Commit 735aa134 by Don Mitchell

Merge branch 'feature/cas/speed-editor' of into feature/cas/speed-editor

parents e46a76da 5711a9af
describe 'MarkdownEditingDescriptor', ->
describe 'insertMultipleChoice', ->
it 'inserts the template if selection is empty', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertMultipleChoice('')
it 'wraps existing text', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertMultipleChoice('foo\nbar')
expect(revisedSelection).toEqual('( ) foo\n( ) bar\n')
it 'recognizes x as a selection if there is non-whitespace after x', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertMultipleChoice('a\nx b\nc\nx \nd\n x e')
expect(revisedSelection).toEqual('( ) a\n(x) b\n( ) c\n( ) x \n( ) d\n(x) e\n')
it 'removes multiple newlines', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertMultipleChoice('a\nx b\n\n\nc')
expect(revisedSelection).toEqual('( ) a\n(x) b\n( ) c\n')
describe 'insertCheckboxChoice', ->
# Note, shares code with insertMultipleChoice. Therefore only doing smoke test.
it 'inserts the template if selection is empty', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertCheckboxChoice('')
it 'wraps existing text', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertCheckboxChoice('foo\nbar')
expect(revisedSelection).toEqual('[ ] foo\n[ ] bar\n')
describe 'insertStringInput', ->
it 'inserts the template if selection is empty', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertStringInput('')
it 'wraps existing text', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertStringInput('my text')
expect(revisedSelection).toEqual('= my text')
describe 'insertNumberInput', ->
it 'inserts the template if selection is empty', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertNumberInput('')
it 'wraps existing text', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertNumberInput('my text')
expect(revisedSelection).toEqual('= my text')
describe 'insertSelect', ->
it 'inserts the template if selection is empty', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertSelect('')
it 'wraps existing text', ->
revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertSelect('my text')
expect(revisedSelection).toEqual('[[my text]]')
describe 'markdownToXml', ->
it 'converts raw text to paragraph', ->
data = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.markdownToXml('foo')
......@@ -284,4 +332,4 @@ describe 'MarkdownEditingDescriptor', ->
<p>bad tests require drivel</p>
# failure tests
\ No newline at end of file
# failure tests
class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
@multipleChoiceTemplate : "( ) incorrect\n( ) incorrect\n(x) correct\n"
@checkboxChoiceTemplate: "[x] correct\n[ ] incorrect\n[x] correct\n"
@stringInputTemplate: "= answer\n"
@numberInputTemplate: "= answer +- x%\n"
@selectTemplate: "[[incorrect, (correct), incorrect]]\n"
constructor: (element) ->
$body.on('click', '.editor-tabs .tab', @changeEditor)
$body.on('click', '.editor-bar a', @onToolbarButton);
......@@ -19,24 +25,32 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
changeEditor: (e) =>
$('.editor-tabs .current').removeClass('current')
if (@current_editor == @xml_editor)
# onMarkdownEditorUpdate();
if not $(e.currentTarget).hasClass('current')
$('.editor-tabs .current').removeClass('current')
if (@current_editor == @xml_editor)
onToolbarButton: (e) =>
selection = @markdown_editor.getSelection()
revisedSelection = null
switch $(e.currentTarget).attr('class')
when "multiple-choice-button" then console.log("multiple choice")
when "string-button" then console.log("string-button")
when "number-button" then console.log("number-button")
when "checks-button" then console.log("checks-button")
when "dropdown-button" then console.log("dropdown-button")
else console.log("unknown option")
when "multiple-choice-button" then revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertMultipleChoice(selection)
when "string-button" then revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertStringInput(selection)
when "number-button" then revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertNumberInput(selection)
when "checks-button" then revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertCheckboxChoice(selection)
when "dropdown-button" then revisedSelection = MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertSelect(selection)
else # do nothing
if revisedSelection != null
setCurrentEditor: (editor) ->
......@@ -49,6 +63,54 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
$'click', '.editor-bar a', @onToolbarButton);
data: @xml_editor.getValue()
@insertMultipleChoice: (selectedText) ->
return MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertGenericChoice(selectedText, '(', ')', MarkdownEditingDescriptor.multipleChoiceTemplate)
@insertCheckboxChoice: (selectedText) ->
return MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertGenericChoice(selectedText, '[', ']', MarkdownEditingDescriptor.checkboxChoiceTemplate)
@insertGenericChoice: (selectedText, choiceStart, choiceEnd, template) ->
if selectedText.length > 0
# Replace adjacent newlines with a single newline
cleanSelectedText = selectedText.replace(/\n+/g, '\n')
lines = cleanSelectedText.split('\n')
revisedLines = ''
for line in lines
revisedLines += choiceStart
# This is looking for a x before text to mark as selected.
if /x\s/i.test(line)
# Remove the x and any initial whitespace
lineWithoutX = line.replace(/^(\s+)?x/i, '')
# Check if any non-whitespace chars remain on the line
if not /^\s+$/.test(lineWithoutX)
# Remove initial whitespace, x, and space immediately after
line = line.replace(/^(\s+)?x\s/i, '')
revisedLines += 'x'
revisedLines += ' '
revisedLines += ' '
revisedLines += choiceEnd + ' ' + line + '\n'
return revisedLines
return template
@insertStringInput: (selectedText) ->
return MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertGenericInput(selectedText, '= ', '', MarkdownEditingDescriptor.stringInputTemplate)
@insertNumberInput: (selectedText) ->
return MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertGenericInput(selectedText, '= ', '', MarkdownEditingDescriptor.numberInputTemplate)
@insertSelect: (selectedText) ->
return MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertGenericInput(selectedText, '[[', ']]', MarkdownEditingDescriptor.selectTemplate)
@insertGenericInput: (selectedText, lineStart, lineEnd, template) ->
if selectedText.length > 0
# TODO: should this insert a newline afterwards?
return lineStart + selectedText + lineEnd
return template
@markdownToXml: (markdown)->
toXml = `function(markdown) {
var xml = markdown;
Markdown is supported
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