Commit 715a1790 by Victor Shnayder

Merge pull request #1321 from MITx/feature/alex/drag_and_drop-mitx

Feature/alex/drag and drop mitx
parents 9790881a 91281915
......@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ import chem
import chem.chemcalc
import chem.chemtools
import chem.miller
import verifiers
import verifiers.draganddrop
import calc
from correctmap import CorrectMap
......@@ -69,7 +71,8 @@ global_context = {'random': random,
'eia': eia,
'chemcalc': chem.chemcalc,
'chemtools': chem.chemtools,
'miller': chem.miller}
'miller': chem.miller,
'draganddrop': verifiers.draganddrop}
# These should be removed from HTML output, including all subelements
html_problem_semantics = ["codeparam", "responseparam", "answer", "script", "hintgroup", "openendedparam","openendedrubric"]
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ Module containing the problem elements which render into input objects
- imageinput (for clickable image)
- optioninput (for option list)
- filesubmission (upload a file)
- crystallography
- vsepr_input
- drag_and_drop
These are matched by *.html files templates/*.html which are mako templates with the
actual html.
......@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ from lxml import etree
import re
import shlex # for splitting quoted strings
import sys
import os
from registry import TagRegistry
......@@ -692,7 +696,7 @@ class VseprInput(InputTypeBase):
def get_attributes(cls):
Note: height, width are required.
Note: height, width, molecules and geometries are required.
return [Attribute('height'),
......@@ -735,3 +739,93 @@ class ChemicalEquationInput(InputTypeBase):
class DragAndDropInput(InputTypeBase):
Input for drag and drop problems. Allows student to drag and drop images and
labels to base image.
template = 'drag_and_drop_input.html'
tags = ['drag_and_drop_input']
def setup(self):
def parse(tag, tag_type):
"""Parses <tag ... /> xml element to dictionary. Stores
'draggable' and 'target' tags with attributes to dictionary and
returns last.
tag: xml etree element <tag...> with attributes
tag_type: 'draggable' or 'target'.
If tag_type is 'draggable' : all attributes except id
(name or label or icon or can_reuse) are optional
If tag_type is 'target' all attributes (name, x, y, w, h)
are required. (x, y) - coordinates of center of target,
w, h - weight and height of target.
Dictionary of vaues of attributes:
dict{'name': smth, 'label': smth, 'icon': smth,
'can_reuse': smth}.
tag_attrs = dict()
tag_attrs['draggable'] = {'id': Attribute._sentinel,
'label': "", 'icon': "",
'can_reuse': ""}
tag_attrs['target'] = {'id': Attribute._sentinel,
'x': Attribute._sentinel,
'y': Attribute._sentinel,
'w': Attribute._sentinel,
'h': Attribute._sentinel}
dic = dict()
for attr_name in tag_attrs[tag_type].keys():
dic[attr_name] = Attribute(attr_name,
if tag_type == 'draggable' and not self.no_labels:
dic['label'] = dic['label'] or dic['id']
return dic
# add labels to images?:
self.no_labels = Attribute('no_labels',
to_js = dict()
# image drag and drop onto
to_js['base_image'] = Attribute('img').parse_from_xml(self.xml)
# outline places on image where to drag adn drop
to_js['target_outline'] = Attribute('target_outline',
# one draggable per target?
to_js['one_per_target'] = Attribute('one_per_target',
# list of draggables
to_js['draggables'] = [parse(draggable, 'draggable') for draggable in
# list of targets
to_js['targets'] = [parse(target, 'target') for target in
# custom background color for labels:
label_bg_color = Attribute('label_bg_color',
if label_bg_color:
to_js['label_bg_color'] = label_bg_color
self.loaded_attributes['drag_and_drop_json'] = json.dumps(to_js)
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ from correctmap import CorrectMap
from datetime import datetime
from util import *
from lxml import etree
from lxml.html.soupparser import fromstring as fromstring_bs # uses Beautiful Soup!!! FIXME?
