Commit 730cdd3b by Victor Shnayder

minor changes from pull request comments

- comments
- more info in log msg
- better error
parent 53580af9
......@@ -98,8 +98,19 @@ class StaffGradingService(object):
def get_next(self, course_id, grader_id):
Get the next thing to grade. Returns json, or raises GradingServiceError
if there's a problem.
Get the next thing to grade.
course_id: course id to get submission for
grader_id: who is grading this? The anonymous user_id of the grader.
json string with the response from the service. (Deliberately not
writing out the fields here--see the docs on the staff_grading view
in the grading_controller repo)
GradingServiceError: something went wrong with the connection.
op = lambda: self.session.get(self.get_next_url,
......@@ -113,16 +124,18 @@ class StaffGradingService(object):
return r.text
def save_grade(self, course_id, grader_id, submission_id, score, feedback):
Save a score and feedback for a submission.
Returns json dict with keys
'success': bool
'error': error msg, if something went wrong.
json dict with keys
'success': bool
'error': error msg, if something went wrong.
Raises GradingServiceError if there's a problem connecting.
GradingServiceError if there's a problem connecting.
data = {'course_id': course_id,
......@@ -216,8 +229,10 @@ def _get_next(course_id, grader_id):
return grading_service().get_next(course_id, grader_id)
except GradingServiceError:
log.exception("Error from grading service")
return json.dumps({'success': False, 'error': 'Could not connect to grading service'})
log.exception("Error from grading service. server url: {0}"
return json.dumps({'success': False,
'error': 'Could not connect to grading service'})
......@@ -239,10 +254,12 @@ def save_grade(request, course_id):
if request.method != 'POST':
raise Http404
required = ('score', 'feedback', 'submission_id')
for k in required:
if k not in request.POST.keys():
return _err_response('Missing required key {0}'.format(k))
required = set('score', 'feedback', 'submission_id')
actual = set(request.POST.keys())
missing = required - actual
if len(missing) != 0:
return _err_response('Missing required keys {0}'.format(
', '.join(missing)))
grader_id =
p = request.POST
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