Commit 71ea2fe2 by Brian Talbot

updating static common/static/sass bourbon/neat files

parent ae86c2a3
......@@ -2,12 +2,7 @@
// These mixins/functions are deprecated
// They will be removed in the next MAJOR version release
@mixin box-shadow ($shadows...) {
@include prefixer(box-shadow, $shadows, spec);
@warn "box-shadow is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version release";
@mixin background-size ($lengths...) {
@include prefixer(background-size, $lengths, spec);
@warn "background-size is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version release";
@mixin inline-block {
display: inline-block;
@warn "inline-block mixin is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version release";
// Settings
@import "settings/prefixer";
@import "settings/px-to-em";
@import "settings/asset-pipeline";
// Custom Helpers
@import "helpers/deprecated-webkit-gradient";
@import "helpers/convert-units";
@import "helpers/gradient-positions-parser";
@import "helpers/is-num";
@import "helpers/linear-angle-parser";
@import "helpers/linear-gradient-parser";
@import "helpers/linear-positions-parser";
@import "helpers/linear-side-corner-parser";
@import "helpers/radial-arg-parser";
@import "helpers/radial-positions-parser";
@import "helpers/radial-gradient-parser";
@import "helpers/render-gradients";
@import "helpers/shape-size-stripper";
@import "helpers/str-to-num";
// Custom Functions
@import "functions/compact";
@import "functions/assign";
@import "functions/color-lightness";
@import "functions/flex-grid";
@import "functions/golden-ratio";
@import "functions/grid-width";
@import "functions/linear-gradient";
@import "functions/modular-scale";
@import "functions/px-to-em";
@import "functions/radial-gradient";
@import "functions/px-to-rem";
@import "functions/strip-units";
@import "functions/tint-shade";
@import "functions/transition-property-name";
@import "functions/unpack";
// CSS3 Mixins
@import "css3/animation";
......@@ -27,12 +41,15 @@
@import "css3/border-image";
@import "css3/border-radius";
@import "css3/box-sizing";
@import "css3/calc";
@import "css3/columns";
@import "css3/filter";
@import "css3/flex-box";
@import "css3/font-face";
@import "css3/font-feature-settings";
@import "css3/hyphens";
@import "css3/hidpi-media-query";
@import "css3/image-rendering";
@import "css3/inline-block";
@import "css3/keyframes";
@import "css3/linear-gradient";
@import "css3/perspective";
......@@ -45,6 +62,8 @@
// Addons & other mixins
@import "addons/button";
@import "addons/clearfix";
@import "addons/directional-values";
@import "addons/ellipsis";
@import "addons/font-family";
@import "addons/hide-text";
@import "addons/html5-input-types";
......@@ -54,6 +73,7 @@
@import "addons/size";
@import "addons/timing-functions";
@import "addons/triangle";
@import "addons/word-wrap";
// Soon to be deprecated Mixins
@import "bourbon-deprecated-upcoming";
// Micro clearfix provides an easy way to contain floats without adding additional markup
// Modern micro clearfix provides an easy way to contain floats without adding additional markup.
// Example usage:
......@@ -12,18 +12,12 @@
// }
@mixin clearfix {
*zoom: 1;
&:after {
content: " ";
display: table;
&:after {
clear: both;
// Acknowledgements
// Micro clearfix: [Nicolas Gallagher](
// Beat *that* clearfix: [Thierry Koblentz](
// directional-property mixins are shorthands
// for writing properties like the following
// @include margin(null 0 10px);
// ------
// margin-right: 0;
// margin-bottom: 10px;
// margin-left: 0;
// - or -
// @include border-style(dotted null);
// ------
// border-top-style: dotted;
// border-bottom-style: dotted;
// ------
// Note: You can also use false instead of null
@function collapse-directionals($vals) {
$output: null;
$A: nth( $vals, 1 );
$B: if( length($vals) < 2, $A, nth($vals, 2));
$C: if( length($vals) < 3, $A, nth($vals, 3));
$D: if( length($vals) < 2, $A, nth($vals, if( length($vals) < 4, 2, 4) ));
@if $A == 0 { $A: 0 }
@if $B == 0 { $B: 0 }
@if $C == 0 { $C: 0 }
@if $D == 0 { $D: 0 }
@if $A == $B and $A == $C and $A == $D { $output: $A }
@else if $A == $C and $B == $D { $output: $A $B }
@else if $B == $D { $output: $A $B $C }
@else { $output: $A $B $C $D }
@return $output;
@function contains-falsy($list) {
@each $item in $list {
@if not $item {
@return true;
@return false;
@mixin directional-property($pre, $suf, $vals) {
// Property Names
$top: $pre + "-top" + if($suf, "-#{$suf}", "");
$bottom: $pre + "-bottom" + if($suf, "-#{$suf}", "");
$left: $pre + "-left" + if($suf, "-#{$suf}", "");
$right: $pre + "-right" + if($suf, "-#{$suf}", "");
$all: $pre + if($suf, "-#{$suf}", "");
$vals: collapse-directionals($vals);
@if contains-falsy($vals) {
@if nth($vals, 1) { #{$top}: nth($vals, 1); }
@if length($vals) == 1 {
@if nth($vals, 1) { #{$right}: nth($vals, 1); }
} @else {
@if nth($vals, 2) { #{$right}: nth($vals, 2); }
// prop: top/bottom right/left
@if length($vals) == 2 {
@if nth($vals, 1) { #{$bottom}: nth($vals, 1); }
@if nth($vals, 2) { #{$left}: nth($vals, 2); }
// prop: top right/left bottom
} @else if length($vals) == 3 {
@if nth($vals, 3) { #{$bottom}: nth($vals, 3); }
@if nth($vals, 2) { #{$left}: nth($vals, 2); }
// prop: top right bottom left
} @else if length($vals) == 4 {
@if nth($vals, 3) { #{$bottom}: nth($vals, 3); }
@if nth($vals, 4) { #{$left}: nth($vals, 4); }
// prop: top/right/bottom/left
} @else {
#{$all}: $vals;
@mixin margin($vals...) {
@include directional-property(margin, false, $vals...);
@mixin padding($vals...) {
@include directional-property(padding, false, $vals...);
@mixin border-style($vals...) {
@include directional-property(border, style, $vals...);
@mixin border-color($vals...) {
@include directional-property(border, color, $vals...);
@mixin border-width($vals...) {
@include directional-property(border, width, $vals...);
@mixin ellipsis($width: 100%) {
display: inline-block;
max-width: $width;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
$georgia: Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
$helvetica: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$helvetica: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif;
$lucida-grande: "Lucida Grande", Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
$monospace: "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", Consolas, Courier, monospace;
$verdana: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
@mixin hide-text {
color: transparent;
font: 0/0 a;
text-shadow: none;
overflow: hidden;
&:before {
content: "";
display: block;
width: 0;
height: 100%;
......@@ -20,29 +20,19 @@ $inputs-list: 'input[type="email"]',
$unquoted-inputs-list: ();
@each $input-type in $inputs-list {
$unquoted-inputs-list: append($unquoted-inputs-list, unquote($input-type), comma);
$all-text-inputs: $unquoted-inputs-list;
// Bare inputs
$all-text-inputs: assign-inputs($inputs-list);
// Hover Pseudo-class
$all-text-inputs-hover: ();
@each $input-type in $unquoted-inputs-list {
$input-type-hover: $input-type + ":hover";
$all-text-inputs-hover: append($all-text-inputs-hover, $input-type-hover, comma);
$all-text-inputs-hover: assign-inputs($inputs-list, hover);
// Focus Pseudo-class
$all-text-inputs-focus: ();
@each $input-type in $unquoted-inputs-list {
$input-type-focus: $input-type + ":focus";
$all-text-inputs-focus: append($all-text-inputs-focus, $input-type-focus, comma);
$all-text-inputs-focus: assign-inputs($inputs-list, focus);
// You must use interpolation on the variable:
// #{$all-text-inputs}
......@@ -54,3 +44,43 @@ $all-text-inputs-focus: ();
// #{$all-text-inputs}, textarea {
// border: 1px solid red;
// }
// Generate a variable ($all-button-inputs) with a list of all html5
// input types that have a button-based input, excluding button.