from lxml.html.soupparser import fromstring as fromstring_bs # uses Beautiful Soup!!! FIXME?
import xqueue_interface
log = logging.getLogger('mitx.' + __name__)
......@@ -869,7 +869,9 @@ def sympy_check2():
response_tag = 'customresponse'
allowed_inputfields = ['textline', 'textbox', 'crystallography', 'chemicalequationinput', 'vsepr_input']
allowed_inputfields = ['textline', 'textbox', 'crystallography',
'chemicalequationinput', 'vsepr_input',
def setup_response(self):
xml = self.xml
......@@ -1044,7 +1046,7 @@ def sympy_check2():
#msg = etree.tostring(fromstring_bs(msg),pretty_print=True)
msg = msg.replace('&#13;', '')
#msg = re.sub('<html>(.*)</html>','\\1',msg,flags=re.M|re.DOTALL) # python 2.7
#msg = re.sub('<html>(.*)</html>','\\1',msg,flags=re.M|re.DOTALL) # python 2.7
msg = re.sub('(?ms)<html>(.*)</html>', '\\1', msg)
messages[0] = msg
......@@ -1763,7 +1765,7 @@ class ImageResponse(LoncapaResponse):
def get_score(self, student_answers):
correct_map = CorrectMap()
expectedset = self.get_answers()
for aid in self.answer_ids: # loop through IDs of <imageinput>
for aid in self.answer_ids: # loop through IDs of <imageinput>
# fields in our stanza
given = student_answers[aid] # this should be a string of the form '[x,y]'
correct_map.set(aid, 'incorrect')
<section id="inputtype_${id}" class="capa_inputtype" >
<div class="drag_and_drop_problem_div" id="drag_and_drop_div_${id}"
<div class="drag_and_drop_problem_json" id="drag_and_drop_json_${id}"
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="/static/js/capa/drag_and_drop.js"></div>
% if status == 'unsubmitted':
<div class="unanswered" id="status_${id}">
% elif status == 'correct':
<div class="correct" id="status_${id}">
% elif status == 'incorrect':
<div class="incorrect" id="status_${id}">
% elif status == 'incomplete':
<div class="incorrect" id="status_${id}">
% endif
<input type="text" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" value="${value|h}"
<p class="status">
% if status == 'unsubmitted':
% elif status == 'correct':
% elif status == 'incorrect':
% elif status == 'incomplete':
% endif
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
% if msg:
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
% endif
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
% endif
......@@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ TODO:
- check rendering -- e.g. msg should appear in the rendered output. If possible, test that
templates are escaping things properly.
- test unicode in values, parameters, etc.
- test various html escapes
- test funny xml chars -- should never get xml parse error if things are escaped properly.
