Commit 7506562f by David Baumgold

Another lettuce test, and fixes to make it work

parent ca2339f1
......@@ -18,3 +18,30 @@ Feature: Textbooks
Then I should see a textbook named "Economics" with a chapter path containing "/c4x/MITx/999/asset/textbook.pdf"
And I reload the page
Then I should see a textbook named "Economics" with a chapter path containing "/c4x/MITx/999/asset/textbook.pdf"
Scenario: Create a textbook with multiple chapters
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
And I go to the textbooks page
When I click on the New Textbook button
And I name my textbook "History"
And I name the first chapter "Britain"
And I type in "britain.pdf" for the first chapter asset
And I click Add a Chapter
And I name the second chapter "America"
And I type in "america.pdf" for the second chapter asset
And I save the textbook
Then I should see a textbook named "History" with 2 chapters
And I click the textbook chapters
Then I should see a textbook named "History" with 2 chapters
And the first chapter should be named "Britain"
And the first chapter should have an asset called "britain.pdf"
And the second chapter should be named "America"
And the second chapter should have an asset called "america.pdf"
And I reload the page
Then I should see a textbook named "History" with 2 chapters
And I click the textbook chapters
Then I should see a textbook named "History" with 2 chapters
And the first chapter should be named "Britain"
And the first chapter should have an asset called "britain.pdf"
And the second chapter should be named "America"
And the second chapter should have an asset called "america.pdf"
......@@ -42,14 +42,27 @@ def name_textbook(_step, name):
input_css = ".textbook input[name=textbook-name]"
world.css_fill(input_css, name)
@step(u'I name the first chapter "([^"]*)"')
def name_chapter(_step, name):
input_css = ".textbook input.chapter-name"
@step(u'I name the (first|second|third) chapter "([^"]*)"')
def name_chapter(_step, ordinal, name):
index = ["first", "second", "third"].index(ordinal)
input_css = ".textbook .chapter{i} input.chapter-name".format(i=index+1)
world.css_fill(input_css, name)
@step(u'I click the Upload Asset link for the first chapter')
def click_upload_asset(_step):
button_css = ".chapter .action-upload"
@step(u'I type in "([^"]*)" for the (first|second|third) chapter asset')
def asset_chapter(_step, name, ordinal):
index = ["first", "second", "third"].index(ordinal)
input_css = ".textbook .chapter{i} input.chapter-asset-path".format(i=index+1)
world.css_fill(input_css, name)
@step(u'I click the Upload Asset link for the (first|second|third) chapter')
def click_upload_asset(_step, ordinal):
index = ["first", "second", "third"].index(ordinal)
button_css = ".textbook .chapter{i} .action-upload".format(i=index+1)
@step(u'I click Add a Chapter')
def click_add_chapter(_step):
button_css = ".textbook .action-add-chapter"
@step(u'I save the textbook')
......@@ -58,9 +71,37 @@ def save_textbook(_step):
@step(u'I should see a textbook named "([^"]*)" with a chapter path containing "([^"]*)"')
def check_textbook(step, textbook_name, chapter_name):
def check_textbook(_step, textbook_name, chapter_name):
title = world.css_find(".textbook h3.textbook-title")
chapter = world.css_find(".textbook .wrap-textbook p")
assert title.text == textbook_name, "{} != {}".format(title.text, textbook_name)
assert chapter.text == chapter_name, "{} != {}".format(chapter.text, chapter_name)
@step(u'I should see a textbook named "([^"]*)" with (\d+) chapters')
def check_textbook(_step, textbook_name, num_chapters_str):
num_chapters = int(num_chapters_str)
title = world.css_find(".textbook .view-textbook h3.textbook-title")
toggle = world.css_find(".textbook .view-textbook .chapter-toggle")
assert title.text == textbook_name, "{} != {}".format(title.text, textbook_name)
assert toggle.text == "{num} PDF Chapters".format(num=num_chapters), \
"Expected {num} chapters, found {real}".format(num=num_chapters, real=toggle.text)
@step(u'I click the textbook chapters')
def click_chapters(_step):
world.css_click(".textbook a.chapter-toggle")
@step(u'the (first|second|third) chapter should be named "([^"]*)"')
def check_chapter_name(_step, ordinal, name):
index = ["first", "second", "third"].index(ordinal)
chapter = world.css_find(".textbook .view-textbook ol.chapters li")[index]
element = chapter.find_by_css(".chapter-name")
assert element.text == name, "Expected chapter named {expected}, found chapter named {actual}".format(
expected=name, actual=element.text)
@step(u'the (first|second|third) chapter should have an asset called "([^"]*)"')
def check_chapter_name(_step, ordinal, name):
index = ["first", "second", "third"].index(ordinal)
chapter = world.css_find(".textbook .view-textbook ol.chapters li")[index]
element = chapter.find_by_css(".chapter-asset-path")
assert element.text == name, "Expected chapter with asset {expected}, found chapter with asset {actual}".format(
expected=name, actual=element.text)
......@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ def create_textbook(request, org, course, name):
@require_http_methods(("GET", "POST", "DELETE"))
@require_http_methods(("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"))
def textbook_by_id(request, org, course, name, tid):
JSON API endpoint for manipulating a textbook via its internal ID.
......@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ def textbook_by_id(request, org, course, name, tid):
if not textbook:
return JsonResponse(status=404)
return JsonResponse(textbook)
elif request.method == 'POST':
elif request.method in ('POST', 'PUT'):
new_textbook = validate_textbook_json(request.body)
except TextbookValidationError as e:
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ CMS.Models.Textbook = Backbone.AssociatedModel.extend({
if(invalidChapters) {
if(!_.isEmpty(invalidChapters)) {
return {
message: "All chapters must have a name and asset",
attributes: {chapters: invalidChapters}
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