Commit 739938f3 by Victor Shnayder Committed by Victor Shnayder

add readme for symbolicresponse implementation (thanks Ike!)

parent 6d053b35
(Originally written by Ike.)
At a high level, the main challenges of checking symbolic math expressions are (1) making sure the expression is mathematically legal, and (2) simplifying the expression for comparison with what is expected.
(1) Generation (and testing) of legal input is done by using MathJax to provide input math in an XML format known as Presentation MathML (PMathML). Such expressions typeset correctly, but may not be mathematically legal, like "5 / (1 = 2)". The PMathML is converted into "Content MathML" (CMathML), which is by definition mathematically legal, using an XSLT 2.0 stylesheet, via a module in SnuggleTeX. CMathML is then converted into a sympy expression. This work is all done in `lms/lib/symmath/`
(2) Simplifying the expression and checking against what is expected is done by using sympy, and a set of heuristics based on options flags provided by the problem author. For example, the problem author may specify that the expected expression is a matrix, in which case the dimensionality of the input expression is checked. Other options include specifying that the comparison be checked numerically in addition to symbolically. The checking is done in stages, first with no simplification, then with increasing levels of testing; if a match is found at any stage, then an "ok" is returned. Helpful messages are also returned, eg if the input expression is of a different type than the expected. This work is all done in `lms/lib/symmath/`
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