import json
from lxml import etree
import unittest
import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
......@@ -501,3 +502,70 @@ class ChemicalEquationTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
class DragAndDropTest(unittest.TestCase):
Check that drag and drop inputs work
def test_rendering(self):
path_to_images = '/static/images/'
xml_str = """
<drag_and_drop_input id="prob_1_2" img="{path}about_1.png" target_outline="false">
<draggable id="1" label="Label 1"/>
<draggable id="name_with_icon" label="cc" icon="{path}cc.jpg"/>
<draggable id="with_icon" label="arrow-left" icon="{path}arrow-left.png" />
<draggable id="5" label="Label2" />
<draggable id="2" label="Mute" icon="{path}mute.png" />
<draggable id="name_label_icon3" label="spinner" icon="{path}spinner.gif" />
<draggable id="name4" label="Star" icon="{path}volume.png" />
<draggable id="7" label="Label3" />
<target id="t1" x="210" y="90" w="90" h="90"/>
<target id="t2" x="370" y="160" w="90" h="90"/>
element = etree.fromstring(xml_str)
value = 'abc'
state = {'value': value,
'status': 'unsubmitted'}
user_input = { # order matters, for string comparison
"target_outline": "false",
"base_image": "/static/images/about_1.png",
"draggables": [
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Label 1", "id": "1", "icon": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "cc", "id": "name_with_icon", "icon": "/static/images/cc.jpg", },
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "arrow-left", "id": "with_icon", "icon": "/static/images/arrow-left.png", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Label2", "id": "5", "icon": "", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Mute", "id": "2", "icon": "/static/images/mute.png", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "spinner", "id": "name_label_icon3", "icon": "/static/images/spinner.gif", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Star", "id": "name4", "icon": "/static/images/volume.png", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Label3", "id": "7", "icon": "", "can_reuse": ""}],
"one_per_target": "True",
"targets": [
{"y": "90", "x": "210", "id": "t1", "w": "90", "h": "90"},
{"y": "160", "x": "370", "id": "t2", "w": "90", "h": "90"}
the_input = lookup_tag('drag_and_drop_input')(test_system, element, state)
context = the_input._get_render_context()
expected = {'id': 'prob_1_2',
'value': value,
'status': 'unsubmitted',
'msg': '',
'drag_and_drop_json': json.dumps(user_input)
# as we are dumping 'draggables' dicts while dumping user_input, string
# comparison will fail, as order of keys is random.
self.assertEqual(json.loads(context['drag_and_drop_json']), user_input)
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
......@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
'js': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/imageinput.js'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/schematic.js')]}
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/schematic.js')
js_module_name = "Problem"
css = {'scss': [resource_string(__name__, 'css/capa/display.scss')]}
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
'baseUrl': '/static/js/capa/drag_and_drop/'
// The current JS file will be loaded and run each time. It will require a
// single dependency which will be loaded and stored by RequireJS. On
// subsequent runs, RequireJS will return the dependency from memory, rather
// than loading it again from the server. For that reason, it is a good idea to
// keep the current JS file as small as possible, and move everything else into
// RequireJS module dependencies.
requirejs(['main'], function (Main) {
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return BaseImage;
function BaseImage(state) {
var baseImageElContainer;
baseImageElContainer = $(
'<div ' +
'class="base_image_container" ' +
'style=" ' +
'position: relative; ' +
'margin-bottom: 25px; ' +
'margin-left: auto; ' +
'margin-right: auto; ' +
'" ' +
state.baseImageEl = $('<img />');
state.baseImageEl.attr('src', state.config.baseImage);
state.baseImageEl.load(function () {
'width': this.width,
'height': this.height
state.baseImageEl.mousedown(function (event) {
state.baseImageLoaded = true;
state.baseImageEl.error(function () {
logme('ERROR: Image "' + state.config.baseImage + '" was not found!');
'<span style="color: red;">' +
'ERROR: Image "' + state.config.baseImage + '" was not found!' +
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return configParser;
function configParser(state, config) {
state.config = {
'draggables': [],
'baseImage': '',
'targets': [],
'onePerTarget': null, // Specified by user. No default.
'targetOutline': true,
'labelBgColor': '#d6d6d6',
'individualTargets': null, // Depends on 'targets'.
'errors': 0 // Number of errors found while parsing config.
getDraggables(state, config);
getBaseImage(state, config);
getTargets(state, config);
getOnePerTarget(state, config);
getTargetOutline(state, config);
getLabelBgColor(state, config);
if (state.config.errors !== 0) {
return false;
return true;
function getDraggables(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('draggables') === false) {
logme('ERROR: "config" does not have a property "draggables".');
state.config.errors += 1;
} else if ($.isArray(config.draggables) === true) {
(function (i) {
while (i < config.draggables.length) {
if (processDraggable(state, config.draggables[i]) !== true) {
state.config.errors += 1;
i += 1;
} else if ($.isPlainObject(config.draggables) === true) {
if (processDraggable(state, config.draggables) !== true) {
state.config.errors += 1;
} else {
logme('ERROR: The type of config.draggables is no supported.');
state.config.errors += 1;
function getBaseImage(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('base_image') === false) {
logme('ERROR: "config" does not have a property "base_image".');
state.config.errors += 1;
} else if (typeof config.base_image === 'string') {
state.config.baseImage = config.base_image;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.base_image is not of type "string".');
state.config.errors += 1;
function getTargets(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('targets') === false) {
// It is possible that no "targets" were specified. This is not an error.
