "Experiment A,B,C"}], "discussion_topics": {"General": {"id": "i4x-foo-1111-course-3111"}}}}
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