$inputs-button-list: 'input[type="button"]',
// Bare inputs
$all-button-inputs: assign-inputs($inputs-button-list);
// Hover Pseudo-class
$all-button-inputs-hover: assign-inputs($inputs-button-list, hover);
// Focus Pseudo-class
$all-button-inputs-focus: assign-inputs($inputs-button-list, focus);
// Active Pseudo-class
$all-button-inputs-active: assign-inputs($inputs-button-list, active);
// You must use interpolation on the variable:
// #{$all-button-inputs}
// #{$all-button-inputs-hover}
// #{$all-button-inputs-focus}
// #{$all-button-inputs-active}
// Example
// #{$all-button-inputs}, button {
// border: 1px solid red;
// }
@mixin position ($position: relative, $coordinates: 0 0 0 0) {
@mixin position ($position: relative, $coordinates: null null null null) {
@if type-of($position) == list {
$coordinates: $position;
$position: relative;
$coordinates: unpack($coordinates);
$top: nth($coordinates, 1);
$right: nth($coordinates, 2);
$bottom: nth($coordinates, 3);
......@@ -12,31 +14,19 @@
position: $position;
@if $top == auto {
top: $top;
@else if not(unitless($top)) {
@if ($top and $top == auto) or (type-of($top) == number) {
top: $top;
@if $right == auto {
right: $right;
@else if not(unitless($right)) {
@if ($right and $right == auto) or (type-of($right) == number) {
right: $right;
@if $bottom == auto {
bottom: $bottom;
@else if not(unitless($bottom)) {
@if ($bottom and $bottom == auto) or (type-of($bottom) == number) {
bottom: $bottom;
@if $left == auto {
left: $left;
@else if not(unitless($left)) {
@if ($left and $left == auto) or (type-of($left) == number) {
left: $left;
// Example: @include prefixer(border-radius, $radii, webkit ms spec);
$prefix-for-webkit: true !default;
$prefix-for-mozilla: true !default;
$prefix-for-microsoft: true !default;
$prefix-for-opera: true !default;
$prefix-for-spec: true !default; // required for keyframe mixin
// Variables located in /settings/_prefixer.scss
@mixin prefixer ($property, $value, $prefixes) {
@each $prefix in $prefixes {
......@@ -41,9 +37,9 @@ $prefix-for-spec: true !default; // required for keyframe mixin
@mixin disable-prefix-for-all() {
$prefix-for-webkit: false;
$prefix-for-mozilla: false;
$prefix-for-microsoft: false;
$prefix-for-opera: false;
$prefix-for-spec: false;
$prefix-for-webkit: false !global;
$prefix-for-mozilla: false !global;
$prefix-for-microsoft: false !global;
$prefix-for-opera: false !global;
$prefix-for-spec: false !global;
@mixin retina-image($filename, $background-size, $extension: png, $retina-filename: null, $asset-pipeline: false) {
@mixin retina-image($filename, $background-size, $extension: png, $retina-filename: null, $retina-suffix: _2x, $asset-pipeline: $asset-pipeline) {
@if $asset-pipeline {
background-image: image-url("#{$filename}.#{$extension}");
@else {
background-image: url("#{$filename}.#{$extension}");
background-image: url("#{$filename}.#{$extension}");
@include hidpi {
@if $asset-pipeline {
@if $retina-filename {
background-image: image-url("#{$retina-filename}.#{$extension}");
@else {
background-image: image-url("#{$filename}@2x.#{$extension}");
background-image: image-url("#{$filename}#{$retina-suffix}.#{$extension}");
......@@ -22,7 +21,7 @@
background-image: url("#{$retina-filename}.#{$extension}");
@else {
background-image: url("#{$filename}@2x.#{$extension}");
background-image: url("#{$filename}#{$retina-suffix}.#{$extension}");
@mixin size($size) {
@if length($size) == 1 {
@if $size == auto {
width: $size;
height: $size;
$height: nth($size, 1);
$width: $height;
@else if unitless($size) {
width: $size + px;
height: $size + px;
@else if not(unitless($size)) {
width: $size;
height: $size;
// Width x Height
@if length($size) == 2 {
$width: nth($size, 1);
@if length($size) > 1 {
$height: nth($size, 2);
@if $width == auto {
width: $width;
@else if not(unitless($width)) {
width: $width;
@else if unitless($width) {
width: $width + px;
@if $height == auto or (type-of($height) == number and not unitless($height)) {
height: $height;
@if $height == auto {
height: $height;
@else if not(unitless($height)) {
height: $height;
@else if unitless($height) {
height: $height + px;
@if $width == auto or (type-of($width) == number and not unitless($width)) {
width: $width;
// CSS cubic-bezier timing functions. Timing functions courtesy of jquery.easie (
// Timing functions are the same as demo'ed here:
// Timing functions are the same as demo'ed here:
$ease-in-quad: cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.085, 0.680, 0.530);
......@@ -2,44 +2,82 @@
height: 0;
width: 0;
$width: nth($size, 1);
$height: nth($size, length($size));
$foreground-color: nth($color, 1);
$background-color: if(length($color) == 2, nth($color, 2), transparent);
@if ($direction == up) or ($direction == down) or ($direction == right) or ($direction == left) {
border-color: transparent;
border-style: solid;
border-width: $size / 2;
$width: $width / 2;
$height: if(length($size) > 1, $height, $height/2);
@if $direction == up {
border-bottom-color: $color;
border-left: $width solid $background-color;
border-right: $width solid $background-color;
border-bottom: $height solid $foreground-color;
} @else if $direction == right {
border-left-color: $color;
border-top: $width solid $background-color;
border-bottom: $width solid $background-color;
border-left: $height solid $foreground-color;
} @else if $direction == down {
border-top-color: $color;
border-left: $width solid $background-color;
border-right: $width solid $background-color;
border-top: $height solid $foreground-color;
} @else if $direction == left {
border-right-color: $color;
border-top: $width solid $background-color;
border-bottom: $width solid $background-color;
border-right: $height solid $foreground-color;
@else if ($direction == up-right) or ($direction == up-left) {
border-top: $size solid $color;
border-top: $height solid $foreground-color;
@if $direction == up-right {
border-left: $size solid transparent;
border-left: $width solid $background-color;
} @else if $direction == up-left {
border-right: $size solid transparent;
border-right: $width solid $background-color;
@else if ($direction == down-right) or ($direction == down-left) {
border-bottom: $size solid $color;
border-bottom: $height solid $foreground-color;
@if $direction == down-right {
border-left: $size solid transparent;
border-left: $width solid $background-color;
} @else if $direction == down-left {
border-right: $size solid transparent;
border-right: $width solid $background-color;
@else if ($direction == inset-up) {
border-width: $height $width;
border-style: solid;
border-color: $background-color $background-color $foreground-color;
@else if ($direction == inset-down) {
border-width: $height $width;
border-style: solid;
border-color: $foreground-color $background-color $background-color;
@else if ($direction == inset-right) {
border-width: $width $height;
border-style: solid;
border-color: $background-color $background-color $background-color $foreground-color;
@else if ($direction == inset-left) {
border-width: $width $height;
border-style: solid;
border-color: $background-color $foreground-color $background-color $background-color;
@mixin word-wrap($wrap: break-word) {
word-wrap: $wrap;
@if $wrap == break-word {
overflow-wrap: break-word;
word-break: break-all;
......@@ -4,45 +4,39 @@
@mixin background-image($images...) {
background-image: _add-prefix($images, webkit);
background-image: _add-prefix($images);
$webkit-images: ();
$spec-images: ();
@each $image in $images {
$webkit-image: ();
$spec-image: ();
@if (type-of($image) == string) {