// In this case the default value of "[]" (empty array) will be used.
// Draggables can be positioned anywhere on the image, and the server will
// get an answer in the form of (x, y) coordinates for each draggable.
} else if ($.isArray(config.targets) === true) {
(function (i) {
while (i < config.targets.length) {
if (processTarget(state, config.targets[i]) !== true) {
state.config.errors += 1;
i += 1;
} else if ($.isPlainObject(config.targets) === true) {
if (processTarget(state, config.targets) !== true) {
state.config.errors += 1;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.targets is not of a supported type.');
state.config.errors += 1;
function getOnePerTarget(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('one_per_target') === false) {
logme('ERROR: "config" does not have a property "one_per_target".');
state.config.errors += 1;
} else if (typeof config.one_per_target === 'string') {
if (config.one_per_target.toLowerCase() === 'true') {
state.config.onePerTarget = true;
} else if (config.one_per_target.toLowerCase() === 'false') {
state.config.onePerTarget = false;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.one_per_target can either be "true", or "false".');
state.config.errors += 1;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.one_per_target is not of a supported type.');
state.config.errors += 1;
function getTargetOutline(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('target_outline') === false) {
// It is possible that no "target_outline" was specified. This is not an error.
// In this case the default value of 'true' (boolean) will be used.
} else if (typeof config.target_outline === 'string') {
if (config.target_outline.toLowerCase() === 'true') {
state.config.targetOutline = true;
} else if (config.target_outline.toLowerCase() === 'false') {
state.config.targetOutline = false;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.target_outline can either be "true", or "false".');
state.config.errors += 1;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.target_outline is not of a supported type.');
state.config.errors += 1;
function getLabelBgColor(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('label_bg_color') === false) {
// It is possible that no "label_bg_color" was specified. This is not an error.
// In this case the default value of '#d6d6d6' (string) will be used.
} else if (typeof config.label_bg_color === 'string') {
state.config.labelBgColor = config.label_bg_color;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.label_bg_color is not of a supported type.');
returnStatus = false;
function setIndividualTargets(state) {
if (state.config.targets.length === 0) {
state.config.individualTargets = false;
} else {
state.config.individualTargets = true;
function processDraggable(state, obj) {
if (
(attrIsString(obj, 'id') === false) ||
(attrIsString(obj, 'icon') === false) ||
(attrIsString(obj, 'label') === false) ||
(attrIsBoolean(obj, 'can_reuse', false) === false)
) {
return false;
return true;
function processTarget(state, obj) {
if (
(attrIsString(obj, 'id') === false) ||
(attrIsInteger(obj, 'w') === false) ||
(attrIsInteger(obj, 'h') === false) ||
(attrIsInteger(obj, 'x') === false) ||
(attrIsInteger(obj, 'y') === false)
) {
return false;
return true;
function attrIsString(obj, attr) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr) === false) {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not present.');
return false;
} else if (typeof obj[attr] !== 'string') {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not a string.');
return false;
return true;
function attrIsInteger(obj, attr) {
var tempInt;
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr) === false) {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not present.');
return false;
tempInt = parseInt(obj[attr], 10);
if (isFinite(tempInt) === false) {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not an integer.');
return false;
obj[attr] = tempInt;
return true;
function attrIsBoolean(obj, attr, defaultVal) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr) === false) {
