Commit 71c46ff3 by Arjun Singh

Merge branch 'master' into hotfix/arjun/fix_integer_disc_ids

parents 3bff1893 2063b2db
......@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ class NumericalResponse(LoncapaResponse):
self.tolerance = contextualize_text(self.tolerance_xml, context)
except Exception:
self.tolerance = 0
self.tolerance = '0'
self.answer_id = xml.xpath('//*[@id=$id]//textline/@id',
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def compare_with_tolerance(v1, v2, tol):
- v1 : student result (number)
- v2 : instructor result (number)
- tol : tolerance (string or number)
- tol : tolerance (string representing a number)
relative = tol.endswith('%')
......@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ section.problem {
section {
> section {
padding: 9px;
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class @Collapsible
el.find('.shortform').append('<a href="#" class="full">See full output</a>')
el.find('.collapsible section').hide()
el.find('.collapsible header + section').hide()
el.find('.full').click @toggleFull
el.find('.collapsible header a').click @toggleHint
......@@ -329,9 +329,15 @@ def progress_summary(student, request, course, student_module_cache):
def get_score(course_id, user, problem_descriptor, module_creator, student_module_cache):
Return the score for a user on a problem, as a tuple (correct, total).
e.g. (5,7) if you got 5 out of 7 points.
If this problem doesn't have a score, or we couldn't load it, returns (None,
user: a Student object
problem: an XModule
problem_descriptor: an XModuleDescriptor
module_creator: a function that takes a descriptor, and returns the corresponding XModule for this user.
Can return None if user doesn't have access, or if something else went wrong.
cache: A StudentModuleCache
if not (problem_descriptor.stores_state and problem_descriptor.has_score):
......@@ -339,14 +345,16 @@ def get_score(course_id, user, problem_descriptor, module_creator, student_modul
return (None, None)
correct = 0.0
instance_module = student_module_cache.lookup(
course_id, problem_descriptor.category, problem_descriptor.location.url())
if not instance_module:
# If the problem was not in the cache, we need to instantiate the problem.
# Otherwise, the max score (cached in instance_module) won't be available
# Otherwise, the max score (cached in instance_module) won't be available
problem = module_creator(problem_descriptor)
if problem is None:
return (None, None)
instance_module = get_instance_module(course_id, user, problem, student_module_cache)
# If this problem is ungraded/ungradable, bail
......@@ -361,7 +369,7 @@ def get_score(course_id, user, problem_descriptor, module_creator, student_modul
weight = getattr(problem_descriptor, 'weight', None)
if weight is not None:
if total == 0:
log.exception("Cannot reweight a problem with zero weight. Problem: " + str(instance_module))
log.exception("Cannot reweight a problem with zero total points. Problem: " + str(instance_module))
return (correct, total)
correct = correct * weight / total
total = weight
# django management command: dump grades to csv files
# for use by batch processes
import os, sys, string
import datetime
import json
from instructor.views import *
from import get_course_by_id
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from django.conf import settings
from import BaseCommand
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "dump grades to CSV file. Usage: dump_grades course_id_or_dir filename dump_type\n"
help += " course_id_or_dir: either course_id or course_dir\n"
help += " filename: where the output CSV is to be stored\n"
# help += " start_date: end date as M/D/Y H:M (defaults to end of available data)"
help += " dump_type: 'all' or 'raw' (see instructor dashboard)"
def handle(self, *args, **options):
# current grading logic and data schema doesn't handle dates
# datetime.strptime("21/11/06 16:30", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M")
print "args = ", args
course_id = 'MITx/8.01rq_MW/Classical_Mechanics_Reading_Questions_Fall_2012_MW_Section'
fn = "grades.csv"
get_raw_scores = False
if len(args)>0:
course_id = args[0]
if len(args)>1:
fn = args[1]
if len(args)>2:
get_raw_scores = args[2].lower()=='raw'
request = self.DummyRequest()
course = get_course_by_id(course_id)
except Exception as err:
if course_id in modulestore().courses:
course = modulestore().courses[course_id]
print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Sorry, cannot find course %s" % course_id
print "Please provide a course ID or course data directory name, eg content-mit-801rq"
print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Dumping grades from %s to file %s (get_raw_scores=%s)" % (, fn, get_raw_scores)
datatable = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course,, get_raw_scores=get_raw_scores)
fp = open(fn,'w')
writer = csv.writer(fp, dialect='excel', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
for datarow in datatable['data']:
encoded_row = [unicode(s).encode('utf-8') for s in datarow]
print "Done: %d records dumped" % len(datatable['data'])
class DummyRequest(object):
META = {}
def __init__(self):
def get_host(self):
return ''
def is_secure(self):
return False
......@@ -65,16 +65,19 @@ ${progress_graph.body(grade_summary, course.grade_cutoffs, "grade-detail-graph")
%if len(section['scores']) > 0:
<section class="scores">
<section class="scores">
%if len(section['scores']) > 0:
<h3> ${ "Problem Scores: " if section['graded'] else "Practice Scores: "} </h3>
%for score in section['scores']:
<h3 class="no-scores"> No problem scores in this section </h3>
</li> <!--End section-->
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ if settings.MITX_FEATURES.get('AUTH_USE_OPENID'):
urlpatterns += (
url(r'^openid/provider/login/$', 'external_auth.views.provider_login', name='openid-provider-login'),
url(r'^openid/provider/login/(?:[\w%\. ]+)$', 'external_auth.views.provider_identity', name='openid-provider-login-identity'),
url(r'^openid/provider/login/(?:.+)$', 'external_auth.views.provider_identity', name='openid-provider-login-identity'),
url(r'^openid/provider/identity/$', 'external_auth.views.provider_identity', name='openid-provider-identity'),
url(r'^openid/provider/xrds/$', 'external_auth.views.provider_xrds', name='openid-provider-xrds')
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