Commit 761db165 by ayub-khan

LEARNER-925 - Allow user to get program certificate if enrolled as verified in credit course

parent 3b39aa49
......@@ -518,6 +518,23 @@ class TestProgramProgressMeter(TestCase):
meter = ProgramProgressMeter(self.user)
self.assertEqual(meter.completed_programs, [program['uuid']])
@mock.patch(UTILS_MODULE + '.ProgramProgressMeter.completed_course_runs', new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
def test_credit_course_counted_complete_for_verified(self, mock_completed_course_runs, mock_get_programs):
Verify that 'credit' course certificate type are treated as if they were
"verified" when checking for course completion status.
course_run_key = generate_course_run_key()
course = CourseFactory(course_runs=[
CourseRunFactory(key=course_run_key, type='credit'),
program = ProgramFactory(courses=[course])
mock_get_programs.return_value = [program]
meter = ProgramProgressMeter(self.user)
mock_completed_course_runs.return_value = [{'course_run_id': course_run_key, 'type': 'verified'}]
self.assertEqual(meter._is_course_complete(course), True)
......@@ -266,7 +266,12 @@ class ProgramProgressMeter(object):
# count towards completion of a course in a program). This may change
# in the future to make use of the more rigid set of "applicable seat
# types" associated with each program type in the catalog.
'type': course_run['type'],
# Runs of type 'credit' are counted as 'verified' since verified
# certificates are earned when credit runs are completed. LEARNER-1274
# tracks a cleaner way to do this using the discovery service's
# applicable_seat_types field.
'type': 'verified' if course_run['type'] == 'credit' else course_run['type'],
return any(reshape(course_run) in self.completed_course_runs for course_run in course['course_runs'])
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