if (defaultVal === undefined) {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not present.');
return false;
} else {
obj[attr] = defaultVal;
return true;
if (obj[attr] === '') {
obj[attr] = defaultVal;
} else if ((obj[attr] === 'false') || (obj[attr] === false)) {
obj[attr] = false;
} else if ((obj[attr] === 'true') || (obj[attr] === true)) {
obj[attr] = true;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not a boolean.');
return false;
return true;
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return Container;
function Container(state) {
state.containerEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'clear: both; ' +
'width: 665px; ' +
'margin-left: auto; ' +
'margin-right: auto; ' +
'" ' +
$('#inputtype_' + state.problemId).before(state.containerEl);
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define([], function () {
var debugMode;
debugMode = true;
return logme;
function logme() {
var i;
if (
(debugMode !== true) ||
(typeof window.console === 'undefined')
) {
i = 0;
while (i < arguments.length) {
i += 1;
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
['logme', 'state', 'config_parser', 'container', 'base_image', 'scroller', 'draggables', 'targets', 'update_input'],
function (logme, State, configParser, Container, BaseImage, Scroller, Draggables, Targets, updateInput) {
return Main;
function Main() {
// $(value) - get the element of the entire problem
function processProblem(index, value) {
var problemId, config, state;
if ($(value).attr('data-problem-processed') === 'true') {
// This problem was already processed by us before, so we will
// skip it.
$(value).attr('data-problem-processed', 'true');
problemId = $(value).attr('data-plain-id');
if (typeof problemId !== 'string') {
logme('ERROR: Could not find the ID of the problem DOM element.');
try {
config = JSON.parse($('#drag_and_drop_json_' + problemId).html());
} catch (err) {
logme('ERROR: Could not parse the JSON configuration options.');
logme('Error message: "' + err.message + '".');
state = State(problemId);
if (configParser(state, config) !== true) {
logme('ERROR: Could not make sense of the JSON configuration options.');
(function addContent() {
if (state.baseImageLoaded !== true) {
setTimeout(addContent, 50);
// Update the input element, checking first that it is not filled with
// an answer from the server.
if (updateInput.check(state) === false) {
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return Scroller;
function Scroller(state) {
var parentEl, moveLeftEl, showEl, moveRightEl, showElLeftMargin;
parentEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 665px; ' +
'height: 102px; ' +
'margin-left: auto; ' +
'margin-right: auto; ' +
'" ' +
moveLeftEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 40px; ' +
'height: 102px; ' +
'display: inline; ' +
'float: left; ' +
'" ' +
'>' +
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 38px; ' +
'height: 100px; '+
'border: 1px solid #CCC; ' +
'background-color: #EEE; ' +
'background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) inset; ' +
'box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) inset; ' +
'background-image: url(\'/static/images/arrow-left.png\'); ' +
'background-position: center center; ' +
'background-repeat: no-repeat; ' +
'" ' +
'></div>' +
// The below is necessary to prevent the browser thinking that we want
// to perform a drag operation, or a highlight operation. If we don't
// do this, the browser will then highlight with a gray shade the
// element.
moveLeftEl.mousemove(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); });
moveLeftEl.mousedown(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); });
// This event will be responsible for moving the scroller left.
// Hidden draggables will be shown.
moveLeftEl.mouseup(function (event) {
// When there are no more hidden draggables, prevent from
// scrolling infinitely.
if (showElLeftMargin > -102) {
showElLeftMargin += 102;
// We scroll by changing the 'margin-left' CSS property smoothly.