$url-str: str-slice($image, 0, 3);
$gradient-type: str-slice($image, 0, 6);
@function _add-prefix($images, $vendor: false) {
$images-prefixed: ();
$gradient-positions: false;
@for $i from 1 through length($images) {
$type: type-of(nth($images, $i)); // Get type of variable - List or String
// If variable is a list - Gradient
@if $type == list {
$gradient-type: nth(nth($images, $i), 1); // linear or radial
$gradient-pos: null;
$gradient-args: null;
@if ($gradient-type == linear) or ($gradient-type == radial) {
$gradient-pos: nth(nth($images, $i), 2); // Get gradient position
$gradient-args: nth(nth($images, $i), 3); // Get actual gradient (red, blue)
@if $url-str == "url" {
$webkit-image: $image;
$spec-image: $image;
@else {
$gradient-args: nth(nth($images, $i), 2); // Get actual gradient (red, blue)
@else if $gradient-type == "linear" {
$gradients: _linear-gradient-parser($image);
$webkit-image: map-get($gradients, webkit-image);
$spec-image: map-get($gradients, spec-image);
$gradient-positions: _gradient-positions-parser($gradient-type, $gradient-pos);
$gradient: _render-gradients($gradient-positions, $gradient-args, $gradient-type, $vendor);
$images-prefixed: append($images-prefixed, $gradient, comma);
// If variable is a string - Image
@else if $type == string {
$images-prefixed: join($images-prefixed, nth($images, $i), comma);
@else if $gradient-type == "radial" {
$gradients: _radial-gradient-parser($image);
$webkit-image: map-get($gradients, webkit-image);
$spec-image: map-get($gradients, spec-image);
$webkit-images: append($webkit-images, $webkit-image, comma);
$spec-images: append($spec-images, $spec-image, comma);
@return $images-prefixed;
//@include background-image(linear-gradient(top, orange, red));
//@include background-image(radial-gradient(50% 50%, cover circle, orange, red));
//@include background-image(url("/images/a.png"), linear-gradient(orange, red));
//@include background-image(url("image.png"), linear-gradient(orange, red), url("image.png"));
//@include background-image(linear-gradient(hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 0.25) 0%, hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 0.08) 50%, transparent 50%), linear-gradient(orange, red));
background-image: $webkit-images;
background-image: $spec-images;
......@@ -3,101 +3,53 @@
// notation.
@mixin background(
$background-1 , $background-2: false,
$background-3: false, $background-4: false,
$background-5: false, $background-6: false,
$background-7: false, $background-8: false,
$background-9: false, $background-10: false,
$fallback: false
) {
$backgrounds: compact($background-1, $background-2,
$background-3, $background-4,
$background-5, $background-6,
$background-7, $background-8,
$background-9, $background-10);
@mixin background($backgrounds...) {
$webkit-backgrounds: ();
$spec-backgrounds: ();
$fallback-color: false;
@if (type-of($fallback) == color) or ($fallback == "transparent") {
$fallback-color: $fallback;
@else {
$fallback-color: _extract-background-color($backgrounds);
@if $fallback-color {
background-color: $fallback-color;
background: _background-add-prefix($backgrounds, webkit);
background: _background-add-prefix($backgrounds);
@function _extract-background-color($backgrounds) {
$final-bg-layer: nth($backgrounds, length($backgrounds));
@if type-of($final-bg-layer) == list {
@for $i from 1 through length($final-bg-layer) {
$value: nth($final-bg-layer, $i);
@if type-of($value) == color {
@return $value;
@return false;
@function _background-add-prefix($backgrounds, $vendor: false) {
$backgrounds-prefixed: ();
@each $background in $backgrounds {
$webkit-background: ();
$spec-background: ();
$background-type: type-of($background);
@for $i from 1 through length($backgrounds) {
$shorthand: nth($backgrounds, $i); // Get member for current index
$type: type-of($shorthand); // Get type of variable - List (gradient) or String (image)
@if $background-type == string or list {
$background-str: if($background-type == list, nth($background, 1), $background);
// If shorthand is a list (gradient)
@if $type == list {
$first-member: nth($shorthand, 1); // Get first member of shorthand
$url-str: str-slice($background-str, 0, 3);
$gradient-type: str-slice($background-str, 0, 6);
// Linear Gradient
@if index(linear radial, nth($first-member, 1)) {
$gradient-type: nth($first-member, 1); // linear || radial
$gradient-args: false;
$gradient-positions: false;
$shorthand-start: false;
@if type-of($first-member) == list { // Linear gradient plus additional shorthand values - lg(red,orange)repeat,...
$gradient-positions: nth($first-member, 2);
$gradient-args: nth($first-member, 3);
$shorthand-start: 2;
@else { // Linear gradient only - lg(red,orange),...
$gradient-positions: nth($shorthand, 2);
$gradient-args: nth($shorthand, 3); // Get gradient (red, blue)
@if $url-str == "url" {
$webkit-background: $background;
$spec-background: $background;
$gradient-positions: _gradient-positions-parser($gradient-type, $gradient-positions);
$gradient: _render-gradients($gradient-positions, $gradient-args, $gradient-type, $vendor);
@else if $gradient-type == "linear" {
$gradients: _linear-gradient-parser("#{$background}");
$webkit-background: map-get($gradients, webkit-image);
$spec-background: map-get($gradients, spec-image);
// Append any additional shorthand args to gradient
@if $shorthand-start {
@for $j from $shorthand-start through length($shorthand) {
$gradient: join($gradient, nth($shorthand, $j), space);
$backgrounds-prefixed: append($backgrounds-prefixed, $gradient, comma);
@else if $gradient-type == "radial" {
$gradients: _radial-gradient-parser("#{$background}");
$webkit-background: map-get($gradients, webkit-image);
$spec-background: map-get($gradients, spec-image);
// Image with additional properties
@else {
$backgrounds-prefixed: append($backgrounds-prefixed, $shorthand, comma);
$webkit-background: $background;
$spec-background: $background;
// If shorthand is a simple string (color or image)
@else if $type == string {
$backgrounds-prefixed: join($backgrounds-prefixed, $shorthand, comma);
@else {
$webkit-background: $background;
$spec-background: $background;
$webkit-backgrounds: append($webkit-backgrounds, $webkit-background, comma);
$spec-backgrounds: append($spec-backgrounds, $spec-background, comma);
@return $backgrounds-prefixed;
//@include background(linear-gradient(top, orange, red));
//@include background(radial-gradient(circle at 40% 40%, orange, red));
//@include background(url("/images/a.png") no-repeat, linear-gradient(orange, red));
//@include background(url("image.png") center center, linear-gradient(orange, red), url("image.png"));
background: $webkit-backgrounds;
background: $spec-backgrounds;
@mixin border-image($images) {
-webkit-border-image: _border-add-prefix($images, webkit);
-moz-border-image: _border-add-prefix($images, moz);
-o-border-image: _border-add-prefix($images, o);
border-image: _border-add-prefix($images);
@mixin border-image($borders...) {
$webkit-borders: ();
$spec-borders: ();
@each $border in $borders {
$webkit-border: ();
$spec-border: ();
$border-type: type-of($border);
@if $border-type == string or list {
$border-str: if($border-type == list, nth($border, 1), $border);
$url-str: str-slice($border-str, 0, 3);
$gradient-type: str-slice($border-str, 0, 6);
@if $url-str == "url" {
$webkit-border: $border;
$spec-border: $border;
@else if $gradient-type == "linear" {
$gradients: _linear-gradient-parser("#{$border}");
$webkit-border: map-get($gradients, webkit-image);
$spec-border: map-get($gradients, spec-image);
