Commit 749909b8 by Brian Jacobel

Remove unused a11y functionality for prev/next buttons

parent 36e00867
......@@ -100,16 +100,14 @@
* 'problem_id' is problem id.
* 'new_content_state' is the updated content of the problem.
* 'new_state' is the updated state of the problem.
* initialize for the current sequence if there isn't any updated problem
* for this position.
// initialize for the current sequence if there isn't any updated problem for this position.
if (!this.anyUpdatedProblems(this.position)) {
this.updatedProblems[this.position] = {};
// Now, put problem content and score against problem id for current active sequence.
this.updatedProblems[this.position][problemId] = [newContentState, newState];
......@@ -133,19 +131,10 @@
this.$(buttonClass).addClass('disabled').attr('disabled', true);
Sequence.prototype.setButtonLabel = function(buttonClass, buttonLabel) {
this.$(buttonClass + ' .sr').html(buttonLabel);
Sequence.prototype.updateButtonState = function(
buttonClass, buttonAction, actionLabelPrefix, isAtBoundary, boundaryUrl
) {
var buttonLabel;
Sequence.prototype.updateButtonState = function(buttonClass, buttonAction, isAtBoundary, boundaryUrl) {
if (isAtBoundary && boundaryUrl === 'None') {
} else {
buttonLabel = actionLabelPrefix + (isAtBoundary ? ' Subsection' : ' Unit');
this.setButtonLabel(buttonClass, buttonLabel);
this.enableButton(buttonClass, buttonAction);
......@@ -158,13 +147,13 @@
// previous button
isFirstTab = this.position === 1;
previousButtonClass = '.sequence-nav-button.button-previous';
this.updateButtonState(previousButtonClass, this.selectPrevious, 'Previous', isFirstTab, this.prevUrl);
this.updateButtonState(previousButtonClass, this.selectPrevious, isFirstTab, this.prevUrl);
// next button
// use inequality in case contents.length is 0 and position is 1.
isLastTab = this.position >= this.contents.length;
nextButtonClass = '.sequence-nav-button.button-next';
this.updateButtonState(nextButtonClass, this.selectNext, 'Next', isLastTab, this.nextUrl);
this.updateButtonState(nextButtonClass, this.selectNext, isLastTab, this.nextUrl);
Sequence.prototype.render = function(newPosition) {
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