'margin-left': showElLeftMargin + 'px'
}, 100, function () {
showEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 585px; ' +
'height: 102px; ' +
'overflow: hidden; ' +
'display: inline; ' +
'float: left; ' +
'" ' +
showElLeftMargin = 0;
// Element where the draggables will be contained. It is very long
// so that any SANE number of draggables will fit in a single row. It
// will be contained in a parent element whose 'overflow' CSS value
// will be hidden, preventing the long row from fully being visible.
state.sliderEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 20000px; ' +
'height: 100px; ' +
'border-top: 1px solid #CCC; ' +
'border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; ' +
'" ' +
state.sliderEl.mousedown(function (event) {
moveRightEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 40px; ' +
'height: 102px; ' +
'display: inline; ' +
'float: left; ' +
'" ' +
'>' +
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 38px; ' +
'height: 100px; '+
'border: 1px solid #CCC; ' +
'background-color: #EEE; ' +
'background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) inset; ' +
'box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) inset; ' +
'background-image: url(\'/static/images/arrow-right.png\'); ' +
'background-position: center center; ' +
'background-repeat: no-repeat; ' +
'" ' +
'></div>' +
// The below is necessary to prevent the browser thinking that we want
// to perform a drag operation, or a highlight operation. If we don't
// do this, the browser will then highlight with a gray shade the
// element.
moveRightEl.mousemove(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); });
moveRightEl.mousedown(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); });
// This event will be responsible for moving the scroller right.
// Hidden draggables will be shown.
moveRightEl.mouseup(function (event) {
// When there are no more hidden draggables, prevent from
// scrolling infinitely.
if (showElLeftMargin < -102 * (state.numDraggablesInSlider - 6)) {
showElLeftMargin -= 102;
// We scroll by changing the 'margin-left' CSS property smoothly.
'margin-left': showElLeftMargin + 'px'
}, 100, function () {
// Make the function available throughout the application. We need to
// call it in several places:
// 1.) When initially reading answer from server, if draggables will be
// positioned on the base image, the scroller's right and left arrows
// opacity must be updated.
// 2.) When creating draggable elements, the scroller's right and left
// arrows opacity must be updated according to the number of
// draggables.
state.updateArrowOpacity = updateArrowOpacity;
function updateArrowOpacity() {
moveLeftEl.children('div').css('opacity', '1');
moveRightEl.children('div').css('opacity', '1');
if (showElLeftMargin < -102 * (state.numDraggablesInSlider - 6)) {
moveRightEl.children('div').css('opacity', '.4');
if (showElLeftMargin > -102) {
moveLeftEl.children('div').css('opacity', '.4');
} // End-of: function Scroller(state)
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define([], function () {
return State;
function State(problemId) {
var state;
state = {
'config': null,
'baseImageEl': null,
'baseImageLoaded': false,
'containerEl': null,
'sliderEl': null,
'problemId': problemId,
'draggables': [],
'numDraggablesInSlider': 0,
'currentMovingDraggable': null,
'targets': [],
'updateArrowOpacity': null,
'uniqueId': 0,
'salt': makeSalt(),
'getUniqueId': getUniqueId
$(document).mousemove(function (event) {
documentMouseMove(state, event);
return state;
function getUniqueId() {
this.uniqueId += 1;
return this.salt + '_' + this.uniqueId.toFixed(0);
function makeSalt() {
var text, possible, i;
text = '';
possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
for(i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
function documentMouseMove(state, event) {
if (state.currentMovingDraggable !== null) {
event.pageX -
state.baseImageEl.offset().left -
state.currentMovingDraggable.iconWidth * 0.5
- state.currentMovingDraggable.iconElLeftOffset
event.pageY -
state.baseImageEl.offset().top -
state.currentMovingDraggable.iconHeight * 0.5
if (state.currentMovingDraggable.labelEl !== null) {
event.pageX -
state.baseImageEl.offset().left -
state.currentMovingDraggable.labelWidth * 0.5
- 9 // Account for padding, border.