@else if $gradient-type == "radial" {
$gradients: _radial-gradient-parser("#{$border}");
$webkit-border: map-get($gradients, webkit-image);
$spec-border: map-get($gradients, spec-image);
@function _border-add-prefix($images, $vendor: false) {
$border-image: null;
$images-type: type-of(nth($images, 1));
$first-var: nth(nth($images, 1), 1); // Get type of Gradient (Linear || radial)
// If input is a gradient
@if $images-type == string {
@if ($first-var == "linear") or ($first-var == "radial") {
$gradient-type: nth($images, 1); // Get type of gradient (linear || radial)
$gradient-pos: nth($images, 2); // Get gradient position
$gradient-args: nth($images, 3); // Get actual gradient (red, blue)
$gradient-positions: _gradient-positions-parser($gradient-type, $gradient-pos);
$border-image: _render-gradients($gradient-positions, $gradient-args, $gradient-type, $vendor);
@else {
$webkit-border: $border;
$spec-border: $border;
// If input is a URL
@else {
$border-image: $images;
// If input is gradient or url + additional args
@else if $images-type == list {
$type: type-of(nth($images, 1)); // Get type of variable - List or String
// If variable is a list - Gradient
@if $type == list {
$gradient: nth($images, 1);
$gradient-type: nth($gradient, 1); // Get type of gradient (linear || radial)
$gradient-pos: nth($gradient, 2); // Get gradient position
$gradient-args: nth($gradient, 3); // Get actual gradient (red, blue)
$gradient-positions: _gradient-positions-parser($gradient-type, $gradient-pos);
$border-image: _render-gradients($gradient-positions, $gradient-args, $gradient-type, $vendor);
@for $i from 2 through length($images) {
$border-image: append($border-image, nth($images, $i));
$webkit-border: $border;
$spec-border: $border;
$webkit-borders: append($webkit-borders, $webkit-border, comma);
$spec-borders: append($spec-borders, $spec-border, comma);
@return $border-image;
-webkit-border-image: $webkit-borders;
border-image: $spec-borders;
border-style: solid;
......@@ -52,4 +57,3 @@
// @include border-image(linear-gradient(45deg, orange, yellow) stretch);
// @include border-image(linear-gradient(45deg, orange, yellow) 20 30 40 50 stretch round);
// @include border-image(radial-gradient(top, cover, orange, yellow, orange));
@mixin calc($property, $value) {
#{$property}: -webkit-calc(#{$value});
#{$property}: calc(#{$value});
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
@mixin column-fill($arg: auto) {
// auto || length
@include prefixer(columns-fill, $arg, webkit moz spec);
@include prefixer(column-fill, $arg, webkit moz spec);
@mixin column-rule($arg) {
@mixin filter($function: none) {
// <filter-function> [<filter-function]* | none
@include prefixer(filter, $function, webkit spec);
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
@mixin display-box {
display: -webkit-box;
display: -moz-box;
display: -ms-flexbox; // IE 10
display: box;
......@@ -22,16 +23,19 @@
@mixin box-pack($pack: start) {
// start|end|center|justify
@include prefixer(box-pack, $pack, webkit moz spec);
-ms-flex-pack: $pack; // IE 10
@mixin box-align($align: stretch) {
// start|end|center|baseline|stretch
@include prefixer(box-align, $align, webkit moz spec);
-ms-flex-align: $align; // IE 10
@mixin box-direction($direction: normal) {
// normal|reverse|inherit
@include prefixer(box-direction, $direction, webkit moz spec);
-ms-flex-direction: $direction; // IE 10
@mixin box-lines($lines: single) {
......@@ -41,12 +45,277 @@
@mixin box-ordinal-group($int: 1) {
@include prefixer(box-ordinal-group, $int, webkit moz spec);
-ms-flex-order: $int; // IE 10
@mixin box-flex($value: 0.0) {
@include prefixer(box-flex, $value, webkit moz spec);
-ms-flex: $value; // IE 10
@mixin box-flex-group($int: 1) {
@include prefixer(box-flex-group, $int, webkit moz spec);
// CSS3 Flexible Box Model and property defaults
// Unified attributes for 2009, 2011, and 2012 flavours.
// 2009 - display (box | inline-box)
// 2011 - display (flexbox | inline-flexbox)
// 2012 - display (flex | inline-flex)
@mixin display($value) {
// flex | inline-flex
@if $value == "flex" {
// 2009
display: -webkit-box;
display: -moz-box;
display: box;
// 2012
display: -webkit-flex;
display: -moz-flex;
display: -ms-flexbox; // 2011 (IE 10)
display: flex;
@elseif $value == "inline-flex" {
display: -webkit-inline-box;
display: -moz-inline-box;
display: inline-box;
display: -webkit-inline-flex;
display: -moz-inline-flex;
display: -ms-inline-flexbox;
display: inline-flex;
@else {
display: $value;
// 2009 - box-flex (integer)
// 2011 - flex (decimal | width decimal)
// 2012 - flex (integer integer width)
@mixin flex($value) {
// Grab flex-grow for older browsers.
$flex-grow: nth($value, 1);
// 2009
@include prefixer(box-flex, $flex-grow, webkit moz spec);
// 2011 (IE 10), 2012
@include prefixer(flex, $value, webkit moz ms spec);
// 2009 - box-orient ( horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis)
// - box-direction (normal | reverse)
// 2011 - flex-direction (row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse)
// 2012 - flex-direction (row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse)
@mixin flex-direction($value: row) {
// Alt values.
$value-2009: $value;
$value-2011: $value;
$direction: "normal";
@if $value == row {
$value-2009: horizontal;
@elseif $value == "row-reverse" {
$value-2009: horizontal;
$direction: reverse;
@elseif $value == column {
$value-2009: vertical;
@elseif $value == "column-reverse" {
$value-2009: vertical;
$direction: reverse;
// 2009
@include prefixer(box-orient, $value-2009, webkit moz spec);
@if $direction == "reverse" {
@include prefixer(box-direction, $direction, webkit moz spec);
// 2012
@include prefixer(flex-direction, $value, webkit moz spec);
// 2011 (IE 10)
-ms-flex-direction: $value;
// 2009 - box-lines (single | multiple)
// 2011 - flex-wrap (nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse)
// 2012 - flex-wrap (nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse)
@mixin flex-wrap($value: nowrap) {
// Alt values.
$alt-value: $value;
@if $value == nowrap {
$alt-value: single;
@elseif $value == wrap {
$alt-value: multiple;
@elseif $value == "wrap-reverse" {
$alt-value: multiple;
@include prefixer(box-lines, $alt-value, webkit moz spec);
@include prefixer(flex-wrap, $value, webkit moz ms spec);
// 2009 - TODO: parse values into flex-direction/flex-wrap
// 2011 - TODO: parse values into flex-direction/flex-wrap
// 2012 - flex-flow (flex-direction || flex-wrap)
@mixin flex-flow($value) {
@include prefixer(flex-flow, $value, webkit moz spec);
// 2009 - box-ordinal-group (integer)
// 2011 - flex-order (integer)
// 2012 - order (integer)
@mixin order($int: 0) {
// 2009
@include prefixer(box-ordinal-group, $int, webkit moz spec);
// 2012
@include prefixer(order, $int, webkit moz spec);
// 2011 (IE 10)
-ms-flex-order: $int;
// 2012 - flex-grow (number)
@mixin flex-grow($number: 0) {
@include prefixer(flex-grow, $number, webkit moz spec);
-ms-flex-positive: $number;
// 2012 - flex-shrink (number)
@mixin flex-shrink($number: 1) {
@include prefixer(flex-shrink, $number, webkit moz spec);
-ms-flex-negative: $number;
// 2012 - flex-basis (number)
@mixin flex-basis($width: auto) {
@include prefixer(flex-basis, $width, webkit moz spec);
-ms-flex-preferred-size: $width;
// 2009 - box-pack (start | end | center | justify)
// 2011 - flex-pack (start | end | center | justify)
// 2012 - justify-content (flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around)
@mixin justify-content ($value: flex-start) {
// Alt values.
