Commit 714da6ab by zubiar-arbi

Enable/disable unicodes in course id's

parent 70233a96
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#pylint: disable=E1101
import json
......@@ -1423,6 +1424,15 @@ class ContentStoreTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
self.assertTrue(CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(self.user, _get_course_id(test_course_data)))
return test_course_data
def assert_create_course_failed(self, error_message):
Checks that the course not created.
resp = self.client.ajax_post('/course', self.course_data)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400)
data = parse_json(resp)
self.assertEqual(data['error'], error_message)
def test_create_course_check_forum_seeding(self):
"""Test new course creation and verify forum seeding """
test_course_data = self.assert_created_course(number_suffix=uuid4().hex)
......@@ -1562,6 +1572,21 @@ class ContentStoreTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
auth.add_users(self.user, CourseCreatorRole(), self.user)
def test_create_course_with_unicode_in_id_disabled(self):
Test new course creation with feature setting: ALLOW_UNICODE_COURSE_ID disabled.
with mock.patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ALLOW_UNICODE_COURSE_ID': False}):
error_message = "Special characters not allowed in organization, course number, and course run."
self.course_data['org'] = u'Юникода'
self.course_data['number'] = u'échantillon'
self.course_data['run'] = u'όνομα'
def assert_course_permission_denied(self):
Checks that the course did not get created due to a PermissionError.
......@@ -2073,7 +2098,7 @@ def _course_factory_create_course():
def _get_course_id(test_course_data):
"""Returns the course ID (org/number/run)."""
return "{org}/{number}/{run}".format(**test_course_data)
return u"{org}/{number}/{run}".format(**test_course_data)
def _test_no_locations(test, resp, status_code=200, html=True):
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from models.settings.course_details import CourseDetails, CourseSettingsEncoder
from models.settings.course_grading import CourseGradingModel
from models.settings.course_metadata import CourseMetadata
from util.json_request import expect_json
from util.string_utils import _has_non_ascii_characters
from .access import has_course_access
from .tabs import initialize_course_tabs
......@@ -266,6 +267,7 @@ def course_listing(request):
'user': request.user,
'request_course_creator_url': reverse('contentstore.views.request_course_creator'),
'course_creator_status': _get_course_creator_status(request.user),
'allow_unicode_course_id': settings.FEATURES.get('ALLOW_UNICODE_COURSE_ID', False)
......@@ -313,6 +315,14 @@ def create_new_course(request):
display_name = request.json.get('display_name')
run = request.json.get('run')
# allow/disable unicode characters in course_id according to settings
if not settings.FEATURES.get('ALLOW_UNICODE_COURSE_ID'):
if _has_non_ascii_characters(org) or _has_non_ascii_characters(number) or _has_non_ascii_characters(run):
return JsonResponse(
{'error': _('Special characters not allowed in organization, course number, and course run.')},
dest_location = Location(u'i4x', org, number, u'course', run)
except InvalidLocationError as error:
......@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ FEATURES = {
# Turn on/off Microsites feature
# Allow creating courses with non-ascii characters in the course id
......@@ -84,8 +84,15 @@ require(["domReady", "jquery", "underscore", "js/utils/cancel_on_escape"],
if (required) {
return required;
if (/\s/g.test(item)) {
return gettext('Please do not use any spaces in this field.');
if ($('.allow-unicode-course-id').val() === 'True'){
if (/\s/g.test(item)) {
return gettext('Please do not use any spaces in this field.');
if (item !== encodeURIComponent(item)) {
return gettext('Please do not use any spaces or special characters in this field.');
return '';
......@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ require(["domReady!", "jquery", "jquery.form", "js/index"], function(doc, $) {
<div class="actions">
<input type="hidden" value="${ allow_unicode_course_id }" class="allow-unicode-course-id" />
<input type="submit" value="${_('Create')}" class="action action-primary new-course-save" />
<input type="button" value="${_('Cancel')}" class="action action-secondary action-cancel new-course-cancel" />
......@@ -10,3 +10,17 @@ def str_to_bool(str):
An error will be thrown for non-string input (besides None).
return False if str is None else str.lower() == "true"
def _has_non_ascii_characters(data_string):
Check if provided string contains non ascii characters
:param data_string: basestring or unicode object
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return True
return False
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