event.pageY -
state.baseImageEl.offset().top +
state.currentMovingDraggable.iconHeight * 0.5 +
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return Targets;
function Targets(state) {
(function (c1) {
while (c1 < state.config.targets.length) {
processTarget(state, state.config.targets[c1]);
c1 += 1;
function processTarget(state, obj) {
var targetEl, borderCss, numTextEl, targetObj;
borderCss = '';
if (state.config.targetOutline === true) {
borderCss = 'border: 1px dashed gray; ';
targetEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'display: block; ' +
'position: absolute; ' +
'width: ' + obj.w + 'px; ' +
'height: ' + obj.h + 'px; ' +
'top: ' + obj.y + 'px; ' +
'left: ' + obj.x + 'px; ' +
borderCss +
'" ' +
targetEl.mousedown(function (event) {
if (state.config.onePerTarget === false) {
numTextEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'display: block; ' +
'position: absolute; ' +
'width: 24px; ' +
'height: 24px; ' +
'top: ' + obj.y + 'px; ' +
'left: ' + (obj.x + obj.w - 24) + 'px; ' +
'border: 1px solid black; ' +
'text-align: center; ' +
'z-index: 500; ' +
'background-color: white; ' +
'font-size: 0.95em; ' +
'color: #009fe2; ' +
'cursor: pointer; ' +
'" ' +
} else {
numTextEl = null;
targetObj = {
'w': obj.w,
'h': obj.h,
'el': targetEl,
'offset': targetEl.position(),
'draggableList': [],
'state': state,
'targetEl': targetEl,
'numTextEl': numTextEl,
'updateNumTextEl': updateNumTextEl,
'removeDraggable': removeDraggable,
'addDraggable': addDraggable
if (state.config.onePerTarget === false) {
numTextEl.mousedown(function (event) {
numTextEl.mouseup(function () {
function removeDraggable(draggable) {
var c1;
this.draggableList.splice(draggable.onTargetIndex, 1);
// An item from the array was removed. We need to updated all indexes accordingly.
// Shift all indexes down by one if they are higher than the index of the removed item.
c1 = 0;
while (c1 < this.draggableList.length) {
if (this.draggableList[c1].onTargetIndex > draggable.onTargetIndex) {
this.draggableList[c1].onTargetIndex -= 1;
c1 += 1;
draggable.onTarget = null;
draggable.onTargetIndex = null;
function addDraggable(draggable) {
draggable.onTarget = this;
draggable.onTargetIndex = this.draggableList.push(draggable) - 1;
* function cycleDraggableOrder
* Parameters:
* none - This function does not expect any parameters.
* Returns:
* undefined - The return value of this function is not used.
* Description:
* Go through all draggables that are on the current target, and decrease their
* z-index by 1, making sure that the bottom-most draggable ends up on the top.
function cycleDraggableOrder() {
var c1, lowestZIndex, highestZIndex;
if (this.draggableList.length < 2) {
highestZIndex = -10000;
lowestZIndex = 10000;
for (c1 = 0; c1 < this.draggableList.length; c1 += 1) {
if (this.draggableList[c1].zIndex < lowestZIndex) {
lowestZIndex = this.draggableList[c1].zIndex;
if (this.draggableList[c1].zIndex > highestZIndex) {
highestZIndex = this.draggableList[c1].zIndex;
for (c1 = 0; c1 < this.draggableList.length; c1 += 1) {
if (this.draggableList[c1].zIndex === lowestZIndex) {
this.draggableList[c1].zIndex = highestZIndex;
} else {
this.draggableList[c1].zIndex -= 1;
this.draggableList[c1].iconEl.css('z-index', this.draggableList[c1].zIndex);
if (this.draggableList[c1].labelEl !== null) {
this.draggableList[c1].labelEl.css('z-index', this.draggableList[c1].zIndex);
function updateNumTextEl() {
if (this.numTextEl !== null) {
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return {
'check': check,
'update': update
function update(state) {
var draggables, tempObj;
draggables = [];
if (state.config.individualTargets === false) {
(function (c1) {
while (c1 < state.draggables.length) {
if (state.draggables[c1].x !== -1) {
tempObj = {};
tempObj[state.draggables[c1].id] = [
tempObj = null;
c1 += 1;
} else {
(function (c1) {
while (c1 < state.targets.length) {
(function (c2) {
while (c2 < state.targets[c1].draggableList.length) {
tempObj = {};
tempObj[state.targets[c1].draggableList[c2].id] = state.targets[c1].id;
tempObj = null;
c2 += 1;
c1 += 1;
$('#input_' + state.problemId).val(JSON.stringify({'draggables': draggables}));
// Check if input has an answer from server. If yes, then position
// all draggables according to answer.