$alt-value: $value;
@if $value == "flex-start" {
$alt-value: start;
@elseif $value == "flex-end" {
$alt-value: end;
@elseif $value == "space-between" {
$alt-value: justify;
@elseif $value == "space-around" {
$alt-value: center;
// 2009
@include prefixer(box-pack, $alt-value, webkit moz spec);
// 2012
@include prefixer(justify-content, $value, webkit moz ms o spec);
// 2011 (IE 10)
-ms-flex-pack: $alt-value;
// 2009 - box-align (start | end | center | baseline | stretch)
// 2011 - flex-align (start | end | center | baseline | stretch)
// 2012 - align-items (flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch)
@mixin align-items($value: stretch) {
$alt-value: $value;
@if $value == "flex-start" {
$alt-value: start;
@elseif $value == "flex-end" {
$alt-value: end;
// 2009
@include prefixer(box-align, $alt-value, webkit moz spec);
// 2012
@include prefixer(align-items, $value, webkit moz ms o spec);
// 2011 (IE 10)
-ms-flex-align: $alt-value;
// 2011 - flex-item-align (auto | start | end | center | baseline | stretch)
// 2012 - align-self (auto | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch)
@mixin align-self($value: auto) {
$value-2011: $value;
@if $value == "flex-start" {
$value-2011: start;
@elseif $value == "flex-end" {
$value-2011: end;
// 2012
@include prefixer(align-self, $value, webkit moz spec);
// 2011 (IE 10)
-ms-flex-item-align: $value-2011;
// 2011 - flex-line-pack (start | end | center | justify | distribute | stretch)
// 2012 - align-content (flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | stretch)
@mixin align-content($value: stretch) {
$value-2011: $value;
@if $value == "flex-start" {
$value-2011: start;
@elseif $value == "flex-end" {
$value-2011: end;
@elseif $value == "space-between" {
$value-2011: justify;
@elseif $value == "space-around" {
$value-2011: distribute;
// 2012
@include prefixer(align-content, $value, webkit moz spec);
// 2011 (IE 10)
-ms-flex-line-pack: $value-2011;
// Order of the includes matters, and it is: normal, bold, italic, bold+italic.
@mixin font-face($font-family, $file-path, $weight: normal, $style: normal, $asset-pipeline: false ) {
@mixin font-face($font-family, $file-path, $weight: normal, $style: normal, $asset-pipeline: $asset-pipeline) {
@font-face {
font-family: $font-family;
font-weight: $weight;
// Font feature settings mixin and property default.
// Examples: @include font-feature-settings("liga");
// @include font-feature-settings("lnum" false);
// @include font-feature-settings("pnum" 1, "kern" 0);
// @include font-feature-settings("ss01", "ss02");
@mixin font-feature-settings($settings...) {
@if length($settings) == 0 { $settings: none; }
@include prefixer(font-feature-settings, $settings, webkit moz ms spec);
\ No newline at end of file
@mixin hyphens($hyphenation: none) {
// none | manual | auto
@include prefixer(hyphens, $hyphenation, webkit moz ms spec);
\ No newline at end of file
@mixin image-rendering ($mode:optimizeQuality) {
@mixin image-rendering ($mode:auto) {
@if ($mode == optimize-contrast) {
@if ($mode == crisp-edges) {
-ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; // IE8+
image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: -o-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;
image-rendering: optimize-contrast;
image-rendering: crisp-edges;
@else {
// Legacy support for inline-block in IE7 (maybe IE6)
@mixin inline-block {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: baseline;
zoom: 1;
*display: inline;
*vertical-align: auto;
......@@ -8,36 +8,28 @@
@if $original-prefix-for-webkit {
@include disable-prefix-for-all();
$prefix-for-webkit: true;
$prefix-for-webkit: true !global;
@-webkit-keyframes #{$name} {
@if $original-prefix-for-mozilla {
@include disable-prefix-for-all();
$prefix-for-mozilla: true;
$prefix-for-mozilla: true !global;
@-moz-keyframes #{$name} {
@if $original-prefix-for-opera {
@include disable-prefix-for-all();
$prefix-for-opera: true;
@-o-keyframes #{$name} {
$prefix-for-webkit: $original-prefix-for-webkit !global;
$prefix-for-mozilla: $original-prefix-for-mozilla !global;
$prefix-for-microsoft: $original-prefix-for-microsoft !global;
$prefix-for-opera: $original-prefix-for-opera !global;
$prefix-for-spec: $original-prefix-for-spec !global;
@if $original-prefix-for-spec {
@include disable-prefix-for-all();
$prefix-for-spec: true;
@keyframes #{$name} {
$prefix-for-webkit: $original-prefix-for-webkit;
$prefix-for-mozilla: $original-prefix-for-mozilla;
$prefix-for-microsoft: $original-prefix-for-microsoft;
$prefix-for-opera: $original-prefix-for-opera;
$prefix-for-spec: $original-prefix-for-spec;
@mixin linear-gradient($pos, $G1, $G2: false,
$G3: false, $G4: false,
$G5: false, $G6: false,
$G7: false, $G8: false,
$G9: false, $G10: false,
$deprecated-pos1: left top,
$deprecated-pos2: left bottom,
$fallback: false) {
@mixin linear-gradient($pos, $G1, $G2: null,
$G3: null, $G4: null,
$G5: null, $G6: null,
$G7: null, $G8: null,
$G9: null, $G10: null,
$fallback: null) {
// Detect what type of value exists in $pos
$pos-type: type-of(nth($pos, 1));
$pos-spec: null;
......@@ -24,7 +22,7 @@
$pos-spec: nth($positions, 2);
$full: compact($G1, $G2, $G3, $G4, $G5, $G6, $G7, $G8, $G9, $G10);
$full: $G1, $G2, $G3, $G4, $G5, $G6, $G7, $G8, $G9, $G10;
// Set $G1 as the default fallback color
$fallback-color: nth($G1, 1);
......@@ -35,7 +33,6 @@
background-color: $fallback-color;
background-image: _deprecated-webkit-gradient(linear, $deprecated-pos1, $deprecated-pos2, $full); // Safari <= 5.0
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient($pos-degree $full); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome
background-image: unquote("linear-gradient(#{$pos-spec}#{$full})");
$placeholders: '-webkit-input-placeholder',
@mixin placeholder {
$placeholders: ":-webkit-input" ":-moz" "-moz" "-ms-input";
@each $placeholder in $placeholders {
@if $placeholder == "-webkit-input-placeholder" {
&::#{$placeholder} {
@else if $placeholder == "-moz-placeholder" {
// FF 18-
&:#{$placeholder} {
// FF 19+
&::#{$placeholder} {
@else {
&:#{$placeholder} {
&:#{$placeholder}-placeholder {
// Requires Sass 3.1+
@mixin radial-gradient($G1, $G2,
$G3: false, $G4: false,
$G5: false, $G6: false,
$G7: false, $G8: false,
$G9: false, $G10: false,
$G3: null, $G4: null,
$G5: null, $G6: null,
$G7: null, $G8: null,
$G9: null, $G10: null,
$pos: null,
$shape-size: null,
$deprecated-pos1: center center,
$deprecated-pos2: center center,
$deprecated-radius1: 0,
$deprecated-radius2: 460,
$fallback: false) {
$fallback: null) {
$data: _radial-arg-parser($G1, $G2, $pos, $shape-size);
$G1: nth($data, 1);
......@@ -18,7 +14,7 @@
$pos: nth($data, 3);
$shape-size: nth($data, 4);
$full: compact($G1, $G2, $G3, $G4, $G5, $G6, $G7, $G8, $G9, $G10);
$full: $G1, $G2, $G3, $G4, $G5, $G6, $G7, $G8, $G9, $G10;
// Strip deprecated cover/contain for spec
$shape-size-spec: _shape-size-stripper($shape-size);
......@@ -38,7 +34,6 @@
$shape-size-spec: if(($shape-size-spec != ' ') and ($pos == null), '#{$shape-size-spec}, ', '#{$shape-size-spec} ');
background-color: $fallback-color;
background-image: _deprecated-webkit-gradient(radial, $deprecated-pos1, $deprecated-pos2, $full, $deprecated-radius1, $deprecated-radius2); // Safari <= 5.0 && IOS 4
background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(unquote(#{$pos}#{$shape-size}#{$full}));
background-image: unquote("radial-gradient(#{$shape-size-spec}#{$pos-spec}#{$full})");
// Shorthand mixin. Supports multiple parentheses-deliminated values for each variable.
