Commit 6ed8dcda by Troy Sankey Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #14479 from edx/pwnage101/update-custom-metrics-docstrings

improve docstrings for newrelic_custom_metrics middleware
parents 9be31918 cb122fc0
......@@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ example:
There is no need to do anything else. The metrics are automatically cleared
before the next request.
We try to keep track of our custom metrics at:
TODO: supply additional public functions for storing strings and booleans.
from newrelic_custom_metrics import middleware
......@@ -16,19 +22,22 @@ from newrelic_custom_metrics import middleware
def accumulate(name, value):
Queue up a custom New Relic metric for the current request. At the end of
the request, the newrelic_custom_metrics middleware will batch report all
queued metrics to NR.
Accumulate custom New Relic metric for the current request.
Q: What style of names should I use?
A: Metric names should be comma delimited, becoming more specific from left
to right.
Q: What type can values be?
A: numbers only.
Q: What happens when I call this multiple times with the same name?
A: Like-named metrics will be accumulated using the sum.
The named metric is accumulated by a numerical amount using the sum. All
metrics are queued up in the request_cache for this request. At the end of
the request, the newrelic_custom_metrics middleware will batch report all
queued accumulated metrics to NR.
name (str): The metric name. It should be period-delimited, and
increase in specificty from left to right. For example:
value (number): The amount to accumulate into the named metric. When
accumulate() is called multiple times for a given metric name
during a request, the sum of the values for each call is reported
for that metric. For metrics which don't make sense to accumulate,
make sure to only call this function once during a request.
middleware.NewRelicCustomMetrics.accumulate_metric(name, value)
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