function check(state) {
var inputElVal;
inputElVal = $('#input_' + state.problemId).val();
if (inputElVal.length === 0) {
return false;
repositionDraggables(state, JSON.parse(inputElVal));
return true;
function getUseTargets(answer) {
if ($.isArray(answer.draggables) === false) {
logme('ERROR: answer.draggables is not an array.');
} else if (answer.draggables.length === 0) {
if ($.isPlainObject(answer.draggables[0]) === false) {
logme('ERROR: answer.draggables array does not contain objects.');
for (c1 in answer.draggables[0]) {
if (answer.draggables[0].hasOwnProperty(c1) === false) {
if (typeof answer.draggables[0][c1] === 'string') {
// use_targets = true;
return true;
} else if (
($.isArray(answer.draggables[0][c1]) === true) &&
(answer.draggables[0][c1].length === 2)
) {
// use_targets = false;
return false;
} else {
logme('ERROR: answer.draggables[0] is inconsidtent.');
logme('ERROR: answer.draggables[0] is an empty object.');
function processAnswerTargets(state, answer) {
var draggableId, draggable, targetId, target;
(function (c1) {
while (c1 < answer.draggables.length) {
for (draggableId in answer.draggables[c1]) {
if (answer.draggables[c1].hasOwnProperty(draggableId) === false) {
if ((draggable = getById(state, 'draggables', draggableId)) === null) {
'ERROR: In answer there exists a ' +
'draggable ID "' + draggableId + '". No ' +
'draggable with this ID could be found.'
targetId = answer.draggables[c1][draggableId];
if ((target = getById(state, 'targets', targetId)) === null) {
'ERROR: In answer there exists a target ' +
'ID "' + targetId + '". No target with this ' +
'ID could be found.'
draggable.moveDraggableTo('target', target);
c1 += 1;
function processAnswerPositions(state, answer) {
var draggableId, draggable;
(function (c1) {
while (c1 < answer.draggables.length) {
for (draggableId in answer.draggables[c1]) {
if (answer.draggables[c1].hasOwnProperty(draggableId) === false) {
if ((draggable = getById(state, 'draggables', draggableId)) === null) {
'ERROR: In answer there exists a ' +
'draggable ID "' + draggableId + '". No ' +
'draggable with this ID could be found.'
draggable.moveDraggableTo('XY', {
'x': answer.draggables[c1][draggableId][0],
'y': answer.draggables[c1][draggableId][1]
c1 += 1;
function repositionDraggables(state, answer) {
if (answer.draggables.length === 0) {
if (state.config.individualTargets !== getUseTargets(answer)) {
logme('ERROR: JSON config is not consistent with server response.');
if (state.config.individualTargets === true) {
processAnswerTargets(state, answer);
} else if (state.config.individualTargets === false) {
processAnswerPositions(state, answer);
function getById(state, type, id) {
return (function (c1) {
while (c1 < state[type].length) {
if (type === 'draggables') {
if ((state[type][c1].id === id) && (state[type][c1].isOriginal === true)) {
return state[type][c1];
} else { // 'targets'
if (state[type][c1].id === id) {
return state[type][c1];
c1 += 1;
return null;
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
......@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ Contents:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -432,6 +432,8 @@ courseware_only_js += [
in glob2.glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static/coffee/src/modules/**/*.coffee')
# 'js/vendor/RequireJS.js' - Require JS wrapper.
# See
main_vendor_js = [
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