// Example: @include transition (all, 2.0s, ease-in-out);
// @include transition ((opacity, width), (1.0s, 2.0s), ease-in, (0, 2s));
// @include transition ($property:(opacity, width), $delay: (1.5s, 2.5s));
// Example: @include transition (all 2s ease-in-out);
// @include transition (opacity 1s ease-in 2s, width 2s ease-out);
// @include transition-property (transform, opacity);
@mixin transition ($properties...) {
@if length($properties) >= 1 {
@include prefixer(transition, $properties, webkit moz spec);
// Fix for vendor-prefix transform property
$needs-prefixes: false;
$webkit: ();
$moz: ();
$spec: ();
// Create lists for vendor-prefixed transform
@each $list in $properties {
@if nth($list, 1) == "transform" {
$needs-prefixes: true;
$list1: -webkit-transform;
$list2: -moz-transform;
$list3: ();
@each $var in $list {
$list3: join($list3, $var);
@if $var != "transform" {
$list1: join($list1, $var);
$list2: join($list2, $var);
$webkit: append($webkit, $list1);
$moz: append($moz, $list2);
$spec: append($spec, $list3);
// Create lists for non-prefixed transition properties
@else {
$webkit: append($webkit, $list, comma);
$moz: append($moz, $list, comma);
$spec: append($spec, $list, comma);
@if $needs-prefixes {
-webkit-transition: $webkit;
-moz-transition: $moz;
transition: $spec;
@else {
$properties: all 0.15s ease-out 0;
@include prefixer(transition, $properties, webkit moz spec);
@if length($properties) >= 1 {
@include prefixer(transition, $properties, webkit moz spec);
@else {
$properties: all 0.15s ease-out 0s;
@include prefixer(transition, $properties, webkit moz spec);
@function assign-inputs($inputs, $pseudo: null) {
$list : ();
@each $input in $inputs {
$input: unquote($input);
$input: if($pseudo, $input + ":" + $pseudo, $input);
$list: append($list, $input, comma);
@return $list;
\ No newline at end of file
// Programatically determines whether a color is light or dark
// Returns a boolean
// More details here
@function is-light($hex-color) {
$-local-red: red(rgba($hex-color, 1.0));
$-local-green: green(rgba($hex-color, 1.0));
$-local-blue: blue(rgba($hex-color, 1.0));
$-local-lightness: ($-local-red * 0.2126 + $-local-green * 0.7152 + $-local-blue * 0.0722) / 255;
@return $-local-lightness > .6;
// Remove `false` values from a list
@function compact($vars...) {
$list: ();
@each $var in $vars {
@if $var {
$list: append($list, $var, comma);
@return $list;
@function golden-ratio($value, $increment) {
@return modular-scale($value, $increment, $golden)
@function linear-gradient($pos, $gradients...) {
$type: linear;
$pos-type: type-of(nth($pos, 1));
// if $pos doesn't exist, fix $gradient
@if ($pos-type == color) or (nth($pos, 1) == "transparent") {
$gradients: zip($pos $gradients);
$pos: false;
$type-gradient: $type, $pos, $gradients;
@return $type-gradient;
// Scaling Variables
$golden: 1.618;
$minor-second: 1.067;
$major-second: 1.125;
$minor-third: 1.2;
$major-third: 1.25;
$perfect-fourth: 1.333;
$augmented-fourth: 1.414;
$perfect-fifth: 1.5;
$minor-sixth: 1.6;
$major-sixth: 1.667;
$minor-seventh: 1.778;
$major-seventh: 1.875;
$octave: 2;
$major-tenth: 2.5;
$major-eleventh: 2.667;
$major-twelfth: 3;
$double-octave: 4;
@function modular-scale($value, $increment, $ratio) {
$v1: nth($value, 1);
$v2: nth($value, length($value));
$value: $v1;
// scale $v2 to just above $v1
@while $v2 > $v1 {
$v2: ($v2 / $ratio); // will be off-by-1
@while $v2 < $v1 {
$v2: ($v2 * $ratio); // will fix off-by-1
// check AFTER scaling $v2 to prevent double-counting corner-case
$double-stranded: $v2 > $v1;
@if $increment > 0 {
@for $i from 1 through $increment {
$value: ($value * $ratio);
@if $double-stranded and ($v1 * $ratio) > $v2 {
$value: $v2;
$v2: ($v2 * $ratio);
} @else {
$v1: ($v1 * $ratio);
$value: $v1;
@if $increment < 0 {
$increment: abs($increment);
@for $i from 1 through $increment {
$value: ($value / $ratio);
// adjust $v2 to just below $v1
@if $double-stranded {
$v2: ($v2 / $ratio);
@for $i from $increment through -1 {
@if $double-stranded and ($v1 / $ratio) < $v2 {
$value: $v2;
$v2: ($v2 / $ratio);
} @else {
$v1: ($v1 / $ratio);
$value: $v1;
@return $value;
// div {
// Increment Up GR with positive value
// font-size: modular-scale(14px, 1, 1.618); // returns: 22.652px
// Increment Down GR with negative value
// font-size: modular-scale(14px, -1, 1.618); // returns: 8.653px
// Can be used with ceil(round up) or floor(round down)
// font-size: floor( modular-scale(14px, 1, 1.618) ); // returns: 22px
// font-size: ceil( modular-scale(14px, 1, 1.618) ); // returns: 23px
// }
@function golden-ratio($value, $increment) {
@return modular-scale($value, $increment, 1.618)
// div {
// font-size: golden-ratio(14px, 1); // returns: 22.652px
// }
......@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
// eg. for a relational value of 12px write em(12) when the parent is 16px
// if the parent is another value say 24px write em(12, 24)
@function em($pxval, $base: 16) {
@function em($pxval, $base: $em-base) {
@if not unitless($pxval) {
$pxval: strip-units($pxval);
@if not unitless($base) {
$base: strip-units($base);
@return ($pxval / $base) * 1em;
// Convert pixels to rems
// eg. for a relational value of 12px write rem(12)
// Assumes $em-base is the font-size of <html>
@function rem($pxval) {
@if not unitless($pxval) {
$pxval: strip-units($pxval);
$base: $em-base;
@if not unitless($base) {
$base: strip-units($base);
@return ($pxval / $base) * 1rem;
// This function is required and used by the background-image mixin.
@function radial-gradient($G1, $G2,
$G3: false, $G4: false,
$G5: false, $G6: false,
$G7: false, $G8: false,
$G9: false, $G10: false,
$pos: null,
$shape-size: null) {
$data: _radial-arg-parser($G1, $G2, $pos, $shape-size);
$G1: nth($data, 1);
$G2: nth($data, 2);
$pos: nth($data, 3);
$shape-size: nth($data, 4);
$type: radial;
$gradient: compact($G1, $G2, $G3, $G4, $G5, $G6, $G7, $G8, $G9, $G10);
$type-gradient: $type, $shape-size $pos, $gradient;
@return $type-gradient;
// Srtips the units from a value. e.g. 12px -> 12
@function strip-units($val) {
@return ($val / ($val * 0 + 1));
// Convert shorthand to the 4-value syntax
@function unpack($shorthand) {
@if length($shorthand) == 1 {
@return nth($shorthand, 1) nth($shorthand, 1) nth($shorthand, 1) nth($shorthand, 1);
@else if length($shorthand) == 2 {
@return nth($shorthand, 1) nth($shorthand, 2) nth($shorthand, 1) nth($shorthand, 2);
@else if length($shorthand) == 3 {
@return nth($shorthand, 1) nth($shorthand, 2) nth($shorthand, 3) nth($shorthand, 2);
@else {
@return $shorthand;
// Helper function for str-to-num fn.
// Source:
@function _convert-units($number, $unit) {
$strings: 'px' 'cm' 'mm' '%' 'ch' 'pica' 'in' 'em' 'rem' 'pt' 'pc' 'ex' 'vw' 'vh' 'vmin' 'vmax', 'deg', 'rad', 'grad', 'turn';
$units: 1px 1cm 1mm 1% 1ch 1pica 1in 1em 1rem 1pt 1pc 1ex 1vw 1vh 1vmin 1vmax, 1deg, 1rad, 1grad, 1turn;
$index: index($strings, $unit);
@if not $index {
@warn "Unknown unit `#{$unit}`.";
@return false;
@return $number * nth($units, $index);
// Render Deprecated Webkit Gradient - Linear || Radial
@function _deprecated-webkit-gradient($type,
$deprecated-pos1, $deprecated-pos2,
$deprecated-radius1: false, $deprecated-radius2: false) {
$gradient-list: ();
$gradient: false;
$full-length: length($full);
$percentage: false;
$gradient-type: $type;
@for $i from 1 through $full-length {
$gradient: nth($full, $i);
@if length($gradient) == 2 {
$color-stop: color-stop(nth($gradient, 2), nth($gradient, 1));
$gradient-list: join($gradient-list, $color-stop, comma);
@else if $gradient != null {
@if $i == $full-length {
$percentage: 100%;
@else {
$percentage: ($i - 1) * (100 / ($full-length - 1)) + "%";
$color-stop: color-stop(unquote($percentage), $gradient);
$gradient-list: join($gradient-list, $color-stop, comma);
@if $type == radial {
$gradient: -webkit-gradient(radial, $deprecated-pos1, $deprecated-radius1, $deprecated-pos2, $deprecated-radius2, $gradient-list);
@else if $type == linear {
$gradient: -webkit-gradient(linear, $deprecated-pos1, $deprecated-pos2, $gradient-list);
@return $gradient;
// Helper for linear-gradient-parser
@function _is-num($char) {
$values: '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
$index: index($values, $char);
@return if($index, true, false);
// Private function for linear-gradient-parser
@function _linear-angle-parser($image, $first-val, $prefix, $suffix) {
$offset: null;
$unit-short: str-slice($first-val, str-length($first-val) - 2, str-length($first-val));
$unit-long: str-slice($first-val, str-length($first-val) - 3, str-length($first-val));
@if ($unit-long == "grad") or
($unit-long == "turn") {
$offset: if($unit-long == "grad", -100grad * 3, -0.75turn);
@else if ($unit-short == "deg") or
($unit-short == "rad") {
$offset: if($unit-short == "deg", -90 * 3, 1.6rad);
@if $offset {
$num: _str-to-num($first-val);
@return (
webkit-image: -webkit- + $prefix + ($offset - $num) + $suffix,
spec-image: $image
@function _linear-gradient-parser($image) {
$image: unquote($image);
$gradients: ();
$start: str-index($image, "(");
$end: str-index($image, ",");
$first-val: str-slice($image, $start + 1, $end - 1);
$prefix: str-slice($image, 0, $start);
$suffix: str-slice($image, $end, str-length($image));
$has-multiple-vals: str-index($first-val, " ");
$has-single-position: unquote(_position-flipper($first-val) + "");
$has-angle: _is-num(str-slice($first-val, 0, 0));
@if $has-multiple-vals {
$gradients: _linear-side-corner-parser($image, $first-val, $prefix, $suffix, $has-multiple-vals);
@else if $has-single-position != "" {
$pos: unquote($has-single-position + "");
$gradients: (
webkit-image: -webkit- + $image,
spec-image: $prefix + "to " + $pos + $suffix
@else if $has-angle {
// Rotate degree for webkit
$gradients: _linear-angle-parser($image, $first-val, $prefix, $suffix);
@else {
$gradients: (
webkit-image: -webkit- + $image,
spec-image: $image
@return $gradients;
// Private function for linear-gradient-parser
@function _linear-side-corner-parser($image, $first-val, $prefix, $suffix, $has-multiple-vals) {
$val-1: str-slice($first-val, 0, $has-multiple-vals - 1 );
$val-2: str-slice($first-val, $has-multiple-vals + 1, str-length($first-val));
$val-3: null;
$has-val-3: str-index($val-2, " ");
@if $has-val-3 {
$val-3: str-slice($val-2, $has-val-3 + 1, str-length($val-2));
$val-2: str-slice($val-2, 0, $has-val-3 - 1);
$pos: _position-flipper($val-1) _position-flipper($val-2) _position-flipper($val-3);
$pos: unquote($pos + "");
// Use old spec for webkit
@if $val-1 == "to" {
@return (
webkit-image: -webkit- + $prefix + $pos + $suffix,
spec-image: $image
// Bring the code up to spec
@else {
@return (
webkit-image: -webkit- + $image,
spec-image: $prefix + "to " + $pos + $suffix
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
$pos: $pos nth($value, $i);
$G1: false;
$G1: null;
// If not spec calculate correct values
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
$pos: $value;
@if $pos == $G1 {
$G1: false;
$G1: null;
......@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@
$shape-size: $value;
@if $value == $G1 {
$G1: false;
$G1: null;
@else if $value == $G2 {
$G2: false;
$G2: null;
@function _radial-gradient-parser($image) {
$image: unquote($image);
$gradients: ();
$start: str-index($image, "(");
$end: str-index($image, ",");
$first-val: str-slice($image, $start + 1, $end - 1);
$prefix: str-slice($image, 0, $start);
$suffix: str-slice($image, $end, str-length($image));
$is-spec-syntax: str-index($first-val, "at");
@if $is-spec-syntax and $is-spec-syntax > 1 {
$keyword: str-slice($first-val, 1, $is-spec-syntax - 2);
$pos: str-slice($first-val, $is-spec-syntax + 3, str-length($first-val));
$pos: append($pos, $keyword, comma);
$gradients: (
webkit-image: -webkit- + $prefix + $pos + $suffix,
spec-image: $image
@else if $is-spec-syntax == 1 {
$pos: str-slice($first-val, $is-spec-syntax + 3, str-length($first-val));
$gradients: (
webkit-image: -webkit- + $prefix + $pos + $suffix,
spec-image: $image
@else if str-index($image, "cover") or str-index($image, "contain") {
@warn "Radial-gradient needs to be updated to conform to latest spec.";
$gradients: (
webkit-image: null,
spec-image: $image
@else {
$gradients: (
webkit-image: -webkit- + $image,
spec-image: $image
@return $gradients;
// Helper function for linear/radial-gradient-parsers.
// Source:
@function _str-to-num($string) {
// Matrices
$strings: '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9';
$numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
// Result
$result: 0;
$divider: 0;
$minus: false;
// Looping through all characters
@for $i from 1 through str-length($string) {
$character: str-slice($string, $i, $i);
$index: index($strings, $character);
@if $character == '-' {
$minus: true;
@else if $character == '.' {
$divider: 1;
@else {
@if not $index {
$result: if($minus, $result * -1, $result);
@return _convert-units($result, str-slice($string, $i));
$number: nth($numbers, $index);
@if $divider == 0 {
$result: $result * 10;
@else {
// Move the decimal dot to the left
$divider: $divider * 10;
$number: $number / $divider;
$result: $result + $number;
@return if($minus, $result * -1, $result);
// Variable settings for /addons/prefixer.scss
$prefix-for-webkit: true !default;
$prefix-for-mozilla: true !default;
$prefix-for-microsoft: true !default;
$prefix-for-opera: true !default;
$prefix-for-spec: true !default; // required for keyframe mixin
// Functions
@import "functions/private";
@import "functions/new-breakpoint";
@import "functions/px-to-em";
// Settings
@import "settings/grid";
// Bourbon Neat
// Bourbon Neat 1.6.0.pre
// MIT Licensed
// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 thoughtbot, inc.
......@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
$query: $default-feature nth($query, 1) $total-columns;
@else if length($query) == 2 or length($query) == 4 {
@else if length($query) % 2 == 0 {
$query: append($query, $total-columns);
@if not belongs-to($query, $visual-grid-breakpoints) {
$visual-grid-breakpoints: append($visual-grid-breakpoints, $query, comma);
$visual-grid-breakpoints: append($visual-grid-breakpoints, $query, comma) !global;
@return $query;
......@@ -44,6 +44,24 @@
@function container-shift($shift: $shift) {
$parent-columns: $grid-columns !global !default;
@if length($shift) == 3 {
$container-columns: nth($shift, 3);
@return $container-columns;
@else if length($shift) == 2 {
$container-columns: nth($shift, 2);
@return $container-columns;
@else {
@return $parent-columns;
// Generates a striped background
@function gradient-stops($grid-columns, $color: $visual-grid-color) {
$transparent: rgba(0,0,0,0);
@function em($pxval, $base: 16) {
@return ($pxval / $base) * 1em;
@mixin media($query:$feature $value $columns, $total-columns: $grid-columns) {
@if length($query) == 1 {
@media screen and ($default-feature: nth($query, 1)) {
$default-grid-columns: $grid-columns;
$grid-columns: $total-columns;
$grid-columns: $total-columns !global;
$grid-columns: $default-grid-columns;
$grid-columns: $default-grid-columns !global;
@else if length($query) == 2 {
@media screen and (nth($query, 1): nth($query, 2)) {
$default-grid-columns: $grid-columns;
$grid-columns: $total-columns;
$grid-columns: $default-grid-columns;
@else {
$loopTo: length($query);
$mediaQuery: 'screen and ';
$default-grid-columns: $grid-columns;
$grid-columns: $total-columns !global;
@else if length($query) == 3 {
@media screen and (nth($query, 1): nth($query, 2)) {
$default-grid-columns: $grid-columns;
$grid-columns: nth($query, 3);
$grid-columns: $default-grid-columns;
@if length($query) % 2 != 0 {
$grid-columns: nth($query, $loopTo) !global;
$loopTo: $loopTo - 1;
@else if length($query) == 4 {
@media screen and (nth($query, 1): nth($query, 2)) and (nth($query, 3): nth($query, 4)) {
$default-grid-columns: $grid-columns;
$grid-columns: $total-columns;
$grid-columns: $default-grid-columns;
$i: 1;
@while $i <= $loopTo {
$mediaQuery: $mediaQuery + '(' + nth($query, $i) + ': ' + nth($query, $i + 1) + ') ';
@if ($i + 1) != $loopTo {
$mediaQuery: $mediaQuery + 'and ';
$i: $i + 2;
@else if length($query) == 5 {
@media screen and (nth($query, 1): nth($query, 2)) and (nth($query, 3): nth($query, 4)) {
$default-grid-columns: $grid-columns;
$grid-columns: nth($query, 5);
@media #{$mediaQuery} {
$grid-columns: $default-grid-columns;
$grid-columns: $default-grid-columns !global;
@else {
@warn "Wrong number of arguments for breakpoint(). Read the documentation for more details.";
......@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
$direction: get-direction($layout-direction, $default-layout-direction);
@if $table {
@warn "The omega mixin no longer removes padding in table layouts."
@if length($query) == 1 {
@if $auto {
&:last-child {
......@@ -16,14 +20,8 @@
@else if contains-display-value($query) {
@if $table {
padding-#{$direction}: 0;
@else {
margin-#{$direction}: 0;
@else if contains-display-value($query) and $table == false {
margin-#{$direction}: 0;
@else {
......@@ -32,30 +30,14 @@
@else if length($query) == 2 {
@if $table {
@if $auto {
&:last-child {
padding-#{$direction}: 0;
@else {
&:nth-child(#{nth($query, 1)}) {
padding-#{$direction}: 0;
@if $auto {
&:last-child {
margin-#{$direction}: 0;
@else {
@if $auto {
&:last-child {
margin-#{$direction}: 0;
@else {
@include nth-child(nth($query, 1), $direction);
@include nth-child(nth($query, 1), $direction);
......@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ $layout-direction: nil !default;
@function get-parent-columns($columns) {
@if $columns != $grid-columns {
$parent-columns: $columns;
$parent-columns: $columns !global;
} @else {
$parent-columns: $grid-columns;
$parent-columns: $grid-columns !global;
@return $parent-columns;
......@@ -41,10 +41,3 @@ $layout-direction: nil !default;
@return $display-table;
@function get-padding-for-table-layout($columns, $total-columns) {
$total-padding: flex-gutter($total-columns) * ($columns - 1);
$padding: $total-padding / $columns;
@return $padding;
@mixin reset-display {
$container-display-table: false;
$container-display-table: false !global;
@mixin reset-layout-direction {
$layout-direction: $default-layout-direction;
$layout-direction: $default-layout-direction !global;
@mixin reset-all {
@mixin row($display: block, $direction: $default-layout-direction) {
@include clearfix;
$layout-direction: $direction;
$layout-direction: $direction !global;
@if $display == table {
display: table;
@include fill-parent;
table-layout: fixed;
$container-display-table: true;
$container-display-table: true !global;
@else {
display: block;
$container-display-table: false;
$container-display-table: false !global;
@mixin shift($n-columns: 1) {
@include shift-in-context($n-columns);
@mixin shift-in-context($shift: $columns of $container-columns) {
$n-columns: nth($shift, 1);
$parent-columns: container-shift($shift) !global;
$direction: get-direction($layout-direction, $default-layout-direction);
$opposite-direction: get-opposite-direction($direction);
margin-#{$opposite-direction}: $n-columns * flex-grid(1, $parent-columns) + $n-columns * flex-gutter($parent-columns);
// Reset nesting context
$parent-columns: $grid-columns;
$parent-columns: $grid-columns !global;
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
$container-columns: container-span($span);
// Set nesting context (used by shift())
$parent-columns: get-parent-columns($container-columns);
$parent-columns: get-parent-columns($container-columns) !global;
$direction: get-direction($layout-direction, $default-layout-direction);
$opposite-direction: get-opposite-direction($direction);
......@@ -11,15 +11,20 @@
$display-table: is-display-table($container-display-table, $display);
@if $display-table {
$padding: get-padding-for-table-layout($columns, $container-columns);
display: table-cell;
padding-#{$direction}: $padding;
width: flex-grid($columns, $container-columns) + $padding;
width: percentage($columns / $container-columns);
} @else {
display: block;
float: #{$opposite-direction};
@if $display != no-display {
display: block;
@if $display == collapse {
@warn "The 'collapse' argument will be deprecated. Use 'block-collapse' instead."
@if $display == collapse or $display == block-collapse {
width: flex-grid($columns, $container-columns) + flex-gutter($container-columns);
&:last-child {
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